Sunday, October 31, 2010

Trampa Mortal (Adelanto LP2010)

Tras months Senales Perdidas Varios Nuestras noticias que Queremos informar sin Estamos the Proceso and if converted, and Grabar lo que Nuestro primer LP, este trabajo es algo nuevo sin ningun Type completaente with Relacion musical todo lo que el anterior habiamos Llevadó Acabo AUCTION moment, UN creams asi estilo asentado y Mucho Mas acordo Nales staff Nuestros tasty and personal principle, sacarlo Esperamos poder a la luz el verano Proximo. Informaremos ready de las fechas de losPrimeros conciertos. Trampa Mortal: Que esto que Creías Acaba IBA dejar que el tiempo bastaba with the separation line printing bien Iluminar No esperes a el que no hacia Río up in circulation in March, it aims to Levante ocurrirá y frente, plántale Phantom of the Dear ATRAP Que Tu Te Mind intentará Engan, do not you Puedes Escapar Tiene El UN sable y tienes you against the Fuerza puñal Acaba with the final para el cristal de mirada A A Sonrisa with the United Nations Colours humildad Escondite final on Purpose¿Eres Acasa the temp predecir the Capaz señal más Sin City? It quieres Retiro, aun tienes tiempo como Huye the UN Huiro deja el libre Cobarde fireplace, no más estorbes. El UN takes you sable y tienes against you with the Fuerza puñal Acaba El Al final para el Tiene igual of the United Nations on UN PACTO Orgullo Que Tu tienes libertad por Hablar PACTO zanjar intentes with you No, ni Siquier of escuchará Senales Perdidas Danae Dani, Raul, Satu Covi lugar y you keep, es trampa mortal

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Friday, October 29, 2010

Las Profecias Maya 7 - Profecía 1 - El Tiempo del Tiempo No

La primera nos habla profecía the "No-El Tiempo del Tiempo". A period of 20 años, un katun Llamada por ellos, los años Ultimos ESE de 5.125 años Great Solar Cycle. Es decir, desde el año 1992 hasta 2012. During this Profetizarón carried Tiempo, the Manchas Viento solar Cada vez más intensas, aparecerián en el Sol Que desde 1992, en un último Humanity enter the Period aprendizajes de Grandes, the grandes de nuestra propia conducta cambios.Que contaminación y depredaciónPlaneta, que estos Cambios a sucedieran will help.

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Thursday, October 28, 2010

you ser y pudiste renunciar a TI

UN video ke ke Pekeño Hice dos imagenes varias canciones y me encantan. Dejo algo bueno y ke escriba UNOS hare dias .... Change no puedo no puedo no puedo el Pasado ni el Futuro predecir sikiera pasar es saber ke ke ke if the Uniko aunke sea como puedo estar contigo amiga. Consuelo de Loca Enamorada a pathetic self-por que menos me the quisiste A Dia. the y por menos que aun Confianza cherish you give me gane the United Nations. Aunque ya es nada him mismo y los ya no son los mismos to Siempre Sentimientoah y voy Querer tendre en mi corazon como a los mas lindos de Recuerdos de mi vida ..... Debi ups hacer los videos individuales Nope But KEDO bonito jiji asi como dueles hayyyyyyyy Amor Amor Amor. eres el motor de vida, however, to mismo tiempo como lastimas hh

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Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Learn fluent Spanish Online

"¿Qué haces en tiempo libre me?" If you speak Spanish, you know that means: "What do you do in your spare time" Want to learn conversational Spanish online? I'm sure you do, otherwise why should you read this article. The Spaniard seems as popular as English. It feels like everyone seems to know at least one person who speaks Spanish.

There are many sites online that you can learn Spanish phrases, ifcorrect or something else you say is correct. One way to learn conversational Spanish would be a good program to learn it. And if you are an evil that can tell the owners that "Esto no funciona" or have "This is not working." It does not work if safe to say their "Quiero delvolverlo" or "I want a refund." Ok, ok I'll stop - for now.

You too can learn these simple sentences, but not you rather learn to speak correctly, but more importantlyunderstand what was being said to you? You can learn Spanish online with a good program. And 'something simply gather the sentences here and there, are what happens when you actually use them. Never had one of those moments when one of the few phrases that you know, the only other person to start a conversation with full blown leaves you wondering what exactly was said? I know because I did before. And believe me, is one of the most embarrassing things to gofrom, especially when the other person realizes that you really can not speak the language.

If you plan to use the language, it is much better than learning in the right place in small doses. Learn Spanish on-line chat so you can begin to interact with native speakers. It will not be much better if you do, instead of dropping random words and phrases you know.

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Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Runtime error 430 - Why does this happen and what can you do?

A runtime error 430 is quite complex. These reference files that are different from those readily available in the Windows operating system. The proof of this is that the error is usually written on the screen as a "Runtime Error 430 - Class does not support automation or does not support expected interface."

In a Windows operating system, there is a type of software known as "library file." These arereferred to as the MACD, which stands for Microsoft Data Access Components. For an executable, MACD these files to interact with the right dll file or dynamic link. When these two types of problems of interaction of the software have a runtime error 430 will occur.

The point of interaction

With an error 430, the message only appears on the screen during certain circumstances. However, an operating system that isdll can not access files properly you will often see other signs, is in difficulties. These symptoms are slow performance, freeze-ups and slow start-ups to take. All these symptoms indicate damage to the registry. It 'makes sense that a runtime error 430 is caused by damage to close the registry because it is in the register in which control is transferred from one type of file to another.

If you see an error 430, does not necessarily register corruption behindBut I bet a good 95% of the time. The easiest thing to do when a 430 error or an error pops up on a computer that scans the registry. If corruption is present and the cleaning of corruption, the trick that most of the time, the case will be closed on the error and a lot of precious time is saved.

Typically, the registry is damaged, but not always

This is the main reason I approach the computer errors to build a good cleaning of the registrywill be their resolution. Then, if the problem is more involved, I remove and reinstall the program, which was launched just before the error occurred.

Other than this is the possibility of a virus or spyware program could be corrupting the registry when the registry cleaner dissolves. Yes, in this case it is good practice to clean spyware. Spyware has the ability to own dll to communicate with the operating system. In some cases thesystem might interpret this activity as an error 430.

I realize that you probably have a virus and is probably set to run automatically every day. I also realize your virus literature says he wants to get rid of all viruses and spyware. However, this is not always the case. In most purifying virus, you will still need a spyware cleaner regularly to make sure that no spyware is on your hard disk.

What all this means is that ifyou've got a 430 error that is difficult to eliminate or keeps coming back, you may have a virus and a spyware cleaner and a registry cleaner to use to take care of the matter. Remember that this is the exception not the rule. Yet I had to call because it can happen.

See Also : Wireless Wap

Monday, October 25, 2010

The language Frozen - a very short history - in English and Spanish

The sidewalk around the garage was filled with stalactites of ice broke the ice, long and heavy, frozen once at the edge of the roof of the garage. I was only eleven years old when, back in the winter of 1958, and I felt cold metal or iron, would a person speaking on the surface, not just glance to freeze. I was born with a curious character, in fact, and it was very interesting, but not shown to me. So, of all things, I put my tongue on the doorknob, it must bewas five below zero out. It froze on it, faster than I could spit.

I began to pull, or try to pull off, but my tongue would not be separated from the metal stud, and so I stood there, like The Hunchback of Notre Dame, crouching almost to his knees, praying my brother Mike, soon to be come along and save the day (I needed any more proof, it worked).

As I stayed in that position for centuries, it seems, this raised the question, my brother Mike would certainlyquestions: "Why ... would anyone do something so stupid like this?"

I mean it was bad weather, a Minnesota winter is nothing to laugh, because it is a lasting experience, every year.

I had no answer, "to see if it worked."

When my brother came and said, "Do not you have better things to do," a rhetorical question, of course.

It asked me to hurry and a bit 'hot water to go, what he did, and pour it over my tongue, which he did, butrather than just my tongue was all over my face and mouth, and then click the "Oh!" I exclaimed, "it's free!" and that was that, and it was worth the extra liquid I had to wear, just a bit 'messy is all.

My brother, Mike, who is two years older than me, looked at me with his intense eyes, cautiously, "How long have you been true?" He asked.

• There was a mysterious break from me, just a succession of "I do not know (s)."

We both exchanged a funLook, I think my face silently apologized for access at the time, and as he walked down the stone stairs, with her back to me on the path to our house, smiled, shook his head from right to left ( and likewise, I shrugged and below).

Written on the rooftop terrace, Lima, Peru 01.19.2009, dedicated to Mike E. Siluk.

Spanish version

La Lengua Lada congestive
((An episode Chick Evens, 1958, San Pablo, Minnesota) (UN cuento muy short))

The Acera Alrededor of garajeestaba with carámbanos esparcida Embraces, pesados y Largos, the Congelados Hielo A vez garaje of the Filo del techo. Yo Tenia times Sólo entonces de edad Años and ESE, Alla en el invierno, y habia the 1958 Oido Cómo el metal or a Hierro Frío congelaría A person de lengua en su tan area Rápido como el ojo de fascinating flashes UN y ante esto era cortex , but I por probado todavía no. Yo habia nacido withA verdad Naturaleza curiosities. Por Eso, I Puse lengua sobre la perilla de la Puerta del garaje, Debio Afuera Haber Estado centígrados Grados Bajo Cero and quince, y sobre la perilla freezes itself Esta más que pudiera Rápido the escupir.

Empece a jalar, Fuera jalarla or focus, but not if I lengua perilla Soltarico metal, y por eso estuve alli, como el de Nuestra Señora jorobada with Doblado hacia abajodobladas MIS rodillas, para que me hermano rezando Mike viniera ready el día y me Salvaria (no necesitaba más pruebas, funcionaba ESTO).

Mientras esta posición and permanecía, que sev A Eternidad, surge Pregunta A, Mind segura que me hermano preguntaría Mike: "¿Por algo así que alguien ... Haría the Tonto"

Quiero decir que was tough UN climate, invierno No UN es nada como para reírse the MinnesotaA hard experiencia porque es, todos los años.

Tenia que otra respuesta No, "Para Ver SI funcionaba.

Mike apareció cuando me hermano, el dijo: "¿No tienes mejores cosas que hacer?" A Rhetoric Pregunta por supuesto.

Y yo Solo Para que el if rezaba apurara, y agua tibia echara sobre mi lengua, lo que hizo el agua y me the echo sobre mi lengua, y no en mi lengua up Sólo en toda boca me dear yyLueger en la perilla, determination "Ah" "está libre" y fue todo esto, Valio La Pena Mojada que soporte adicional the-Tuve que estuvo Only desordenado little United Nations, eso es todo.

Mike Mi Hermano, Quien es dos años mayor que yo, with sus Ojos intensos Miró, cuidado, "Estado ¿cuanto tiempo has ASI?" Pregunto el.

Alli wine Pause A Mysterious por mi, A Lueger sucesión the "no loIf ... "

Ambos exchange broker Amos A Mirada Graciosa, Creo que me dear if disculpaba silencioso on occupancy por tiempo, y el Mientras Subia ETA gradas de Piedra espaldas hacia mi, en el Camino a Casa Nuestra, rio moviendo else on a la cabeza Derecha and Izquierda ( de la Misma form, yo miss Movi hombros Arriba y Abajo)

Escrito en la casa de me azotea and Lima, Peru from 19 January 2009, an E. Dedicado Mike Siluk.

See Also : Fabulous Super Store

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Tiempo Final. PAC 26. Bomba Tres

Promo Series de Tiempo final Cinelatino. Chap 26. Bomba Tres. With las Estrellas Colombianas Marlon Moreno y Diego Cadavid. ¿A Hijo the devil or insane Simplemente UN? Quien sea, es el único Capaz the predecir el lugar de las explosiones, y más detener the deadly bomb.

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Saturday, October 23, 2010

Trailer with Nicolas Cage Senales of the Future

A professor of astronomy Viuda (Nicolas Cage) Tiempo que abre A capsule has estado en el Colegio During enterrada años de su hijo. She predicciones encuentra en escalofriantes, algunas de las cuales ya han sucedido Mientras que aun otras no. Just a LITTLE, empieza a dock cuenta que no es el descubrimiento casual ESE y su familia y que juegan papel fundamental UN los acontecimientos importantes que estan a point produces the .... Senales of the Future with Nicolas Cage, EstrenoCines en el 8 de Abril

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Friday, October 22, 2010

President of the Finest America

Cuando yo the TENA 7 aos pregunta a mi Abuelo "Dad, Quien es blanco ESE ESA and photos?"

Mi Abuelo respondi me: ".. El es el Abraham Lincoln Available los Negros esclavos los Estados Unidos"

Lueger mud la otra lado de la Photo A photo of the Abraham Lincoln y pregunta a mi Abuelo "Dad, home who ESOS son dos hombres Juntos photos and ESA?"

Context, I Abuelo El Negro es Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. El trabajo para los Derechos de los Negros, Los Estados Unidos el blanco withLlamada _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.

Translated: e

I had this conversation with my grandfather that I called my dear father:

When I was seven, I asked my grandfather, "Daddy, who is the white man in that picture?"

My grandfather said: "It 'was Abraham Lincoln, freed the enslaved blacks in the United States of America .."

Then I looked at the portrait of Abraham Lincoln next to my grandfather and asked: "Who are these two men together in thatportrait?

My grandfather said: The black man is Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. worked for the rights of blacks in the United States with the white man by the name of _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.

Hello, my name is Joseph! This was the first sentence I learned English when I first visited the United States from Honduras, a country with a five-star hotel located in Latin America. I remember very settled on the flight who struggle to learn English by reading my book in English entitled"Ingles Sin Barreras". This is material for Hispanics to learn English with a method, a method that is convenient for home use and easy to understand. "Hello, my name is____" and I filled the empty space with "Jos". I wanted to do so for the person sitting next to me on the plane to say ... But I felt insecure, not sure I can speak with clarity. I was afraid of that person's reaction to my lack of knowledge of English.

I have a lot of negativity in mymind and mental barriers, saying to myself: What if this person ignores me? What if this person understand me? Then I said, the solution is practice. I decided to practice "Hello, my name is Jos" over and over again, it may seem simple, but if you have tried learning a foreign language, you can set the difficulty of beginnings.When I saw that the plane had arrived at appreciate at LAX International Airport, knowing that I had practiced in my mind myfirst sentence in English, I gathered the BOLD ENGAGEMENT finally to tell the person next to me: Hi, my name is Jos!. BOLD This promise I've learned since I was a child in Honduras _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.

Today, Monday, February 8, 2010, I am honored to participate in the Essay Competition of Transit TV to write to the American president who I feel has the most positive impact on the country, which seems to be my point in having a two-America's Finest presidents, along with Abraham Lincoln for his courageous commitment to peace in the United States of America and the world. I write this with my limited English, but more important is that really from the bottom of my heart.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ E 'born May 29, 1917 in Brookline, Massachusetts. His health in his youth to adulthood is never good, but his love for America and the world kept him out of loveAmerica's Promise is alive. America's Promise is deeply rooted in the American dream, which began in 1776 when the founding fathers of the Declaration of Independence, which the Thirteen Colonies that resulted in independence from Great Britain, he wrote. To be more specific and clear, America's Promise's in the Constitution of the United States of America, but you must realize the whole world, because starting today, Monday, February 8, 2010 promises more powerful in the world history humanguaranteed because the powerful life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness for all, where everyone is from all walks of life, a person regardless of gender, race, political opinion, nationality, religion, sexual orientation, ethnicity, color, socio- economic status, disability, and some other trivial difference. We are all a E Pluribus Unum period represents that of many in Latin, we are one in God

In God We Trust "Yes, we all have athe family. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ He knew they needed to remove all obstacles to be overcome his personal health and well get up and do his best to fulfill America's Promise with its bold ENGAGEMENT define America Beautiful. America! America! God shed his grace on thee and made _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ a hero to the world also inspired me a kick up in Honduras, a country with a 5-star hotel where I was admired by many, including parents and people who are different agesgave me the ambition aspired to one day's first black president of Honduras for the BOLD my promise that I learned from him.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ It is the largest ever health such as malaria, Addison's disease, and chronic back pain, but bold ENGAGEMENT held him in America, and fidelity, serving in the U.S. Armed Forces academic career at Harvard College, where he searched for almost all varsity sports teams, but has earned a spot on the varsity swimJohn Winthrop team and lived in the house of his second year until graduation. He wanted to serve with honor in the U.S. army, but it was because of his back pain to be rejected. He did not specify in service in the U.S. Army and was eventually accepted in the U.S. Navy during World War II. America honors those who serve with the deepest love and fidelity.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I've come to love America so much that if something happens to you, I protect it withall my heart. I remember that during the attack on 9 / 11 terror, I was Tegucilpalpa, studying in National University of Honduras Honduras [Universidad National Auto Mona Honduras (UNAH)] as the youngest student after graduating from the School as one of the best students selected country and honor to play for the Honduran National Soccer in 1917. What 9 / 11 News he was terrified of me that I am determined to serve in the U.S. Army to protect America The Beautiful. L 'sudden, the U.S. Embassy in Honduras gave my family an American residency sponsored by my aunt, Mary Asteria Manaiza in the United States learn from the lessons of my grandfather Hipolito Jos Centeno Centeno Santos as an alias, an unknown author of a series of books rights civilians and the history of blacks in Latin America, I learned that _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ powerful with Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. The Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Immigration andNationality Act of 1965, before he was assassinated Nov. 22, 1963 in Dallas, Texas. This is the remarkable contribution that _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ has done for my family who have been discriminated against both in Honduras, they needed to come to America to the United States to meet a better life for his Dream their families.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ A BOLD ENGAGEMENT inspired me to have to learn English with my library card at the public library in South Central Los Angeles toand study with all my heart Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) to join the U.S. Army and I remember with great humility, my English is spoken more and better for my neighbors loved in South Central Los Angeles and make his mother proud a great example for my two younger brothers. I came to America in August 2002 with the purpose of my the U.S. military to serve as Army Ranger UP to justice those responsible for 9 / 11. I leftHonduras everything in my country just come out in America the Beautiful protection. Although I spent the ASVAB having been in America for only three months, physical testing, medical tests to pass, I was not eligible because of my English. I never left, which I loved to learn English in Los Angeles Southwest College and with my love I could get to earn a 4.0 GPA in all my classes and my math that I was invited to Harvard for a the Harvard Summer School with the intentionvisits and see if I could join the Men of Harvard football team.

I remember that I chose to live in John Winthrop House, where it is used _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ life as a student at Harvard University and in fact I have most of my time spent in remembering him in honor his studio in the building named after him _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ School of Government, even though my classes at Harvard, where Northwest Science Building with my math classes. However, my heart was and has always been to comeUCLA, because this is my dream school since I was a player of 10 years. I remember writing to Ms. Oprah Winfrey that the influence of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 is so incisive and influential television that "the prince of Bel Air," along with "The Bill Cosby Show" was our favorite family shows TV sitcom, because they were the only ones where the blacks were not playing stereotypical roles. My two younger brothers, Jesse (named after the Reverend Jesse Jackson)and Luther (named after Martin Luther King, Jr., used to fight with me for Ashley Banks (played by Tatyana Ali) and Jesse said:

"Ashley I novia es."
Lueger Luther Deca, "No, Ashley novia es me."
Lueger yo Deca, "No, Ashley novia es-point me."

Jesse y mismo tiempo diciendo Lueg to Luther Esteban "No, I Ashley novia es, José Angel.
"Bueno entonces ustedes quedan with Ashley if y es mi nueva novia Hilary Banks (Karyn Parsons), porqueshe goes and UCLA. "

Translated, we discussed:

"Ashley is my girlfriend."
Luther replied, "No, Ashley is my friend, Jesse."
Then I said, 'No, Jesse and Luther, Ashley is a friend of mine, period. "
When Jesse and Luther told me once: "No, Ashley is my friend, José Angel."
"Well, then, Jesse and Luther, continue with my new girlfriend Ashley and Hilary Banks (Karyn Parsons), because she goes to UCLA."

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Hasleft a powerful legacy for America and the world. I am honored to have her daughter to meet with Ms. Oprah Winfrey, Mrs. Michelle Obama, Stevie Wonder, Maria Shriver, and many leading social-minded February 3, 2008, in front of crowd of 9000 at UCLA's Pauley Pavilion to scream aloud America is now CHANGE YES WE CAN! and is inspired by Tatyana Ali and other celebrities for the official video of the campaign.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I pushed the government to run the nation's best studentUCLA campaign with the promise to unite more than 800 groups registered UCLA students from all backgrounds, with the campaign slogan "Ask not what your country can do for you. ask what you can do for your country." UCLA is the only university in the world that is so much diversity and many student groups that represent the beauty of America.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I was inspired to continue despite my limited English and health, the war in Iraq endsON diplomatic strategies I can learn in the military and the Pentagon and for the first time bring peace to the world. Yes, you can make peace in the world. As _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ did when he prevented the Cuban missile crisis to a nuclear war that could kill all six billion people we have on life on Earth.

What is the biggest _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ triumph ever for America and the world. Let us all be inspired to make peace in BOLD ENGAGEMENTworld as J ohn F. K Ennedi y. I want to model a wealth of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness for all the rooms to follow.

Jos Angel Manaiza, Jr. a new all-American boy

Author of pop culture for inspiration and memories, Hollywood-style format with the title:

Hello, My name is Joseph! The definition of 'America the Beautiful with the TV Tagline once in a lifetime journey of a new "All-American Boy" in the United States from HondurasAmerica.

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Thursday, October 21, 2010

Poems for the inauguration of the statue: Mary (Concepcion, Peru) in English and Spanish

Four-part poem for the inauguration of the image: Virgin Mary, the city, Concepcion

A Poem de Cuatro partes para la Inauguración de la Imagen de la: Santisima Virgen de Inmaculada Concepcion, Patrona de la Ciudad de Concepcion



"I want to build a city!"

I will build a city

To love and stone
I will build a city

Who loves and cares ...

I will build a city

With aBear statue
The name of the Virgin

And the sky above.

And when I'm dead

Rest under -
The Virgin Holly will

Down from the top of the hill,

She'll say to her heart

And bow to his crown -
To love and pride

The city has found ...!

Dedicated to the town of Concepcion, Peru, and the mayor Chipana Jesus Hurtado, # 1488 9/29/2006

Spanish version

"¡Me A construire Ciudad"

Mebuilt a ciudad

De Amor y Piedra
I built a ciudad

Que y-loving worries ...

I built a ciudad

With A Statue que llevar
El Nombre, de la Santisima Virgen

Y Arriba el cielo.

Y cuando este Muerto

Descanso en the Profundo -
La Santisima Virgen mirar Abajo,

The encima de la Colina,

DIRA corazón up with her

Y Su with her inclinaráCorona -
Al Amor y Orgullo

¡Que la ciudad ha encontrado ...!

Dedicado a la ciudad de Concepción, Perú, ya up Alcalde Dr. Jesús Hurtado Chipana, # 1488 1929-2006-Setiembre.


Maria Concepcion

"Follow me softly ...

(I heard the voice to speak)

"In Silence

"Stone Hill To Stand

(Where the hills and skies meet);

"He finds a path for you -

"From the edge of the gates of heaven ...!"

Note: # 148609/29/2006, dedicated to Antonio Isla Cordova (Engineer of the construction project)

Spanish version

María de Concepción

"Sígueme Silence ..."

(OI decir La Voz)

"It Silencio

All Cerro Piedra Parada "

(Donde el cielo y los Cerros if encuentran);

"El camino hacia you encontrará United Nations -

¡Desde el borde de Las Puertas Sky ...!"

Note: # 1486 29-Sep-06, Dedicado a Antonio IslaCórdoba (Ingeniero the proyecto de Construcción)


The Path bad

My eyes fill with tears and I do not know why.

On a hill honest, a bad place;

I once wandered on paths

I will never return?

There lives a statue, not of time or space! ...

Note: # 1487 9/29/2006 dedicated to the young poet Vanneza Gamarra.

Spanish version

El Camino irrecoverable

Mis Ojos if llenan, with no y LágrimasIf por que.

Sobre A choline bonita, UN lugar irrecoverable;

A Recorrí esta vez, sobre Caminos

¿Qué más Nunca Volvere?

¡Imagen students a living, no espacio de tiempo ni! ...

Note: # 1487 29-Sep-06 Dedicado a la Joven poetisa Vanneza Gamarra.


The road to Piedra Parada

(The Road to Hill Standing Stone)

A road winds through a hill brown

And glad I could travel to the

And they area traveler - I was short

It looked at first, as I could

Where was the city of Concepcion;

When you look up, not so far away,

It is perhaps less the view,

Why was the grass of the United Nations and naked

Even if - like the time she was a statue

More beautiful, perhaps the same;

And that morning, both have short,

In clouds of love and turquoise;

Oh, I loved the view for another day

Know howthoughts lead to thoughts

I care, how I could fix my back.

Sometimes, somewhere, in age as follows:

I say this with a tear -

A road winds through a hill Maroon

I once took, where now stands a statue

(From) the Virgin Immaculate Concepcion

(Where it was once just a bare hill).

Note: # 1487 9/29/2006, dedicated to Jesus Hurtado Chipana, Mayor of Concepcion.

Note: written at the request of the Mayor of Concepcion. The eventis due to rise in the city in December 2006.

Spanish version

At El Camino Piedra Parada

A chimney hacia arriba en un serpentea choline Marron,

Y Estoy Contento que pude recorrerlo

Y Ser Viajero United Nations - UN hears me por Moment

Mire Y por Abajo Lado UN, Tan Lejos como pude

A whence estaba la ciudad de Concepción;

Mire hacia entonces La Cima, not Lejos muy exacta,

Y Quizás Siendo la Menorview

Y esta porque estaba sin Cesped Baldia

Aunque esta llevará with - El Tiempo, A Statue

Tan hermosa entonces Arriba Abajo or the Quizás mismo;

Y esa mañana Ambas igualmente yacen

Nubes de amor en azul y en Turquesa;

Ah, call otro día para la view

Aun sabiendo Cómo los otros pensamientos Conduct of

Dudo capture ESTO SI puede de nuevo.

En algún sitio,algún día, and ASI años:

ESTO a say with tears -

A chimney que hacia arriba serpentea A choline and Marron,

A Vez the Tome, whence A imagen está ahora

de la Santisima Virgen de Inmaculada Concepción

(A Donde vez Sólo era Baldia A choline).

Note: # 1487 29-Sep-06, Dedicado to Dr. Jesús Hurtado Chipana, Alcalde de Concepcion.

Note: Escrito apetición of Alcalde de Concepcion. If llevará acontecimiento El Cabo and La ciudad en diciembre 2006.

Haunted House in the morning Ugarte

With eerie chills of dead heroes

This morning, they fill

The growing silence of my heart;

Ghosts of a once famous -

Around the House Ugarte

E Iglesia (Church).

The sun shines a light so Crimson

The city,

When a void war (weather)

Nam live - cold andevil,

A disturbing, it could

For children pale and lost.

Now, the forms taken by the living

As an empty cup - their

Anime killed, his sighs ...

Bleeding: along the platform

From the Church;

On the stairs,
The doors (Ugarte House);

Due to the upcoming battle

Of the Pacific War.

Note: # 1489 9/29/2006: As in all wars, scares are left behind not only the living but the afterlife is so longsuffering. Some of the dead are still restless, I guess. They call them ghosts or shadows or shapes - but what we call them, we must respect it once lived, now they are suffering in silence and, in time, God willing, I will address to connect with their problems. Wounds heal, but often frightening. (Dedicated to the mayor of Concepcion, Jesus Hurtado Chipana). dlsiluk

Spanish Version

Los Fantasmas de la Mañana on

La Casa Ugarte

With lasfrialdad fantastic close Heroes Muertos

Esta mañana, ellos llenan

Creciente el silencio de Mi Corazon;

Fantasmas de edad a famous -

Todos Alrededor de la Casa Ugarte

Y de la Iglesia

Brilla El Sol luz Carmesí with many

Sobre la ciudad,

Hence a war Mala (hare mucho)

VIDAS Tomo - Fría y harmful,

A Future Quizás que atormenta

Por Los Niños y pálidosPerdidos.

Ahora, por las formas los tragadas vivientes

A copa como vacía and know-

asesinadas Almas, sighing estan ...

Sangria: a large de la Plataforma the

Por la Iglesia;

Sobre las escaleras,

Por Las Puertas (en la Casa Ugarte);

Debido a las siniestras Battles

Pacifica de la Guerra.

Note: # 1489 29-Sep-06: Todas las Guerrasio Como son las olvidadas scars, not only por los vivientes up por losMas Alla, ASI sufrimiento Largo is the United Nations. Todavia estan algunos de los Muertos desestabilizados Diria yo. Llamemoslos Fantasmas, or formas or Sombras - Independiente Mind Pero de lo que se les llama, debemos darles el respeto, ya que ellos vivieron A vez, ellos estan silencioso afligidos ahora, y el tiempo, si Dios quiere, vendrán ellos a sus Coger Asuntos. Las Heridas curadas, a menudo scarring Dejan.(Dedicado Concepcion at Alcalde, Dr. Jesús Hurtado Chipana). dlsiluk

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Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Richard Dawkins perplejo por creación ¿Pregunta?

__ ╔ ═ ╦ ╗ ╔ ╦ ═ ╦ ═ ╦ ╦ ╦ ╦ ╗ ╔ ═ ╦ ═ ═ ╦ ═ ╗ ▲ __ ║ ╚ ╣ ║ ║ ║ ╚ ╣ ╔ ╣ ╔ ╣ ║ ╚ ╣ ═ ╩ ╗ ╔ ╣ ═ ╣ ▲ ╠ __ ╗ ║ ╚ ╝ ╠ ╗ ║ ╚ ╣ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ═ ╣ ║ ║ ║ ═ ▲ ╣ __ ╚ ═ ╩ ═ ═ ╩ ═ ╩ ═ ╩ ╝ ╚ ╩ ═ ╩ ═ ╝ ╚ ╝ ╩ ═ ╝ ▲ respuesta of Richard científico Dawkins a Una de las de los creacionistas tonterías (compris el video Famous sorprendido) A respuesta más sobre el Talmud Lada Dawkins the video, a continuación: Enseptiembre de 1997, a United Nations permet de Grupo filmación (de lo que entonces was Answers in Genesis) and Oxford I enter a house, give me cuenta que sin hacer propaganda was on Purpose creación. En el transcurso de Entrevista a sospechar inexperta, I present Arum A truculent Pregunta: que ejemplo United Nations or the evolutionary genetics procesos que puedo demonstrative mutación increases información genome. Este es el que solo UN Type Pregunta creación Puede pregunta form the ESA,Moment ESE y que cuenta que estaba fue Darme to surprise me by giving it a Entrevista a UNOS creacionistas, algo que Hago Normally no, por razones Buenas. enfado I rehuse aa seguir en mi que las Preguntas Conté Tando I hacían, y que les pedi detuvieran the Camara. Sin embargo, eventually decide to continue with the mind entre view. ESTO FUE Simplemente porque me dijeron que habían venido desde Australia para específico entre fishing poor. A pesar que esta era A significantexageración I parécio little generous romper el y el Acuerdo echarlos legal. Así que continue. Generosidad me fue ...

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Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Adolf presents the Golf: The old look

Adolf Golfa Repaso has the regresado de vacaciones with nuevas noticias para sus seguidores, UN Mas extraños a los shows, la mujer y que por supuesto fumaba Demasiado tiempo para la proxima prediccion of Miguelon with semana. Adolf the Gulf, are back from holiday with news for his followers, a review of the strangest looks, women who smoked too much and, of course, the forecast for next week Miguelon.

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Monday, October 18, 2010

Marc Anthony - Puerto Rican Heart

On 16 September 1969, a singer who became popular for his salsa music all Latin American countries was born - Marc Anthony.

Though Marc Anthony was born in New York City, his parents are both Puerto Rican. It 'has also been to Puerto Rico where he began his singing career. Starting as a singer for the pop and dance acts, Marc Anthony has become so famous, not only in his hometown, but also in Hollywood. In fact, he can be proud to be Puerto Rican flagshow the world that the country can produce world-class talent.

Besides a singer, a songwriter and is also used for back-up singer of a famous Puerto Rican band Menudo being. He has worked with a producer called Little Louie Vega and produced hit albums such as "When The Night Is Over" and "Ride On The Rhythm".

It 'was in 1995 when Marc Anthony got his biggest break when his 1995 "Todo A Su Tiempo" was nominated for the prestigious Grammy Awards.Soon after, he released "Against Corriente," which was promoted by a sold out concert at Madison Square Garden. This song also won her first Grammy in 1999 for Best Tropical Latin Performance grants.

With the success of the attempt to what his fellow singers like Ricky Martin and Jennifer Lopez Marc Anthony are reached following the first English album in 1999. His song "I need to know" has made the American Top 5 hit. His album was considered a success.In 2000 he married the former Miss Universe Dayanara Torres in 1993, but their marriage ended in divorce. Currently, Marc Anthony married the famous Hollywood actress and singer Jennifer Lopez.

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Sunday, October 17, 2010

The Crow (a poem, Lost Since 1999, now stands) Now in English and Spanish

The Crow

"In 1996, I have MS, and I could not keep anything, fell from my hands, I could not remember what happened five minutes after the fact, and I had to go to the bathroom 16 times a night, my legs staggered and the '85% of my body was numb (and I was always tired, sleeping 10 to 14 hours per day, plus NAP, and sleep anywhere), to name some of my systems. Yang Yang, a Chinese artist, who was a professor of art in the Midwest for many years on alocal university, he moved from Iowa to St. Paul, Minnesota, and we met maybe around 1993. I found his art, but it was expensive, was well known in China, and becoming known in the Midwest, Florida and New Orleans areas, and other parts of the country. He painted a picture of Craw, in oil, which seemed to be in a state of permanent trance, focused on something, what was the problem. This was more exciting for me, I asked a number of them do. I thought about buying thepainting, it is small compared to its other, which sold for $ 25,000 and up, and of course cheaper. He wanted at that time, in 1996, $ 1,400 dollars for the small painting, but gave it to me for $ 750. It 'was a really good deal and I cherished. My MS had even when I turned pale, and I had to grip objects while walking through the mall for his art shop. Then he showed me one day, three other images of crows that he did, every country, apparently (hewould never comment on his paintings to the point of fully explain, she felt, you should see in them what you see), however, left them to me, and each had a crow in the process of revitalization, so long as, the last of the four was looking at the sun, ready to take flight and the bomb (which was me). Maybe one or two years later, I asked for the fourth time that I wanted to buy the other three, I did but I did not have the amount of money it takes to buy them, I wasinvest at this time, in fear I would need money in case the MS has put me in a wheelchair, so he sold one for $ 250 each for me, a very low rate. And I have to this day. "

The poem, "The Crow", was found after eight years with the original image of the Raven (1999)) have never been published or seen by the public)) when I wrote it like I do not want to publish , and is dedicated to Yang Yang:


Heavy rests his penHead

Staring at the blood-red mist

Moe, - his face shows the time spent

And on its wings colored gray

The world of peace ...

God has forsaken-?

For pain and pain:

Instead, as the sparrow?

Are you not the largest of the perching bird?

Topped by a gray cap;

Or if you are just a crow ... Farmers hate

(Or should )...?

Your breath you left

My feathered friend ...

Too week to raise its headNew?

What makes you human?

And 'the air and the earth?

Or all the way to go?

To each his own ...!

It seems to me,

Life is a test for you?

But the man should consider,

And the reason.

What is the question you ask?

I see in cataract

quiet, dark and your eyes:

"Who are these masters who rule the earth?

Return me to the sky! "

However, - you will fly again?

Touch the sky?

Your Lightwings on fire

From the blazing sun?

Glide with the wind until dawn?

You are the mystery that cries

Inside ... but then, you're not in his image,

My friend ...!

Spanish version

Puma Introductorio

El Cuervo

"E 1996, adquirí y esclerosis not sustain more podiums nada, todo if Caia Mass manos, no lo habia podiums Change this still less Pasado Cinco minutes ago, yTenia que ir Al Bano and dieciseis A veces noche, mis piernas temblaban y el 85% de mi cuerpo estaba adormecido (y siempre estaba Cansado, durmiendo entre 10 y 14 hours ago, Al Día, siesta más, y cualquier Party and Dormition) only mencionar para algunos sintomas mass. Yang Yang, Chino UN Artist, Quien habia sido professor de Arte en la Region Centro-Norte de los Estados Unidos por muchos años en un Colegio rooms ifMudo Iowa, in San Pablo, Minnesota, y nos Quizás Alrededor conocimos de 1993. Me gustaba art, but was expensive, was El Famous and China, if y estaba en la region famous volvo Center-Norte de los Estados Unidos, Nueva Orleans y tambien and Florida, y en otras partes también of País. El cuadro de pinto UN UN Cuervo, and Oleo, sev que este estaba parado and trance, and the algorithm concentrado, and ¿que?,It was the interrogatory. ESTO was muy inspirador para mi, el que le suger hiciera a Series A ellos. Pense and comprar la Pintura, a period of UN Cuadro pequeño comparada a los otros, por algunos el los venda 25.000 dólares, y otros más Caros, y por supuesto el Tenia otros más baratos. Queria aquel en el Tiempo, and in 1996, 1400 dólares por la Pequeña pintura, but me and God 750dólares. Was a buy buena y Yo Mind apreciaba real. I included more ESE tiempo me habia hecho esclerosis and palidecer, y para que Tenia Agarre sostenerme Mientras iba por los cosas pasadizos one on Galeria del Centro Comercial. Give me a monster el y otros tres que hizo el Cuervos the Cuadros, A Cada estaba, estaba aparentemente o (El comentario nunca sus Pinturas Al Punto de explicarlosTotally, el que tú Sentia deberías far, ellos lo que tú veías; de Todos modos, el me los monster) and the United Nations revitalización Proceso, Hasta que Uno, El Ultimo de los Cuatro admirable hacia el sol, y listo para Tomar vuelo ATAC (este years old). Quizas OTHER dos años más later, Pregunto el tres por cuarta vez Si Me queria comprar los otros, yo no queria but the tapewormcantidad de dinero que tomar comprarlos, yo estaba invirtiendo and ESE dinero entonces, Temor por dinero que a necesitaría and Case esclerosis que me pusiera me more and Silla Ruedas, ASI, El Stilo drop me an en 250 dólares, un precio muy bajo . Y Aun Los Tengo hasta este día.

El Puma, "El Cuervo", fue encontrado después de ocho años, el cuadro del Cuervo with the original ((1999) (Nunca antes fuepublicado por el público or Visa)), and ESE tiempo y yo no escriba here, according to the Ghana publica, y está Dedicado a Yang Yang:

El Puma:

El Pesado on cabeza emplumada slope

Aiming at the Niebla fijamente Rojo Sangre

Cansado, Cara-su muestra el tiempo que has Pasado

Y sobre sus alas Grises deslucidas-

El Mundo descanso ...

¿Te has abandonado-Dios?

Y para el distressdolor:

¿Para Amar Al Gorrión has changed?

¿Tu No Eres más que el de los Pajaros great Posani?

A Coronado-with capuche grisácea;

¿Eres O Cuervo Only the United Nations ... que los Pescadores Odian

(You odiarían )...?

You Aliento ha dejado

Mi Amigo emplumado ...

¿Tan debit notes cabeza para levantar Otra Vez you?

¿Qué to separate del hombre?

¿Es el cielo y latierra?

¿O que debe seguir El Camino A fall?

A ¡Cada cuenta por ... up!

Me Parece to me,

La vida es Para Ti A prueba también

Pero el hombre debe reflexion,

Y Razon.

¿Cual es la pregunta que haces?

Ya Veo, Inside the Gaze Fijo

The intermediate silenciosos oscuros ojos:

"¿ESTOS son home who master-gobiernan que la tierra?

¡Devuelveme El Cielo! "

Sin embargo,- ¿Volarás you?

Tocarás ¿el cielo?

Unfortunately, between Encenderás ¿en el fuego

of Chamusca que sol?

Hasta el viento ¿Te deslizarás con el alba?

¡Eres Tu que el Misterio Grita In ...

Pero entonces, Tu No Eres Hecho en Su Imagen,

Mi Amigo ...!

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Saturday, October 16, 2010

2012 * El Fin del Mundo

Author of the original video: elfindelmundo2012 promueve video solo como el entretenimiento. Part 1 º. Aviso: Vean el video como A Visión de lo que podra ocurrir supuesta, not if the Tomen tan Enser. Music: Music Immdiate. Video: YouTube Video Editado por: Gabriel Desde hare mucho tiempo if especula with A fecha para el fin del mundo. Pero Ahora, Siglo XXI and Este día Parece que ya tenemos: 21 de diciembre 2012. Theory sobre el fin del mundo por has resurgidoFuentes diferentes: el Mayan calendar profecias y las de Nostradamus, que con el Agregado por fechas ETA pasar cerca de tierra La Cometa United Nations. Montoya Realiza Yerye Bermúdez de los mejores y más a sintéticos análisis sobre el theme. También Parece que estan las predicciones and book "El Codigo Secreto de la Biblia", the time Michael Drosnin Por otra Party, whether to prepare Hollywood Maquinaria para y ya está tan and Elaboración A significant moment Pelicula:. Basado "2012"it The War of Souls Whitley Schrieber, the cual será dirigida por Michael Bay y el mismo equipo que Transformers realization, or sea los escritores Alex Kurtzman and Roberto Orci. UN data Anecdote: el 21 de diciembre que fue fecha Nacional and the Djougatchvili más conocido como Jossif Vissarionovich Stalin chino y el actual President, Hu Jintao, at the Official Biography of Según Nacional que el 21 de diciembre 1942. También at Nacional fecha que Este servidor. But of the 21 de diciembre 2012Tiene también interpretaciones ...

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Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Port el fin del mundo

Es el final de los finales el mundo if Muero much with Dudo que se esta basura Enmedio and retrieve only Nuestras Manos y el Planeta Future of contaminación, alteración del Tiempo y no hay Manera evitar las Guerrasio, only peleas por nada que se SI Sigue What humanity acabado asi la esta es la crisis el terminal end apolipsis el el fin, y Nadie Puede change the Escrito desde aqui me Escritorio prediccion communicate the Creacion de los Mayas de Dios fue mas solo UN Fayó creamosCada paso a hate Destruction, avaricia only son ENVID 3 casos de Fracaso UN millet and Cada Diary cuantas cosas que hacer y por personal quedan cauntas Jamas podras contar es nuestro selfishness transformado Estamos mas contaminación and look for the final between Cada Fire, not inundacion quiere mas generate energy CANSO mother naturaleza y el sol no se quiere poner los slide pole itself derriten calentamiento global por culpa de la Atmosfera, no, the UN holds culpa para la Capa deadly gashozono, Demonios Somos por todo sea por el asco Petroleo y el ser humano y monopoleo esque to me and Eyo incluye demasiados quiere jugar a ser Dios y no se que nos el Futuro Deparia but hope CHAOS solo animales abandonaos, Cuerpos maltrataos son el Tope de la Frontera, or you decide mal bien, solo que tienes Cruz la carretera. estribillox2 Vientos Mueve el mar sobre tierra nos escupen A lluvia que lava CAE quedara Page borrada A historia real y en eso Que Sera esta es solo el basadomundo ...

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Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Rest - How much time between sets?

body weight training, doing exercises without weights has become a very popular and simple home exercises. Many have found that strength training with weights at home is ideal for increasing muscular endurance, strength and muscle growth.

Understanding the formation of various factors is really important. If you have a good understanding of things as training intensity, an appropriate number of sets / reps, movements of specific exercises, and speed the movement taking place,your workout routine is efficient and effective.

Many do not fully understand that the amount of rest between sets to exercise your body can really answer your training effect. Medical and scientific studies have demonstrated the importance of rest between sets can be. Depending on your fitness goals, a rest period shorter or longer between sets may be desirable.

If you are not lifting or heavy work, a longer period of rest between sets allows people are actually doing more repetitionswith different sequences. This allows for greater resistance. It also allows for longer period of rest for added strength in the long run, because people were able to train effectively for a long time.

However, for those who are just starting out, was that the rest periods up to 1 minute when lifting heavy loads, produced muscle hypertrophy and increased muscle growth. This may be due to the fact that the levels of growth hormone are increased with the shorter rest periods. This is an important psychologicalboost to those who may be just beginning as a quick visual gain will serve as positive reinforcement to continue their education.

In short, in order to maximize your workouts with weights, or work in the gym regularly, it is important to better understand the importance of rest between sets per exercise. More rest between sets is shown to have greater endurance and strength gains in the provision of long-term. shorter rest periods between sets is shownincrease in muscle hypertrophy, especially in weightlifting novice.

The best approach is likely to rest periods between longer and shorter exercises. One suggestion might be the ultimate short break in those exercises where you actually trying to bulk and rest periods for longer in areas where strength and endurance are the main objectives.

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Monday, October 11, 2010

Mid - Predicciones 2010, 25 de Diciembre 2009

En las traemos half Tiempo para el año 2010 predicciones, Conoco el Futuro de los Eventos deportivos más relevantes and Mexico y en el Futbol Internacional.

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Saturday, October 9, 2010

Hare Hare Yukai Spanish

pues esta cancion esta algunas imagenes with disculpen cordinacion por la mala de las imagenes, que es mejor que hacerlo me GOD Pereza ya que no me Rabia SACO Fuera with La Voz letra .. XD .. en fin de La cancion es lo que Import .. Patients are Por Favor! Letra It yo pudiera resolver todos los Grandes Misterios of Planeta para ir a deberíamos whence an end? Mison proteger a toda es mi people with Suena que mi vida es aun no lo puedo dejar pasar IS the final decision tiempo .. YESque sientes .. Inalcanzable debe haber es el espacio de una form the resplandecer ¡Vamos hacerlo todo, Ven ya! El Día es hermoso, y el sol shines Toda La Magia del Dia de Nuestro Corazón hoy, sin parar llena. The ESE poder ¿Quien Sera? Veamos mañana tambien, y esta canción Sonra singing. La Felicidad activara if ... El Mundo podra desaparecer y aun no persigo it here, do not follow podra ya, SI comienza a Crecer, Crecer ... esperame! A Millon the predicciones not have Bastad paraque el Futuro VEA, problematic Porque es algo tan a entender, Sientes esa Luz Brillante, Que Dentro de las Nubes Blancas self Oculta Las Estrellas que estan llenas de Esperanza, Las GRABO the Quien en el cielo? SI Piensas que, no tienes mas que habilidad ONE entry El Al será fate Escapar unanimidad Detente ya! Toma I hand Vámonos ¡ya! One Size nueva hallaras, Mis Amigos ya no estarán listos Vencer if dejaran. It elevas Al Cielo azul, TU No mirar Currently es ...Piensa ¡quiero change ...

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Friday, October 8, 2010

The large house in Erie (1973) a poem (in Spanish and English: NOW)

I was invited to the house of my boss'

I was so young when young,

Maybe 25, I lived in Erie,

Pennsylvania, 1973

I hung around with his cousins

And then I saw his big house,

A little 'made me wince, comprising:

Red brick, soft masonry

In-between: a pair of chimneys

Each side of the house, Victorian;

It 'was a great, a big house - Windows

Everywhere, all around, up, down;

For a poor guy like me, my eyes

Weredead, were shocked:

(Shake hands, legs attenuation) -

I had my breath.

When I entered, my boss

Surprise, but received me well, happy

I think he realized I was feeling a bit '

Discomfort (I was raised

In an extended family in which two bedrooms

With four families), so I smile the best

I was looking for home

For me it was Buckingham Palace.

When I fifty-five years

Years, even aplus one quarter of a century, had

Past, I've owned a number of large houses, a

Greater than his;

And I never forgot that big house,

In Erie.

Author Note: This block of my house now, sitting in my car in my garage, two hours to cast to the wind, until I take my wife, this large home in Erie are for the mind ((21:10)) 2/23/2006. # 1244


Translated by Nancy Peñaloza

The Great House and Erie(1973)

The invitaron A Casa de la jefe me

Entonces yo era muy Joven,

Quizas Veinticinco, yo Vivia and Erie,

Pennsylvania, 1973

Deje pasar el tiempo sus with SOBRINOS

Y cuando Great House there on, ESTO

One time I asustó: hecho de:

Ladrillo-Rojo, enfoscado Suavemente

Entre: en algunas chimeneas

Cada lado de la Casa, Victoriana;

Esta A great era, House A, HUGE Ventanas

Por todas partes: todoAlrededor, Arriba, Abajo;

Para un Pobre Muchacho como yo, mis ojos

avergonzados Esteban, sacudidos ellos fueron:

(Dose Nervous film Manos, debilitadas piernas) -

Tuve que me respiración Coger.

Fireplace adentro cuando me estaba jefe

Sorprendido, sin embargo me saludo bien, Alegre

Pienso que el que me Noto UN Poquito Sentia

Inconvenience (yo FUI educado

A familia en dos whence Expanddormitorios

cuatro familias Empotraban) Asi pues, Sonreí Lo mejor

Que pude, La Casa Miranda

I was ESTO para el Palacio Buckingham.

Cuando yo Tuve cincuenta y cinco

Años de edad, sí, más UN Cuarto de Siglo, habia

Pasado, yo I was the Duen varias casas enormes, A

Más que el major de El;

Nunca Jamas Y olvido esa Casagrande

And Erie.

Note fromAuthor: Mientras hoy encerrado Fuera de mi casa, Sentado coche en mi, en mi garaje, teniendo dos horas para que Tenga Lanzar Al Viento a recoger hasta que me esposa, esta Vieja Casa Grande and Erie is a mi Mente ((9:10 PM.)) on 02/23/2006.
# 1244

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Thursday, October 7, 2010

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Winter Ballad of Minnesota (four poems) (Now in Spanish and English)

1) Tone Minnesota

There are the woods, where he trampled on time -

This is Minnesota, where the wind here and talk

Remove the old rivers, where the virgin forest

It nourishes the autumn leaves and roots in winter ...

The land of many lakes where the sky is crying,

Yell the size of last year:

Reflect the green of the forest wild paradise.

The pioneers, the seeds that are brought to life ...;

... This is where the deer and elk havefed,

In cases where houses were built by huge men.

Where there are many tribes of Indians were in power.

Here the records of a state unborn ...

fought for the people whose fate and dreams?

Who has their own destiny, the Minnesotans,

Their character is counted great! ...

# 935 01/12/2005

2) The Old Heath

(Winter Minnesota)

Winter seems more nostalgic

Now I'm older and gray;

But I always liked the fire

Heather (atfireplace).

Flames flicker, doors groan

Windows rattle,

And hot: hot old bones,

Heath (a warm fireplace).

I love the lights of the heath

The spell in the room

I always seem to drift a bit '

In the fireplace of the room.

Winter seems more nostalgic

Flames flicker, doors groan

I love the lights of the heath

Now I'm older! ...

# 938 12/02/1905

3) 'O' CominWinter

(In Minnesota)

Lord! It 'great to hear the winter' or 'comin

Does not give up!

The view of the grooves of the snow drift

Around my cold, cold feet!

Banks are starting to see Hardy

Grow, grow, grow ...

Listen to the voice of the birds flicker

Down south! ...

Boy! It 'great to hear comin' from

Winter ... does not give up!

(Because I would not be here and I

To the south, where it's warm!)

# 936 01/12/2005

4) Th 'OlMississippi

(A poem Minnesota)

What 's ol Mississippi -

Ripplin "dimplin 'down Minnesota.

In the south, the type of sludge,

But here is like a queen!

Want to play a moody scene!

He looks peaceful now; boilin '

They can be ...

And that's why I live in St. Paul

Where are thin and his mind

... It's a bit 'skinny!

But she is intelligent and loves' us

Now and then ... around

- Ol 'Minnesotacurves.

# 837 01/12/2005

Translated by Nancy Peñaloza

The puma invierno

- Minnesota

1) the Minnesota colorido

Bosques hay, hence Tiene El Tiempo pisadas-

Esto es Minnesota, whence hablan y aquí los Vientos

Nacen sobre Antiguos Los Ríos, whence los Bosques Virgenes

Nutr the las hojas otoño invierno y Raices of ...

La tierra whence The muchos el Grito de los LagosCIELOS,

Gritan the Grandeza de los años que Pasan:

El Paraiso del reflejo dry Salvaje de madera.

Eros Los walker, las semillas que la vida aquí ... trajeron;

... Aquí, whence Tienen El Ciervo y es el Alce Food,

Cabañas de enormes whence Butt, construidos fueron por Hombres.

Donde habia muchas Indians making for the tribe.

The vinieron aquí las Memorias de un Estado No nacido ...

¿Quélucharon Destinos por pueblos y sueños?

¡Quien hizo el destiny, Minnesota,

Ahora bien considerado character on !...,

* 935 01/12/2005

... 2) Brezal El Viejo

(Invierno Minnesota)

Parece más el invierno me Nostalgic

Ahora que el color gris envejezco;

Pero me gustaba el fuego Siempre

UN Brezal (A Chimenea caliente).

Las parpadean llama que, que gimeno Puertas

Ventanas querepiquetean,

Y Calientes: Huesos Viejos Calientes

UN Brezal (A Chimenea caliente).

Me gusta el brezal of FLASHING

El pronouncements, sobre el Cuarto,

ir Parezco Siempre derivatives to the United Nations Soon

Por la Chimenea of Cuarto.

¡El invierno me Parece más Nostalgic

Llamas parpadean que, que gimeno Puertas

Me gusta el brezal of FLASHING

Ahora que envejezco! ...

* 938 12/02/1905

3) La llegada ofinvierno

(En Minnesota)

¡Señor! ¡Está bien llegada of the hearing invierno

No Spring!

¡La Vision de los surcos the amontonados Nieve

Por mis FRIOS, cakes FRIOS!

¡Mirar las Orillas ásperas of a comenzar invierno

Crecer, Crecer, Crecer ...

Oir el de los Pajaros aleteo dirigiendose

Abajo to the sur! ...

¡Muchacho! ¡Es agradable hear thellegada of

Invierno ... No Spring!

(¡Por que no estar aquí! ¡Estar

Abajo en el sur, Dónde es caliente!)

* 936 01/12/2005

4) El Viejo Mississippi

(A Poem of Minnesota)

Este es el Río Viejo Mississippi -

"Undulating, Turbo" Bajo Minnesota.

¡Abajo she Sur es algo muddy

But she aquí arriba Parece A Reina!

Deseando ¡A jugar EscenaCaprichosa!

Ahora peacefully Bella, "hirviendo"

Puede estar she ...

¡Y es que vivo Por Eso and St. Paul

Dónde es she Ingenio y Clara

Es dificult Soon ...!

Pero es Ella y nos Engano Sabia

Ahora y entonces ... Arriba Alrededor of

Viejo-encurvado Minnesota.

* 837 01/12/2005

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Tuesday, October 5, 2010

The mystery of the Stone Vessel ((in English and Spanish) (from the jungles Satipo, Peru))

(A legend from the jungles of Satipo)

English version

(Advance) is a very old rock, brown, with a sandy texture to it, the size of a 17th century ship, living in the middle of the Rio Peren, in the jungles of central Peru, called Satipo. Deep in the jungle near the rock structure, there lived a tribe of natives, the "Ashaninka", derived from indigenous elders called 'Arawaks' ... I visited a tribe Ashaninka themselves, are apeople who love peace, friendly, very creative art. And so now ... Legend:

During the bloody and dangerous hundred sixteen, the colonists called (Colonos), with their slave ships, in search of native Ashaninka for slaves, sold them to the highest bidder, the markets in Lima and Huancayo, Peru and other parts of the with other cities in South America. The settlers an absolutely peaceful people jammed into the bowels of the ship, it was quite bodybody. The officers were very cold and inhuman. The consequences of this year took a toll, the settlers had hit the country like a fire in dry grass of the masses, making them into slavery. These Native insulted, frightened, none of them return to their tribes. And the settlers their peak applicants informed, the flesh of slaves into the hole in the ship, ancient, breathing mortal and corrupt environment, many died en route to markets, thrown over the stern of the shipthe vultures to eat fish and, once dead.

On any given day, something happened that would die a legend, something would then consider each settler, and captains will be forever, when they enter the Rio Peren taking what might be called the-forever 'Rock of the stone ship. "

It 'was an awful hot day. The rain had stopped, the captain had his ship anchored in the river, a small scout ship bag in the water, turnedThe bark of a vegetable garden how to open the jungle, they were looking for tribal members and the vessel with the information, where they now are back as many of them were useful as slaves. Meanwhile, the captain and his crew waited on board.

In those days, the head of Ashaninka loved to watch for ships. They knew what the settlers are considering, and, of course, the ship was bigger than anything in sight, and filled most of the centerthe river, and time was obviously a symbolic threat. And on these hot summer days, we saw the head, and his escort.

The path to the chief and his guards were standing on top of a hill, where they prayed that none of their kind would have been kidnapped into slavery on this day.

The scouts saw the ship spent much of their time trying to find stragglers, or the tribe itself, but saw nothing, nothing, but the huge trees that shade themfrom the hot sun, and condemn them as they rested and fell asleep and when she woke up and went back to their master of their fruitless search for information, they have seen the ship was gone. Refusing to believe that the ship and its crew and the captain may have left anonymously, they moved, but all they found was an isolated mountain in the middle of the river, which was not there before, stay where the ship was anchored.

It was a brown structure,than the ship itself in the design and some details, as if he were released from wood to soft rock size a bit 'round the rocky island of the same size of the ship, which was now covered with large ants, running about.

The head, now looking down from the top of the hill, the hill recently formed to look at, and the three scout is in disarray, he said nothing, only bowed her head.

Posted 17/07/2009, in part, in a hotel in Satipo, during a visit torivers and waterfalls, natives of the central Peruvian jungle

Spanish version

El Misterio del Barco de Piedra

(Una de las Legend Selvas the Satipo)

(Avance) A Es muy construcción Roca Antigua Maroon in color, with a texture Arena, Tamano similar to the Siglo de un barco diecisiete, reside en el Este del Río half Peren, en la Selva Central de Peru, en la ciudad LLAMADA Satipo. Profundo Dentro de la Selva, de esta SearchConstrucción de Piedra, lives LLAMADA A Tribe Nativos the Los Ashaninka "descendientes Nativos Primeros de los llamados" Los Arawak '... Yo he visitado A Distributed Ashaninka, ellos son personas muy muy Creativos Pacifica cordiales y las Artes. ... Ahora Y La Leyenda:

During años y los terribles sangrientos 1600, llamados Los barcos Colonos with the sus esclavos, los buscaban Nativos Ashaninkas esclavizarlos y mejor para los Mercados de Lima to venderlos y PostorivoHuancayo, y en otras partes de Peru, así como también otras ciudades and South America. Los Colonos, FRIOS inhumanos and Pacific people atascaban an ESTA en el interior de los Barcos, Mente Cuerpo Cuerpo scam was complete. Las repercusiones estos años número trajeron of the United Nations víctimas, los habían Colonos vejado esta tierra, como el fuego and Pasto seco, Masasi de Sus, poniendolos en la Esclavitud. Estos Nativos insultados,asustados, ELLOS ninguno retornaron the duration of a tribe. Los Colonos mantenían applicants on the rise, keeping the meat esclave en el Hueco del Barco, with deadly Alrededores y putrefactos viciado Aliento, Morian muchos en el Camino al Mercado, Siendo Lueg sobre la Popa tirados para que del Barco, A vez Muertos, Los Peces if y los angeles Buitres comieran.

Give but a nut, algo que se tome lugar A leyenda moldearía and, algo que Cada and settlerreflexionaría, y algo, en la que los Capitanes barco de siempre en cuenta cuando tomarían navegaban the Peren por el Río, por siempre los Alrededores the serious-Llamada "La Roca del Barco de Piedra"

He was UN Día atroz heat, la lluvia y habia cesado El Capitan del barco en el habia anclado half of Rio, an ASI los habían exploradores descendido Pequeños Botes en el agua y hacia WHETHER dirigíanAbertura de la Selva, a similar A Huerta, IBAN ellos a buscar a los miembros de las tribus y with Al Barco volverían Información de ahora Dónde if encontraban, cuántos the servirían esclavos Como ellos. Both Mientras El Capitan y su tripulación permanecían Esperando en el Barco.

En aquellos Dias, El Jefe de los Ashaninkas MANTENIA Guard sobre los Barcos. Ellos, los Ashaninkas, Sabian lo que los ColonosEsteban contemplating, y por supuesto, más que todo el Barco was LO ALTO a la que se Veia A great view ocupaba porción y en el Río average, y por supuesto era, Una vez Given a symbolic amenaza. Y and heat este día de verano, por Este fue el Jefe Viewed guardaespaldas y sus.

El Camino de los que el Jefe y sus Ashaninkas guardaespaldas seguían llegaba a cusp at the Cerro de; rezaron alli para que ellos ningunosecuestrado Fuera de su clase en día Esclavitud the ESE.

Los exploradores miraron Alrededor del Barco, emplearon cortex ante de tiempo encontrar rezagados on the entry, including La Misma Tribe, but no encontraron nada, nada, solo los que los árboles masivos protegían del Sol y que los heat condenarían descansaban Mientras ellos y if quedaban dormidos. Cuando ellos y regresaron a despertaron Marle say one in Capitan de su búsquedainfructuosa, Tina Mind ellos que no estaba notaron bar El Barco. Negándose a creer que el barco, on tripulación Capitán y su Partido podrían secretly Haber tan, caminaron Alrededor ellos, but the only thing encontraron que ellos fue A Isla Roca and half el del Río, que antes no estaba alli, whence estaba el Esta Capitán habia anclado El Barco.

A Construcción Marron was similar to mismo en barcoDiseño y algunos detalles, como este hubiera sido SI fundido de piedra madera a Suave, the United Nations Circular A lot of size, or La Isla del mismo Tamano was Monticuli Roca que habia sido el barco y Cubierta Ahora todos por grandes running with Hormigas Lados.

El Jefe de la Tribu, Mirando hacia abajo desde ahora Cima del Cerro to distant places Monticuli formadi Recientemente ya Los Tres exploradores paradox sobre este endesconcierto, el no dijo nada, only on prone cabeza.

Part Escrito el 17 de Julio 2009, en hotel Satipo UN visitaba Mientras Las Cataratas Nativos ya los de la Selva Central, Peru.

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Monday, October 4, 2010

Part 2 - How to read your way in a foreign language fluently in 30 days or less

Start reading your way of foreign language

In this second part, we are now more precise details of what you have to do to effectively read your way in a foreign language fluently in 30 days or less. Online and print out a real newspaper, if available in your target language, it was a good start.

Read the newspaper Aloud

Get a newspaper in the target language, in our example the Spanish case. Read articles fromlight - days. Do this for at least an hour a day in sessions of 15 minutes or 30 minutes if necessary. If your schedule allows you more time, 90 minutes or a few hours or so to read every day, do it if you can. Remember that you only keep for 30 days. Start by reading aloud a short article or an advertisement and be sure to include yourself. You can use the recording later to prove to yourself that this technique actually works. Eyes, it really works and it works quite well as a fact. Just be sure to read every day, without fail, for the entire period of 30 days. Take yourself (digital or tape) no more than once at the end of each week. When your 30-day period is over, get to the end of the month. Now listen to the first image you made yourself and then compare with your last shot. After listening and comparing the two, feel free to smile like a Cheshire catPat yourself on the back generously as much as you want. You deserve it.

Get where the reading material

If you happen to live in a place where Spanish or your target foreign language newspapers are not available, do not worry. Just go online and dig up one or two. For Spanish as a second or foreign language, here are some Spanish newspapers online to get started:

1. El País (España)
2. La Nación (Argentina La)
3. El Pais (Colombia)
4. El Tiempo (Colombia)
5. El Universo (Ecuador)
6. El Nacional (Venezuela)
7. El Siglo (Panama)
8. El Clarín (La Argentina)
9. Journal List (the Dominican Republic)
10. El Nuevo Día (Puerto Rico)

An interesting exercise, fun and informative

This can really be a fun and informative exercise when done regularly, if your foreign language skills to grow almost daily. Not only will your Spanish or otherforeign language vocabulary, pronunciation and communication skills sky rocket, but you can develop a deep knowledge of foreign language in context, along with geography, culture and elements of lifestyle, even if we focus on a particular country. Doing crossword puzzles, reading comics, check out the ads and recipes to try. Do not forget to have fun and experiment. If you need help or want more suggestions, just drop mee-mail. I'll be happy to help if I can.

Good luck.

See Also : Cheap Invisible Shield Store

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Wait a phone (Cody invisible Dime, Summer of '81), a short story in English and Spanish

A very short history

He came to a phone booth attached to a supermarket, which was a gas station and pretended to drop a coin into the slot of the case. I saw her profile, she looked serious, a sort of, maybe a little 'lonely as he has played half a mile from his apartment house, on York Street with his brother Shawn, and a couple of neighborhood kids. His handsome face, and did everything slowly, as he thought, if not uncertainsomething.

But when I go to the corner of my car, stopped, rolled down his window, he was standing on the box of the external phone connected to the building, talking to someone, looking a bit 'worried, this boy of nine years.
When I put my hand out the window to greet the addition to the machine, I knew I saw him with one eye.
It 'appeared to know if I would be exactly where I was, and I was fully aware when he appeared calm and ghostly surprisedAt the same time, if something like a mild form of intuition that he should be.

"What is the problem, Cody?" I asked when he was rushing to the side of my window.

"Oh. I'm fine," he said, happy to see me, holding my breath.

"You get enough sleep. I'll see you this weekend if your mom lets me. Thought I would start looking for you. So I drove around." Then there are robbed, both smiling at each other: "What is it?" I asked.

He hesitated, but her bodymovements told me he was trying to put together a few words, raising his eyes to heaven and earth, then the level of the eyes, I do not know how to explain it.

"You need something?" I asked.

He shook his head: "No!"

"Okay. If not, do you mind if I ask who you were talking on the phone?" I have observed.

"You, Dad!" He said, energetic, with a smile.

"Really?" I said.

"What do you ask?"

"Because here you come see me."

Her face was nowclear with wonder and joy, there were areas under his eyes clear.

"Oh," I said, what else could I say?

Cody stopped on the side of the car for a moment seemed somewhat detached from what had just happened.

"How do you feel, Cody?" I asked him (he could not say surprised, but he saw it) (it was like calling me on the phone, if you drop a coin into the slot telephone, and all of a sudden I received. Coincidence Perhaps, but I doubt that he thoughtso.)

I was again a shadow in my chair, smiled, hands on the car door over the cracks of the window, I felt his fingers to see how the car, as if to jump, or the door, thinking I might stay longer .

"Why do not you try to go join your friends, I know that your mother is angry when he sees you talking to me."

After a moment, he said, to me, "Your dad and talk to me?"

"Never mind," I said, "someone."

Dedicated to that guy

Spanish version

A Cuento Corto muy
Espera en el Phone
((Cody La Moneda The Invisible) (Verano 1981))

El self a cab acercarmelo A Telefónica, que estaba junto un'ONU supermercado whence tambien habia UN Grifo Gasolina, A y poner en la Moneda pretend or Reductil ranura the phone. The VI's profile, sev Serio, UN Talvez little sad Mientras Hacia ESTO;Jugando estaba el ocho a Cuadras on the departamento, en la calle hermano y otros York with Shawn on the Niños Vecindario. Hacia el Mientras todo esto estaba Thinking Slowly, algo SI No Vacilando e.

Pero cuando llegue a la Esquina, carro y me detuve bajando Las Ventanas, El todavía estaba parado en Afuera the phone booth, with Habla alguien, un Poquito preocupado luciendo, the Nueve años a este niñoedad.

Cuando me Saqua hand Afuera de La Ventana del Carro para salud, Supe que me habia Viewed por el Ojo de su rabillo.

Parece que el que yo estaba justo whence Sabia IBA a estar, cuando el estaba alli y if volteó Totally, calmada mismo tiempo y phantasmagorically sorprendido, SI habia algo, que A form was sev que el live insightTapeworm.

"¿Que Pasa Cody?" Mientras que el wine running pregunta hacia el de mi Costada Carro.

"Oh, Estoy bien, el seams, the emocionado multiplied respiración catching up.

"Duerme suficiente que este fin de semana be more, mother Si tu me deja. Pense que Iria distance Por Eso Alrededor manejo del Barrio." Lueger A to el otro sonreímos, "¿Qué es esto?" Thepregunta.

el Vacil, but los movimientos de su cuerpo me dijeron que el estaba entry encontrar las Palabras, Mirando hacia el cielo y hacia Abajo, the Suelo, Lueger LEVANTO sus ojos, no sabiendo ESTO Explica Como.

"¿Necesitas algo? Pregunta

El cabeza on Movio, "No."

"Esta bien, will not, IT molestaría Pregunto estabas en el phone with Quien Habla"recalque.

"Contigo ¡Papi!" dijo el energy, with a Sonrisa.

"¿De verdad?" dije.

"¿Qué pediste?"

"Que me Vengas a visitor ACA.

Y ahora estaba dear shining, the asombro Alegría, areas habia debajo de Sus Ojos Brillantes.

dije "Ah," ¿Qué más pude decir?

Al lado del Carro Cody estuvo parado por el inmóvil UN ALGO sev Momentapartado de lo que acababa the suceder.

"¿Cómo sientes in Cody?" Le pregunta a El (El no pudo decir: asombrado, but the sev).? (Pretending llamarme El estaba por el teléfono, faking a poner en la Moneda ranura phone, I regret aparecí Coincidencia y ¿Talvez, but lo que el Dudo will think ASI)

Me recostar UN Poquito ago, en mi asiento, sonreí, SUSmanitos and La Puerta del Carro sobre la Abertura de la Ventana, pude UN Nearby sus Dedos Dentro del Carro, Como Quisiera abrir Inside or you miss the Puerta: Talvez, I think we quedaría más tiempo yo me.

"¿Porque no tratas to join a Tus amigos, que cuando yo self if Tu Mama Puts ve muy Habla conmigo and Furious."

"Después de un moment el me dijo" ¿Habla escuchaste dad Contigo Me? "

"Eso noImport "dije," the alguien hizo ".

Escrito el 23 de Junio 2009
Dedicado a Niño ESE.

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Saturday, October 2, 2010

[Discovery Channel] Profecías of 2012 [Part 1]

2nd Part Este documentary Trata sobre las profecías Según el Mayan Calendar of 2012, but ... Tiene que el significado Mayan calendar? Según algunos historiadores the base of the Mayan calendar and Culturas Antiguas Como esta mas La Olmeca, para otros es propio de origen y las ESTA Historica Civilización profecías Según Maya Maya y la Septima Mind particular, que el 21 de diciembre indicates Dara Lugar of 2012, a 'UN nuevo cycle. Las profecías en la que se mencionanInicio Introducción the video este post son Alineación with El Centro de la Galaxia, inversion de los ICOS magnet pole Tormentas Solares, alteración the earth's core, de la Debilitamiento Ionosphere, Rayos Cósmicos, Supervolcanes, Maremotos, Conclusion A total extinction. 2012: Ascension, & el Renacimiento dimensional change. Prophetic-Información sobre el Científica Currency Exchange El Información sobre el Cambio and Galaktico-Cambios El Nuestro Solar SystemImpacto de los Ciclos Solares and Roll Eventos Solares El El Currency Exchange and El El El Papel Supernova Exchange El Diseño inteligente y las Ciencias the Universe -2012 secretase Resumen: El está Exchange Sucediendo-Que esperar - ¿Qué hacer? Herramientas para el año Exchange-987 UN IMPORTANT fue que el marco de la Ascension Principle, the Renacimiento y Cambio de la cuarta dimension Humanity. Convergencia tambien, 1987, the Harmonic Principle el marco de la alineaciónThe Directa con el sol nuestro Centro de Nuestra ...

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