Thursday, December 2, 2010

Learn Spanish through the study of cognates

I never in my hands "around" the French language. I have ten months in France, the U.S. Army, hours and hours sitting in cafes on the Champs Elysees and watch French women with sachet is unique because only the French women. I took eighteen college units in French, six courses in all, and managed to memorize my way to earn a past Educational Testing Service written exam in French. But I never understood the French.

With the exception of taking"No-doze" and help the countries growing coffee just before midterms and finals, I have a lot 'of time spent cognates hate the French because in French you never know when a "false friend". You see, in French, in-laws are the equivalent of revenge Spanish verbs, IR and SER. The reason is that there are many French words masquerading as cognates that "false friends" in reality, the words look the same as in English, but have a completely different meaning,For example, in Spanish: Arena (sand, sand), Exito (result, the success, not out) and gracioso, for example, (funny, not graceful) (for example, stands for exempla gratia and means " for example).

In fact, when I put up with cognates and false friends while studying French as the price that Americans are mono-lingual to be paid to the control tower across the Louisiana Purchase from France for less than three cents per acre.

So every time you hear the Eskimos of Alaskacomplain that robbed them remember how lucky they are more than twice as much (seven cents per acre) to Uncle Sam in the purchase of Alaska for Seward's Folly, we paid the French for Louisiana. Well, I guess that explains why the Eskimos have not taken any revenge on us! Having disposed of the long historical misunderstanding, Manos a la obra - we come to learn Spanish and focusing on related services.

II. Seven types of cognates that supportLearn Spanish

Part One

First, let me dispel one thing: Do not believe for one minute that our seven categories have nothing to do with the 'have' Seven Wonders of the World. "So if you're going to be disappointed by reading a lost cause before settling. we have enough fools in this world to go "postal", and I do not consciously or unconsciously, contribute to more crazy - some would say eccentric, but I for a rejection of any discussionAbout George W. Bush. This is a serious scientific stuff for Christ's sake! To cut!

Here are the following seven types similar that I would like to discuss

(1) Real cognates, (2) cognates like, (3) Misleading cognates, (4) A code and the like (50 cognates Prefix B, (6) Type-laws, and, most importantly, (7) Disconnect the like.

A type of cognates

Real cognates

This fog, we can only give you some examples. Rica, where coursesstudents enroll for a month or more, provide them with over 1000 cognates to help them learn Spanish. (For a free list of cognates, e-mail me personally: ".. Request cognates" sure to include in the subject)

Real cognates are words that have the same spelling and the same
meaning in both languages. It can not be so easy to learn Spanish?
Of course not! Those of us who have embraced the efforts and sacrifices, some say the victim ofpunishment, for learning Spanish should not be hijacked by our leaders sacrifice excuse in the world. Now, to work and learn Spanish!

. real cognates are words such as:

normal natural vision horror humor

Total fatal scent probably normal

terrible terrible actor Sector Director

Inevitable natural personal ideal formal

Forgive me for leaving the "terror" word, but frankly I'm tired of hearingthe word. Let's just life, or states such as Adidas, hazlo!
If you do not like the title of this article, "Real related, feel free to change cognates likelihood. God forbid that I am accused of anti-intellectual! I'm just trying to keep things simple.

Two types of cognates

cognates like

You can quickly learn Spanish, if you are in the habit of associating
words to determine their meaning. cognates are words like that around the samealmost the same meaning and spelling in Spanish and English. I made clear to the reader that we are actually talking about Spanish and English here. I decided to leave France to the French.

cognates are similar:

victima efecto Instinto tomate comic hero Discipline Accidente público medicine Aspirin humano individual customer necesaria frecuente Continent Distinguished academic staff

L 'It should be noted that I have not spoken, "imbecil". I do not wanta politics here!

Three types of cognates

Deceptive cognates

deceptive cognates are words that form, but have a

entirely different meaning. These words of the phrase "learning Spanish has never been easier" upside down. Allow me to introduce myself perfectly clear.
Here: deceptive cognates have nothing to do with false and misleading claims about weapons of mass destruction, allegations ofsecreting chemical weapons, or these words have something to do with the intelligence that led to war against Iraq the United States'. So please do not think I will make comments like: ". I have not had sex with that woman" I do not think that this is nonsense like this: "He had sex with me, but I never had sex with her!" Or I do not know the meaning of "is" is. Get a grip. This is serious stuff. RICA is all about learning Spanish, not to flipnonsense.

However, I never really understood the word 'is'. So, unlike many smart asses around, I have something to remember killer of two letters. This is not a political tract. Let's be clear here! Cheating here means exactly what it says, just cheat. When I say "the old domain back cow on the hill," I want you to understand that I speak of "the old domain back cow on the hill", not the behavior of the morons on Capitol Hill.(Oh Lord, the word "I" slipped out!) So, to get started. Here are some cheat Spanish cognates. I do not call them false friends, because they simply would not do justice to the size of the French revenge against us with their false friends:

Asist contenders in the arena desgraciar true star

Exito gracioso agitar cafe

Four types of cognates

A prefix cognates

A prefix, if he did not know, (forgive me, I have something to write)

is aor two letters or a syllable before a word that changes, modification or changes the meaning of the word. These fall into two categories. prefixes which are "more" in "and" im "in Spanish. I have them in separate categories. The category" other "first:

canse descanso descuidar Cuida

carga descargar destornillar destorcer curl

Hacer deshacer Tiempo destiempo destapar

Type FiveCognates

in, im cognates Prefix B

In this separate category, you have Spanish prefixes "im" in "and

from time to time a prefix "A". So if you know the word without the prefix, you should have no problem recognizing the word with the prefix in front of it:

Needless useful guide felix Infelix Discreet indiscreet
Pedir inaccurate Accurate Hinder moral Inmoral
pacient diferencia impacienteindiferencia activo inactivo

Type Six cognates

Cognates suffix

suffix can be related to the meaning of an English word identification
understanding of word endings in Spanish, the English sentence to reveal. Perhaps this species has been called El Divertido Cagnato,
because you can learn Spanish, and many of them, by becoming acquainted with many permutations of the word found in this type of cognates. But first I mustramble?

It was not until I started teaching English classes (do not laugh, my minor was English degree. This may explain why the players have threatened to put a contract on me!) Go to Tico's I found that many of them do not know the meaning of the word Cognato "in Spanish.

I saw a strange expression on the faces of the students' when I talked about "Cognato. I stayed until the end of the session when I'm going to say "Cogne", and while yawning, said that the currentcagada! She laughed. They said that I thought I had said "cagada" When I called "Cogne" for them, because they never heard "bitch .. I watched the" cagada word and found that it meant "excrement," Yes, the students thought I was "droppings" used words that have the same spelling and meaning in Spanish and English to explain! I learned Spanish as a mature adult and has never had a taste for "street" Spanish. Well, for el SeñorSobrelotodo!

It 's very easy for speakers of English to recognize Spanish cognates that end with dad, tad, CIA, Cie, Zion y, Ivo, etc.

The first, the outputs of the father and TAD

Eternidad Velocidad adversidad identidad

curiosidad posibilidad facilidad comunidad

dificultad identidad comodidad posibilidad

electricidad Comunidad fatalidad

Then a couple of examples of words ending in Sion et Cie

Emociónsatisfacción Profession Admission

fraud session Geenstijl Comisión

administraciόn admiraciόn celebraciόn construcciόn

definiciόn exportaciόn generaciόn inspiraciόn

Before a heart attack, the initials "CIA" is the word endings, not the American super-fly, oops, I live super spy and the CIA "do not cry in the alley. Yes, lighter andenjoy the "CIA-cio" Super Express:

importancia ignorance Sucio Influencia

diferencia Inteligencia experiencia Violencia

Ambu launches silencio tolérance Presencia

The following outputs are similar to Ivo English

activo pasivo efectivo defensive

Agres constructivo objetivo subjetivo

expreso destructive ofensivo Cooperative

There are many, many more cognitive, like words and endings. Indeed, they are limitedreader inspiration, imitation, and intelligence. Note that I said "intelligence" last. Intelligence is much less important than inspiration and imitation. Then, you lazy asses of the world have no excuse not to learn Spanish!

Seven types of cognates

Verb cognates

Last in line, first in importance, the verb like. These are the rocket fuel
vocabulary for the student. If the student really wants to "run with the big dogs, you have to get off the porch! This is thearea you should spend at least half the time they set aside for the study similar.

Now that you have read this stuff because they have an interest in learning Spanish, no? If you are interested, I assume you are mature enough to know that you need time off to study and have goals. I never want to talk down, instead of writing to my reader. I respect that you took the time to read my comments here - and thank you. But I would be less honest with you if I wroteif I did not know that many students do not set aside time to study and most importantly the failure, not to set goals and without the two, learning Spanish is not very likely. Take time to learn the verb cognates. They cut all three types of verbs, verbs, AR, ER and IR. Here are just a few examples:

retener obtener sus mantener exponer suponer proponer

impress veterans produce Entrer affect contemplate concluir imitateDemonstrate be master atraer distraer extraer contraer

delegation shall concentrate form

rehabilitar elaborar Celebrar agitar obliges

Los verbs Cognatos y Son La Flor de Nata de dessarrollo on vocabulary. In all courses of length equal to or greater Rica month, students will receive over 1000 cognates to investigate how the process of learning Spanish instead. Intensive study of Spanish cognates makes learning much lesshard!

Good luck, buena suerte, well, bon chance. The French had the last word!

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