Saturday, January 30, 2010

El tiempo en Burgos - 4, 5 y 6 de julio

Previsión del tiempo para la provincia de Burgos Ocho realizada por la Televisión de Castilla y León

See Also : Scope Covers Tower Racks

Friday, January 29, 2010

Middle - El Apuntes Liguilla: Indios vs. Toluca

Conoce el análisis, con los antecedentes, el comentario y el duelo entre Indios y of pronóstico cuartos de Toluca, en el Apuntes de Mauricio Cabrera.

Related : Mobile Providers Temperature Data Logger Cord Umbilical

Thursday, January 28, 2010

El tiempo y las 24 de abril de 2009 Lluvias

Lluvias en la última semana y para los próximos dias en el Mercosur por el Forecast Meteorologo Carlos Eschoyez

Friends Link : Fiber LIte Can Liners

The Mad Coffee Lady (in English and Spanish)

But you my coffee Mad Lady was God's mercy

Ah, yes, once you pass the road

Some said (should have) said: "They are all a

These tramps! "(A plague!) What was his song.

Their feet bare, frosted, frozen

Chilled veins, such as iron chains

Hacked heart, but managed to survive the winter

By night, waves of freezing cold air --

"Victoria, the Mad", from Huancayo: homelessness.

Yes, yes! Light his arms were

Yethave kept a jar of coffee, beans, sweets,

Or fifty cents, the cry of a beggar

(including water and mud instead of))

Her hair was so encrusted)): yes, yes!

Soft as the wind of spring, he loved his coffee,

This lady Mad Huancayo ...!

No man can paint a picture so

No man can paint such a thing, I do not know

And now she's gone, it was his Cipriano --

(we were) their public

Your photo made mewrapped, wrapped in gauze.

'Go from me, "I said, the image

But I was still in the hands of his mother, a tan ...

The number of these dead lady spoke to me and says:

"You see then, one, and one,

Now only half awake, are

Now he's dead, I agree, an anxious

Key to a woman, I have called

In the cold light in the dark

"Come, let me pity those who

Better than I had come, my friends,

AndRemember, the fate occurs with small feet

Since that time cold composure, breaking the knee

For the heels, it's me ...! "

No: 1842, 23 Made in May 2007 (Legends in Huancayo)

Reference: † Cyprian: Based on the cult of Aphrodite in Cyprus

Note: You, the Mad Coffee Lady was known as Victoria and walked the streets of Huancayo, Peru, the homeless, in 1960 to 70 years. It 'called "Victoria, the Mad," I call it the "The Mad Coffee Lady," I thinkThe reason is, among other things, because I loved how the coffee. We had this in common. Looking at his picture, in an exhibition in Huancayo, 5-23-2007, I could not resist a poem by her, for her, for you, for me. A man standing by my wife and I asked if he knew the woman, and he said he had, "he said suffered so much if the government had a way to get their lives to end." I went to ask another question, but immediately left, I believe that the memories were hard on him. I asked mySister-in-law, mini, from her, and she said: "I would be food and ice cream as children and get away with it." Since the passage of time has been used as a play on words: "If children do not behave and eat the food that we get Crazy Victoria ...." And children usually behave in fear.

He washed his hair in the mud, took the dirty water in her can, and poured it over his head and when the children tried to approach, she would throw the can with water on them. Theywondering aimlessly through the pages of Huancayo. Edwardo Mayta, residing in Huancayo, it was just a boy then, and remembered very well. It was from a stream, where they plaster their faces with mud, as if there is a cream, and it would stutter, said (perhaps more than excited, or a past trauma, or perhaps to a point of stress).

In addition to his strange behavior, they dyed themselves with cosmetic products, sometimes useless, bringing his lips, my old friend,Taxi drivers in Huancayo told me, Alfonso Berrios.

So was this behavior seems to me that she was a lost soul in a city that can help her (or will not, I did not go in the sentence, because I do not know) or may not help as, say, so I can not with your fingers. But their behavior gives me a woman of a certain beauty (the Edwardo specified), whose mind has gone haywire in their years, and then, worse still, many times, it seems that schizophreniapromote and develop the minds of these people with the conduct described above. Moreover, his behavior would be the bipolar disorder of his being in shape (o), manic depression.

Paola, which I mentioned in a frame shop in Huancayo (5-25-2007), Victoria very well said in so many words, but may also include filling holes with water on its way, slowly but surely being used . They hung close to the Plaza de Arms, General Muñiz Paola asked one day, when Victoria was, andshe was told, "She's dead ...," as she had lived in silence. His house was where they want to retire found.


The image of Victoria, it looked to me to be a long, black corn has rejected a woman, slender, regularly intimidated. Maybe one time it was done well, but I have this image of it (a touch of bones and muscles of the shoulder) shows something young, it was not important at all, perhaps, something brutal, ifproduced his face in the photo brutal believe that because of his death, but their ragged clothes, hair, and tied (all drenched in mud), somehow I can see their astonished eyes, is intended to be Cynics, and sludge-like end, perhaps looking calmly at all.

I suppose you could do things in those days, as impotent, staring in a whisper, he looked a pleasant manners, as he walked the streets of the city.

When the whole world, nothingSave was the taste of coffee, he was happy for the little perk.

In short, I may have made a satisfactory description of Victoria, but it is out of the picture that I see about it, and people with me their experiences, shared and derived from experience. Moreover, there is no other description of it in all my research. Also, my mind is hungry, of course, plays a role in all this, unfortunately, in a grid, but with feet on the ground, creating an emphasis onThe existence of Victoria's.

In conversation with a distant cousin, Jose Arrieta, said: 'dead in the early 1980s (between 1981 and 1983) or at least at that moment was last seen. He remembers her when about 26 years, he said, a beautiful woman, maybe he was five, so it would be almost 60 years or so, if (some still alive) in my old age) or born ca 1947)). She said she remembers her with a stick.


La Loca Señora del Café

(De Huancayo, Peru)

Pero tú "Mi Señora del Café tuviste compasión Loca la de Dios

Ah yes, a vez tú pasaste por nuestro camino

(Algunos Dijeron, deben haber dicho: "A Todos Ellos son

Estos Vagabundos "(¡una plaga!) Esta fue su canción.

Sus Pies Descalzos, helados, entumecidos

Frías Venas, como cadenas de Hierro

Corazón-Traspasado she capeaba aunque los inviernos

With noche, heladas olas de aire --

"Victoria La Loca de Huancayo: Hogar sin.

¡Sí, sí! Menudo eran sus brazos,

No obstante sostuvieron a lata ellos para el café, frijoles dulces,

O cincuenta centavos, a grito de mendigo,

(también supported him y el agua para el Lodo --

Su pelo estaba con este endurecido): ¡Sí, sí!

Suave como Vientos de Primavera, a ella gustaba on the café,

¡Esta Loca LadyHuancayo ...!

Ningún hombre podría pintar this cuadro

Ningún hombre podría pintar tales cosas, no sabía quién,

Y no está ahora, quien fue su chipriota --

(ya que nosotros eramos on audiencia);

So fotografía me dejo enfrascado, envuelto de gasa.

"Vaya de mí", dije the cuadro

Pero todavía a contuve Murmullo, fuerte sabor on ...

Figure muerta me hablo de esta señora, dijo:

"Ellos vuelven Mira, a, y porOne,

Ahora sólo medios dormidos, vienen ellos,

Ahora Muertos, ellos me aceptan a temeroso

Esperpento de mujer, ellos me llamaban,

Fría en la luz, en la oscuridad "

"Vengan; Déjenme compadecerme de aquellos que fueron

Mejores que yo, vengan, mis amigos,

Y Recuerden, el destiny entering with pequeños pies

Después de esta hora doors frío, las rodillas breaks

A heel-¡esto me hizo los ...! "

Nro. 1842, 23mayo de 2007 (Leyendas hechas en Huancayo)

Note: She was Victoria anduvo conocido como y por las calles de Huancayo, Peru, sin Hogar, en los años 1960 a los años 1970 Llamaron The "La Loca" Victoria "yo la llamo" La Loca Señora del Café, "Supongo que la razón of porque, porque el café there is so much the gustaba como a mí, esto en común teníamos. Aiming on the back, en una exposición de Huancayo, el 23 de mayo del 2007, no pude menos que escribir a poem sobre ella,she para, para ti y para mí. Un hombre if paro junto a mi esposa, y él le preguntó she conocia a la señora, y él dijo que si la había conocido ", so she añadiendo sufrir, el gobierno debería haber tenido a fireplace para terminar con su vida. Iba one hacer otra pregunta, pero él rápidamente if makes me imagino que los recuerdos fueron muy duros para él. Cuñada Mini Le Pregunte a mi, sobre Victoria, dijo ella y, "Ella the quitaba el helado u otra comida a losniños y se escapaba. "Entonces she was con el tiempo para asusta mencionado a los niños," It ustedes niños no se comportan bien y su comida comen a la Loca llamaremos Victoria "Y esto normally asustaba bien a los niños y se comportaban.

If she Cabellos lavabo con sus Lodo, recogió agua sucia en su latita, y sobre la Verte on cabeza y si los niños trataban de acercarse a ella, el agua sucia she pull les de la lata a ellos. She vagaba sin rumbo endiferentes secciones de Huancayo. Eduardo Mayta, a resident from Huancayo, was only entonces un niño, y la recuerda bastante bien. Por donde she was a Riachuelo enyesaría on award con el Cara, como si fuera cream tartamudeaba Ella Y, dijo el (excitada quizás sobre o pasado por un trauma or quizás en un punto de tension).

Además de su comportamiento con ella particularly if pintaba Cosméticos de vez en cuando, de manera sus labios extravagant destacar, eso me dijo un viejoAmigo mío, director Alfonso llamado de taxi en Huancayo Berríos.

Así, este comportamiento pareceria viendo que me she was an alma perdida en una ciudad de ayuda incapaz (or indispuesta No juzgar debo, ya que no se), or she quizás no quería ayuda, no sé, por eso no Debo señalar a nadie. Pero me over indicates a una mujer en una cierto comportamiento Belleza (Eduardo lo que indica), cuya mind trastornada fue en su adolescencia, ya partir de entonces, empeoró, como a menudoparece que se desarrollo esquizofrenia the growing dentro de las mentes y en personas con tales comportamientos susodichos. Además, sus encajarían modal que era she or a person with bipolar trastornos Desorden (or Maniacos depresión con).

Paul, a quien conocí en una tienda de vidrios en Huancayo (el 25 de Mayo del 2007), a muy bien recuerda Victoria Textual dijo: su lata was vaciar Usada para el agua de los empozada agujeros en las calles, pero segura slowly .She Soliai pasear cerca de la Plaza de Armas, por la calle General Muñiz. Paola was preguntó que un día de Victoria, y le dijeron "she murió ...", Así, en la que en Vivio form, discreetly. Era su casa en donde cualquier part if she encontrará Queriendo descansar.


Del Retrato de Victoria, she had me pareceria regularmente que una mujer de alta encorvada linaje figure estrecha de un negro, acabado. Quizás época en ella cierto estuvo bien. En elRetrato de que tengo Ella (muestra que un poco de sus omóplatos musculus y parece que era joven), she was not en absoluto Gorda, quizás podría verse is a brutal look at cara en una fotografía, digo brutal debidamente a su final aunque más allá de sus harapos y de su cabello anudado (cubierto Fango con todo) de algún way puedo ver sus ojos curiosos, unidos y on a muddy posture escéptica final quizás a echando ojeada silenciosamente a cada uno.

Supongo que todo lo queif podía hacer en aquellos tiempos desvalidamente was mirarla, murmuring, seeking mientras sus modal lentos she caminaba por las calles de todas partes de la ciudad.

Si en el mundo entero, existe algo que guardara absoluto el sabor del café, she was feliz por este little benefit.

En resumen, has dibujado quizás a insatisfactoria descripción de Victoria, aunque tengo que fue sacada rear de ella, y de la que ha compartido conmigo people on experiencia de haberla, Since atestiguando y hablando de ella. Además, en toda investigación me no he encontrado alguna descripción de ella. En Adicione, Avid mi mente juega desde luego a parte de todo esto, sadly, enojoso, but creating a entonación existencia a la práctica de Victoria.

Hable con lejano a family murió Jose Arrieta, el que me she Explico a comienzos de los 80 años (entre 1981 y 1983) or al menos ese era el tiempo Cuando fue she views por última vez. ÉlThe she recuerda cuando tenía alrededor de 26 años, nice una mujer, entonces tenía aproximadamente el 5 años de edad, a lo que haría ahora que tuviera she cerca de 60 años de edad, she is todavía estuviera viva (de mi edad cases) or nacida aproximadamente en 1947. Baston says él que recuerda a ella using the United Nations.

Friends Link : Port Hub Scope Covers

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Cuba Libre? Not yet, man! Castro has survived, millions mourn

When the news finally the lips of the communist regime in Cuba since Fidel Castro may be on the road, where his enemigos wants to go see him, celebrating the Cubans inside and outside the state of the island. Then it began to flow to the word of the party faithful that condemned dictator survived intestinal surgery and parties began wind down like puppets with batteries that are just the juice.

The Cubanos long cherished dream of Libertad para Cuba would have to wait inJargon of the inhabitants, until más tarde.

Imagine man feat bully. He ruled for 47 years in which to call all the tools praiseworthy conduct its discretion. But on or near the end of its possibilities, the beloved founder of a free and prosperous so that ends that millions hated to leave, even the rumor of his death with joy ardent expectation.

Of course there are Cubans who are praying the murderers of the tyrannical many of his countrymen, a figure thatread or view it as the revered founder of his country today, in ruins as it is, especially compared to the rich as it is as a lover of liberty for its holiday oasis just 90 miles off the coast of Florida.

Among his most loyal admirers and servants, we find the squirrel in front of his elusive and his brother Raul, now as the man who is in the case of the final Knell Fidel Castro, the island with the sure hand of a future as a guide, touted Gonzo deplorable as his brother was able toPossibility of his last 47 years.

But while we excoriate the heavy-handed dictator, take a moment to have a positive, he confirmed that, even for reasons of cynical. Has exported thousands of Cuban doctors who offer free medical care in underdeveloped nations are available. But it was mainly because in his words, he can fly to do in July this year: "These programs stronger, because it is not easy to restore the kingdom vision of a people to destroy millions of Latin Americans." Note:Dig the United States, which, if not folly to Fidel, the island's main benefactor.

We should also note that most documents shock in Venezuela, which in turn are more than 98,000 barrels of oil a day to Cuba to ship cheaply.

Meanwhile, George Bush, rejected arguments by his strong shoulder-to-the-wheel-of-change rainfall could criticize, said: "The United States is supporting the efforts of the Cuban people for democracy and committedFreedom .... We support your efforts for a transition government in Cuba to build support for democracy, and you notice that in the current regime in Cuba, which prevents your request for a Free Cuba. "

When will the man can not be moved to experience the world, moving some soil with a spade, in this case, the queen of spades, or the board of death?

On the other hand, maybe the would-sheet in the regime of Fidel, who with caution in viewanachronistic communist island, able to flee their state of mind of a new national spirit, to do.

But, until Castro finally his last cigar is lit, we fear, is the free spirit 's Island, under the heavy piston its dictator widely demonized.

Until the day the last reliable praised ash falls from his cigar, looks as though shaky grip of Fidel, subordinate to the Communist regime remains in power to him somehow.

But hope is also born with 'Given the growing rings of smoke. Obviously, Fidel is not good, and the weather is not so far off, when you go on your way buried.

Then it could be an exciting move, libre inside and outside the hospital dominated island of Cuba! Cuba Libre last!

Then we could all have our own set of swimsuits and POP on the first vacaciones our lives in a country that enjoyed not too long ago, it was the home of American night owls and fishers, the most famous, Ernest Hemingway.

Or, in terms ofhope that at last on our ability to do so, our first opportunity to enjoy some of Tiempo Libre! And, given the difficulty most of us could work in the land of the gringos in these hectic and uncertain times, we all use some tiempo libre Finally!

Recommend : C Sharp Language

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Eduardo Lolumo

Eduardo y meteorologist Lolumo "Hombre del tiempo" de Aragón Televisión nos explica otras formas de menos predecir científicas el tiempo. ... previsión tiempo

Thanks To : Herniated Disc Neck Interactive Droid C Sharp Language

Monday, January 25, 2010

A memory of asylum (6-2007) in English and Spanish

It is worth saying, if something is true, for example, or to quote my visit to the asylum-Huancayo (here in Peru), which is, was my visit. There I met the warm and charming director Nina Nelly mango, which showed me around. Most customers of the population (or) were on a path that adults and adolescents, and so on. In a section on the back of the asylum process, you can overlook a beautiful meadow, and the panoramic landscape, here it is in an area along type bar (perhaps better said, Terracethat changes in living rooms and bedrooms of about a dozen residents. There are two rows of them well-made wooden beds with warm blankets and bedspreads are looking at them, and a photo of themselves over their heads. You get to this area by a corridor in an important area, or the theater or dining area with a type of well-waxed wood floors, you can almost see and shave them shine so well when you live in this section of long-Care CenterThey are the terrace nearby.

The center or asylum is a maze of streets, but everything looks clean and with a touch of tranquility, serenity and tranquility. (Nothing is perfect, and I do not know, nor do I see for the imperfect, it is so easy with a finger, especially when they only attend for half an hour or so, but nobody had time to correct or before I arrived, did not know I was, nor did I until the last minute, when I cancel a trip toprisons because of some problems)

In any case, this is not what I'm here to say that to spy on them, but the books by hand, free books on the customs and culture of their beautiful valley. But I had seen something of what I said to the normal phone call, I was, but once again the main thing I noticed was that everyone seemed to care for people who need care. I call it: helper is and what they were doing what at that time.

The elderly, orso it seemed, along with the more chronic and clinically care needed folks, gathered in this patio sort of section, which is easy to access (which I have previously mentioned), for all they need to do is have a nurse unlock their back door, which leads to the patio, and there they are, with their beautiful vista of the meadows. Here they baste in the sun, in the afternoons, resting, knitting, and so forth. Most seem to have a hard time reading, but appreciated the booklet I gave to them on customs and traditions of the Mantaro Valley, their old house. Nelly also had the nurses and started reading about one of the residents of the book, brought tears and memories of his face on the poem "Sunday Huancayo Fair."

When I, in this section of the center, his assistant to wake some of the older people get the book, I thanked everyone and smiled. Most can not, for one reason or another, perhaps, eyesight, illiteracy or reading, but as I saidoutside does not matter whether or not the nurses, may their children, and not (in the case of nurses) read to them.

It 'hard to see these old rotting corpses, some almost motionless, but at least they are dying with dignity, warmth and care. They seemed content easily.

When my wife and I went with the assistant, an old woman came running up, who apparently had not received his book, where she was when she missed the trainSpeak (photo), and stopped us, so I gave her a book, and we both smiled and gave me a kiss on the cheek goodbye, and began to cry.

I have found in life, in such cases, tears of pain, it has nothing to do with depression (which is a disorder that is not sad, you make a difference and many people are confused when you try to separate) these two emotions , as in his case, sad tears, tears of remembrance of happy days were far away, back around him and hanglet them know that they have seen everything that is perhaps all that was worth seeing, and sometimes we go for the second round, but unfortunately it is only a ride on earth for us all.

Dedicated to Nina Nelly mango Presidenta de la Sociedad de Beneficencia de Huancayo (for their tour of the asylum and allowed me to meet the customer)

NOTE: visited 6-27-2007, written 6-28-2007

Spanish Version

A Evocación
En el asylum from Huancayo, Peru;

Worthdecirlo, Si hay algo bueno de decirlo O mencionar, y esta fue de Asilo I VISIT TO Huancayo (Peru), es decir, me viaje Valio La Pena. Allí conocí a la Presidenta encantadora Cálida y señora Nelly Nina mango, quien me enseña los alrededores. La mayoría de los residentes (o clientes) habían ido afuera por un paseo, a fireplace. En una parte de atrás of asylum where a prado podía ver muy hermoso, y un paisaje a panoramic view, aquí en esta part of the asylum tú estás en unárea Similarly, a Largo muelle UN talvez mejor dicho, a patio leading to the hall ya que los bedrooms en más o menos una de residentes Docena. Allí estaban en dos líneas las camas de madera muy ordenadas, with parecían frazadas que muy abrigadoras encimas colchas de y con ellas, y una foto de cada uno de los residentes sobre las Cabeceras. Tú Llegas a esta área Yendo a través de un corredor TO A main area, talvez es el área de comedor or a theater, with bonitos pisos de maderamuy encerados que puedes cases or concerns afeitarte lucena porque en este muy brillantes, en esta sección cuando estás tú estás of asylum seeking the patio.

El Centro es una clase de asylum or laberinto, pero limpio y todo parece a toque de tranquilidad, calma, sosiego Y. (Nada es perfecto, y lo sé, tampoco Busqué por lo imperfecto, especialmente cuando es simplemente eres tan easy to criticize a visitor por media hora o algo así, pero seguramente nadie tuvo tiempo paraarreglar esto antes de mi llegada or aquello, porque ellos nunca supieron que yo iba a visitarlos, ni planeado Yo lo tenía hasta el último minuto, cuando tuve que las prisiones debidamente a visit to a algunos problemas imprevistos) terminate

En cualquier case, por eso no era lo que yo estaba allí, es decir espiarles up para algunos repartir libritos, libros gratis sobre las Costumbres y la cultura de Valle Hermoso on. Pero si yo hubiera seen algo de lo que yo fuera de lo llamaríaOrdinary Yo lo habría dicho, pero de nuevo, que era the main thing Noté preocuparse parecía que cada uno para atender a esta people necesitada de ayuda. Yo los llamo hacían: ayudantes was esto y lo que ellos, con que entonces tenían him.

People muy mayor, or was eso lo que parece, que junto con los de más cuidado requerían, reunidos estaban en esta sección of asylum, a patio que parece que era fácil entrar en to (el que lo he mencionado Front), porque todo thenecesitaban hacer que ellos que era a las puertas de enfermera abriera ago, que al conducían Terrace, y allí ellos estarían, Vista Hermosa with a de los Prados. Aquí ellos por las tardes bordaban sol bajo el descanso,, tejiendo, y así sucesiva. La mayoría parecía take problemas de lectura, pero por el que les of agradecieron Librio sobre las Costumbres y las Tradiciones del Valle on the viejo, Mantaro hogar. Ellos tenían a las Enfermeras a quienes el les pedían IdleBook, and included a gap of Nelly Comenzó book "La Feria Dominical Magnifica", a uno de los que se pidió the residentes, lo que por el traje Memorias llorosas poem.

Mientras caminaba alrededor de esta sección the asylum, on asistente despertó a algunos de los ancianos para que el recibieran Books, todos ellos me agradecieron, sonriendo. Muchos no Podiani leer por una u otra razón, quizás por la vista, porque no leer or Sabian, pero como había precisado, esto no importabaActually, las Enfermeras, sus hijos, leérselos podrían sí, y lo hicieron (en el caso de los Enfermeras ellas lo hicieron para ellos) para ellos leyeron.

It 'hard viejos ver estos cuerpos decaerse, algunos inmóviles cases, pero al menos ellos están with Muriendo Dignidad cierto, cuidado y calor. Contentos parecen todos ellos, de una manera simple.

Mientras mi esposa y yo el dejábamos asylum, con el Asistente, a anciana wine corriendo, she no había recibido on evidence, Estaba her book, she dondequiera que estaba en ese entonces, había perdido el Barco (es una forma de hablar) y nos había Detenido, y que así UN Books, sonreímos Y, Y of the un beso de despedida en la cheek, y she Comenzó a llorar.

He descubierto en la vida, que en tales casos de lágrimas de tristeza, no tienen nada que ver depresión with (que es un Desorden No tristeza, hay una diferencia, y mucha people if confunde intentan separar cuando estas Emociones dos) Comoen su case, esas lágrimas tristes lágrimas eran de recuerdos de Lejanos Felices días, y que volvían saber permanecían a ella para hacerle she había visto que todo esto, quizás es decir, todo lo que Valio La Pena ver, ya veces para ir deseamos la segunda vuelta, pero bastante Sadly, a hay vuelta sólo aquí en la tierra, para todos nosotros.

Dedicado a Nelly Nina Mango Presidenta de la Sociedad de Beneficencia de Huancayo, Peru (y por el mostrarme asylum permitirmeConocer a los residentes)

Note: Visit del 27 de junio del 2007, escrito 28 de junio del 2007

My Links : Vehicles Hybrid Network Consulting

Sunday, January 24, 2010

El tiempo en Burgos - 4 de noviembre de 2009

Previsión del tiempo para la provincia de Burgos Ocho realizada por la Televisión de Castilla y León.

See Also : Fiber Optic Cables

Friday, January 22, 2010

The Days - A Tribute to Juan Parra of poetic Reigo (in English and Spanish)

English version

The Days

(Homage to Juan Parra of Reigo)


Throughout the year, knowing you are dead,
The two chairs in which it is difficult sat
View from the windows to be sad
With melancholy human, try restarting
These days when you lived your poem
(translation, editing and selection of its best)
Days of your youth felt like me, the sun
Do ambition, from earth to heaven,
Fateful day, with enthusiasm to share;
'mI am now, but the feeling for sale in death.


Today is like every day, I suppose
Like us, once known, since the death
How do I do now. The sky is overcast,
(I hear the rain showers which splash
How to drive cars, their machines vivo) --
And the dashboard, like a river off course, now
This is my moment, when the air
Because most full of life and images
They appear lifeless, no movement, now
Land, river and sky, is founded '
Splash is gone. And so mySadness.
Everything is smothered by me, but you
(so I can write this poetic tribute.)
My memories clear (with them), I found
Of their time, the key to your poetry;
It hides the secret closet, like a poet.


I think of everything you have if you lived
(This is everything you've written, and say
It is made before death ... Distress activated)
There was a lot of promise in your youth
Years - the nature reserve, the color of the leaves in autumn
YourFace, inspiring the wind, and forests
And the mere silence of hummingbirds.

None of them had no such promise and then
Cesar Vallejo, Borges or even Yeats,
Or Keats, Georg Trakl or Pablo Neruda.
Her rhythm and rhyme, Rascal charm
Model and the structure of sound, poetry and meter,
Accentual syllable line, all gave moving
As if glazed with rain falling hard to soft ... with
The disarmament of grace, in fact, have been oh yes, courageous
When Homer, a wooden buildingHorse
To deceive and destroy then to Troy!
In the era of Symbolism and Modernism.

E 'state, was not unlucky in blood?
This failure came only because all the passion
Path was taken in mid-course? With the death!
Fell into the void, but
He wrote poems, one hour prior to death!
Lived on the grim tedium of regret.
You have not discourage any love, heart rate,
War for Blanca Luz Brum, no luck cold ...

Their slowDeath, looking at the shape your life
There was blood in my eyes blind
But he did and wrote
His poems in stone, but in the end ...


She survives her poetry, and that blind eyes.
Their poetry Parra has to survive, is a rowing boat --
Long ago, in Montevideo, and
The painting hung in the living room
Where he sat at a table, the last final hours
Before your death (with Blanca LuzAmigo) ...

I see the sadness on his young face, drunk
If lost, try to hide in a blind spot
Grief, sadness, her mouth open as if in terror,
Eyes, for now the ghost is nearby, shattering
Face, full of shame ... helplessness!
She takes it hard in his chair, legs crossed half
Breathing slowly, she now knows what they have to endure.


Blanca and Juan Amigo, it was time
His humiliation, but hassuddenly
In the last hours of the night in a car that sad --
Disgust, Juan, without hiding anything
Blanch heard cry: "I'm lost. But you're worse!"
Maybe dying is not assigned to their domain.
But cut that night, the lights,
It 'was an hour later,
And then the lights went out,

the derivation of the previous night ...

Any worn, poor
And the two knew now deprived of the world!


Knowledge andhave heard about, read the simple fact
Your death, to keep your word in my head --
The death of this fairground
Properly sealed, from the sky and clouds,
Only the thought quiet, cast by
Moment by moment, to light, after
With loved ones at your side

The time that you and I have known today,
Even if you've been dead for over eighty years,
Or condemn my poem, a tribute to her,
Even if you pardon my words offend ...
Like you, I seeMoon-light, slip
Gradually, the sea and tidal waves
Lost on the sandy shore, since they never retreat
Succumb to it, even when the darkness has arrived;
I hope to be strong, like you (like my death) is
Although I can not promise what can not give ...

now exceeded your fame O'dark!
They have been transformed into light!

Posted 12-24-2008 (morning), Huancayo, Peru, No: 2533

Spanish Vrsion

Los días
Por Dennis L. Siluk, Ph.D. (PoetLaureado)

(Tributo a Juan Parra del Riego)


Todo el año, sabiendo que estás muerto,
He sentado en un sillon con dos Cojines,
Mirando por la ventana, sad estando
With Humana Melancolía, tratando de Revivir
Aquellos días en que tus Vivistar Poesias --
(traduciéndolas, editándolas tus mejores y seleccionar)
Días como cuando tu la Juventud mía, el sol sintieron
Ambición Llevar, desde la tierra hasta el cielo,
Días Siniestros withInspiración para compartir;
Ahora los vivo, pero siento la muerte de los tuyos.


Hoy, es como otro día, Supongo
Tú Como una vez him supiste, esperada muerte,
Como yo lo sé ahora. El cielo está Nublado,
(Estremecedora escucho la lluvia, las salpicaduras
Mientras pasan los carros, sus motores ruidosos)
Y en la Prisa, como un río fuera de curso, ahora
Es el momento cuando el aire
Mainly estando lleno de vida and imágenes,
Aparece sin, Vida sin movimiento, ahora:
Tierra, río y Cielo, fusionamos nos, las
Salpicaduras Se han ido. Y también me tristeza.
Ahogado Todo es en mi, pero no tú
(por eso puedo escribir este tribute poetry)
Mis Memorias anxiety (with ellos), has encontrado
Vivistar los días que tú, la llave a Tus Poesias:
El secreto que como armario Esconde poet.


Pienso en todo lo que hiciste, cuando Vivistar
(Es decir, todo lo que escribió y pudisteescribir
Y hecho antes que la muerte te llevará ... Desesperacion)
Hubo mucha promesa en tus años
Jóvenes-tu reserva enthusiastic, El color de las hojas de otoño
En tu cara, inhaling al viento, y bosques
Silencio y al desnudo en los Picaflor.

Ninguno tuvo entonces tal promesa aún no
César Vallejo, Borges or Yeats aún no,
Kyat O, Georg Trakl, or Pablo Neruda.
You rhyme Ritmo y encanto astute
Modelo del sonido y estructura, medida y verse
Silábicas Líneas acentuadas, todo movimiento daban
Cristales como en la lluvia, cayendo with suave y con fuerza ...
Desarmada Gracia, yes, or fuiste tú audaz,
Como CONSTRUYENDO on caballo, Homero de madera
Engañar ¡Para destruir y luego a Troy!
En la Edad y Modernism Symbolism.

Esto estaba en tu sangre desafortunadamente ¿cierto?
Sólo porque toda esa falla wine pasión
Estaba siendo Quitada a Mitad del recorrido ¡Por la muerte!
Tu teredujiste a la nada, pero aún
Escribe tu poesía, ¡una hora antes de tu muerte!
Tú más allá Vivistar of Sombrio aburrimiento pesar de.
Amor tú no one ningún afligiste, latidos los de tu corazón,
Fueron para Blanca Luz Brum ...
Slow Tu muerte, moldeó tu mirada sobre la vida
Había sangre dentro de esa mirada Ciega,
Pero esto te hizo a, te hizo mirar y escribir
Tu poesía de piedra, only the final ...


Tu te has sobrevivido poesía, yaesa mirada Ciega.
Poesía You, Parra, aquel que ha sobrevivido Bote-REMAST
He Mucho tiempo, y esta en Montevideo
Sobrevivirá colgada a la pintura de tu cuarto en La Pared
Cerca de donde te sentaste a mesa-las últimas horas
Antes de tu muerte (with Blanca Luz amigo y) ...

Veo el dolor en su cara joven, embriagada
With perdido, buscando algún lugar tranquilo, para esconderse
En Desolación, abatido, boquiabierta como si de terror
OjosMirando, porque la hora atribulada está cerca,
Desgarradora Cara, llena de desgracia ... ¡Por ser powerless!
If she Agarra fuerte en su silla, sus piernas medias cruzadas,
Breathe slowly, ready sabe ella, lo que debe de sufrir.


Blanca y el amigo de Juan estuvieron cerca de él la hora
De su aunque no se hacia él, Degradación ellos volteó
En las últimas horas de la noche, en ellos a sad
Auto aversion, Juan, sin nada que ocultar,
Éloyó a gritar Blanca, "Estoy perdido, pero tú estás peor"
Talvez el Moribund not poseía a sus dominios,
Pero esta noche, las luces estaban bajas,
Era la última hora,
Y luego se las luces apagaron,

entonces pasó la noche en la disipación ....

All rendidos, en complete lack
Y ahora los dos supieron, ¡el mundo se free!


Oído y Sabiendo habiendo, leído sobre la verdad desnuda
De tu muerte, la palabra en mi cabeza endures --
MuerteEn ese cuarto tormenting,
Cerrado fuertemente, desde el cielo y nubes,
Sólo silenciosos pensamientos, de echados
Moment one moment, para más tarde Ilumina
With amados aquellos seres por tu lado

Las horas que conocemos ahora tú y yo,
A pesar de que tú estás muerto más de ochenta años,
Ni complaint I poem, a tribute para ti,
Forgive Ni, mis palabras, you ellas ofender ...
Como tú, saw la luz de la luna, deslizarse
Encima, y sobre laMarea del mar, y las olas
Perdidas en las orillas arenosas, mientras ellas if retiran
Sucumbir para ellos aun cuando nunca he llegado a la oscuridad;
Espero que yo sea fuerte como tú (mi muerte cuando llegue)
Aunque no puedo prometer lo que no puedo represent ...

Y ahora a tu Superadio Fama, ¡oh oscuridad!

¡Te TU transformado de luz!

Escrito el 24-December-2008 en la mañana, en Huancayo, Peru. Nro. 2533

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Thursday, January 21, 2010

The Great Warrior Lord of Huayllay (2946 BC) (in poetic prose, now in English and Spanish)

(Translated from English into Spanish translation by Rosa Peñaloza de Siluk)

Awarded the Prize Excellence: The Poet and writer of the year 2006 by Corporacion de Prensa Autonoma
(Mantaro Valley of Peru)

Awarded the National Prize of Peru, "Antena Regional": The best of 2006 for the promotion of culture

Laureado poet de la Ciudad de San Jerónimo de Tunán, Peru (2005), and
Mantaro Valley (8-2.007) (Winner of the (Gold) Grand Cross of the City (2006))

Also awarded with a medalMerit and a graduate of the College journalist in Peru, in August 2007 for its international achievement

Copyright © Dennis L. Siluk 9 / 2007
The Great Warrior Lord of Huayllay

((2946 BC) (A Poetic Legend of Stone Forest))


Part One: The Advent

Part Two: Youth Saenea
& The Great Bear

Part Three: The celebration
& The Marvel

Part Four: The Heart of Black (General)

Part Five A: prevail

Fifth Part B: the GreatMêlée

Interlude: The experiments are

Part six to eight: the great seer
and the sculpture of large stones


The minor

Dedicated to:

Dedicated to the miners
Cerro de Pasco and Mayor Tito Valle

Poetic Legend

The Great Warrior Lord of Huayllay

For those readers interested in the prologue or later this account (or the version for the creation of large stone structures on Huayllay, Peru), please read the notes onEnd of story.

The Advent

During the siege and the assault was more Huayllay

and the clan and fell into the fire cave dwellings and ruins

and if all the wealth has been made, the noble family

they had escaped from the treachery of the Horde

from the underworld, beneath the Sierras Grande --

Scourge, that their country, have returned home.

E 'was Saenea that was found by the famous king;

and if this show was youngfound, after the famous king,

He drank the blood of animals still alive.

The boy was ten, but the siege, his family did not escape.

Pomp and pride, was in his head and heart,

of pain and struggle, what strange things in a boy.

He put his hand on the breast of the king, he swore:

Revenge of mourning from his heart.

It was bred to be a man daring to fight, and so;

and as at the timeYouth, many miracles, had seen the man:

wanted to be, but by all that people say they heard one day the king.

Then a miracle, and for men was, and I say shell

its history, because it was one of the few who still has fear of death ...

one of the wildest of all people, as has solidified, and courageous he was,

associated with divinity, he says, but he loved only one thing is true.

In fact, the king of art was created in his cave,

one with many figurines of animals, endAnimals, and his way of

accompanied by laughter, dancing and drinking,

Disputes fully and happily drunk masters of tribes.

Because here in this land of stone and meadows full of festivals

Most days and nights, meat and joy and fun.

Saenea Youth
& The Great Bear

Did marry young and carefree, but anxious!

And he had the thoughtlessness of a young man!

But his young blood,swirled in his brain, not sit for long;

older female audience (who knew) by young

grass whispered in his ear: "Everything you see is my vision ..."

that made him happy to see (he used to pride,

her his advisers), still searching for their strangeness does not know!

And so it went, straight, and the stern rose: the

Great Bear, sixty to three meters high, the stone forest, proud and

court. Princeknew that his job in danger?

His life against life, the other from the first sentence!

Favor or property, is more appropriate that the custom, still stood.

And with the spear of silver and bright banners of the prince,

Hung in (with a push and pull) back bear,

got back on his exceptional, with a string of hair,

Hang, shaking wildly his spear and pierced!

Bizarre and ideas in motioncame out, he had killed the noblest

animals, which had always known, and the largest of the Sierras.

The Feast
& The Marvel

For the events just finished when the meat of the bear

(many:) was served: Huayllay passed among the elderly,

with music and traditional dance, song and laughter, and drinking;

killed for the most powerful was the prince, filled to the waist.

So great was the feast of the thighs of the animal andMembers filled the belly

from all the tribes and the elders announced Saenea a miracle.

Now the party, I will not say more because it is clear

one, and all of us would not want a prince, and the feast given by

father-king, for others. For all the people with horror on her face

and concern among many incandescent light still Saenea shown.

Black heart

He wore all black clothing and humans: a furdense near

his skin, clinging to him, a shimmering gown, chopped finely with

Fringes, a black hood in its thickness, the wide head.

Blacks long hair, dark eyes, gray, boxy shoulders

(rich, built-light), with pride, went without shoes.

And all that in vain, since he knew that was the plan of the King

General Dark Heart, the right hand of the king sovereign old.

(Still, said the king to the king is true, and onlySon ....)

It bore the seal of the king that day (stolen), bright

Gold, covered with precious stones and rich in her bedroom

be met through death proved, with the blessing of his

devoted son, and the fate of the empire was in a passport;

stained with the blood of two corrupt hands enamel.

The execution of a

Presumptuous was the great competition between brothers

both glistened and shone the gemsprepare

confirmed for the struggle of the king of the forest of stone, two rigid

rigid stallions fighting in the battle quickly fray, for royalty:

Huayllay for the monarchy, a fight to the death ... Death Stone;

both very good, but found Saenea, hungry, and with

his spear silver aims to kill his brother, boasting

(and so it was that the strongest would prevail ...!)"

The Great Melee B

"Do what you want," he told his SaeneaStep-brother ... (activated)

"Listening to your gods never silent, nor honor you ...!

"And I tell you this: take your mind, I suggest, you're still alive,

"But be careful: the one God, the true one, would sweep in his cave

"clean, for many who have fought with me, step to death - oh

"Son of a great king, watch, wait mighty walls, in which the ...

"Underworld, where the murderous wrath goes on in each of them.

"Here, have no tastefor food, what you really crave;

"Now is the massacre of blood choked his heart desires sighs! But

"Her father wrapped my heart, not a day, but many, many!

"I leave you hated in life, after the massacre, I remember, and go!"

(The real son has not stopped, and threw dust in his eyes.)

And that was what drove his heart with the fight anger ...?

Saenea, the adopted son of the great old king, and the true son.

Saenea, swept a blowas a fatal disease, the true Son of ribs,

He moved close to attack, all shots Saenea empty;

He pulled up close to attack, hit him right in the spine and back,

Ribs deep in the muscles, cutting, spraying bone

open wounds with blood, he retired to return, even serious assaults.

Fists and legs whirring like arrows, took him to the ground,

bottom feet on the ground in a hurry, he pulled out his miserable

The heart from his chest, jumped up, held it up ...

"Listen to me ..." She exclaimed, his hands free to fight now felt, "I

"right in the fire of battle, I prayed, I have now your king!"

He killed his real son, with his silver spear at his side,

Destroying the earth like a bull, knelt on the God of the universe.


The proof

Now Saenea, was the man enjoy his pleasures;

kindlycould be that he had: a fair and tough.

Beneath the sky, all looked to him as King of glory,

and a king on the high pride, it would be difficult to name,

But he was a warrior king who is not afraid of anything.

In the battle, who saves a life, animal or warrior --

I do not say anything, but a woman who would become his wife.

In speaking of battles, and cries and cries

Announcement of his arrival a new (yelling and waving his hands)

Womenburst out laughing, lost in a mad joy, joyful, when

Happiness was served, and washed away the moral and

the most beautiful women there, looking through the eyes of fog.

6 and 7
The great seer
and carving
large stones

And if the king Huayllay through this miracle was right to exclude,

fat and old, well educated, and men and women were happy!

And in this new area would have attracted more miracles,

in any other age group known since ancient times;yet

all those who remain here in the forest of stone, a trick from King's! --

if not all, people honored Saenea most have heard of me,

To tell people - but listen to some 'more ....

Sear the Great, was long gone, and a child is born

the king, who was a boy, "Yes!" cried the king's son ...

king! "Then he cried out to heaven, and God,

the only true God, he cried - and promised one thousand

Stone statues in his honor. Andthe dark of night,

Thunder, rain poured ... and the woman has so

much loved ...


End of poetic legend

Spanish Version

The Epopeya Poética

El Gran Senor de Guerrero Huayllay
Dedicado: Go Mineros
de Cerro de Pasco y al Ingeniero Teodulo Quispe Huertas

La llegada

Cuando el Åseda y en el Asalto hayan cesado Huayllay
y las tribus y caigan Cave de fuego y Ruinas,
y cuandohaya sido Tomada toda la riqueza, los familiares más nobles
escaparon de quienes the traición de la Multitude
del mundo bajo, debajo de las Sierras Grandes --
aterrorizó volveran que su tierra, ellos home.

Saenea fue, quien fue encontrado por el rey renombrado;
simpático y cuando este muchacho fue encontrado, por este rey famous,
bebiendo él estaba la sangre de los animales para mantenerse vivo.
El muchacho de 10 años de edad sólo había of escapadobloqueo on familia, no pudo.
Pump large orgullo y de su corazón y había inside Cabeza
Tristeza y with harassment, stories Extranas cosas dentro del muchacho.
Él poniendo sus manos sobre el rey chest, juro:
venganza with tristeza no dejar on corazón.
Y el fue criado para ser un hombre audaz, para la batalla, y tales cosas;
y en su tiempo, como a joven, los hombres habían muchas maravillas visa:
Pero en todo esto, escucharon los hombres, que adía sería el Rey.

Así una maravilla entre los hombres era el, y diré
Su cuenta, porque él fue uno de los pocos que nunca tuvo temor a la muerte ...
Uno de los hombres más descontrolados, era el Valiente,
ligado a dioses se dice así, pero sólo el amabo one One to Verdadero.

Cierto, el rey tenía dibujos de Arte Fino En toda su Cueva,
con muchas figuras terribles, animales nobility,
acompañados por mucha diversión, Bailes and drink
llenos deconflictos, dioses y sobre tribus ebrios fantásticos.
Porque en esta tierra de piedra y los Prados estaban llenos banquetes
La mayoría de los días y noches, with Carnes, diversión, y Alegría.

De la Juventud Saenea
Y el Gran Oso

! La Juventud hizo que él y aunque se-Casara despreocupara restless!
¡Y él tenía el carácter de un hombre joven, alegre!
Todavía on sangre joven, giraba if sentaba nunca en su cerebro por mucho;
además la viejaclarividente-(the conoce a quien el desde la adolescencia)
Hum en sus oídos: "Todo lo que ves está en mis Visiones ..."
the the complació descubrir que a él (en el orgullo porque había the nombrado
on a ella Consejera), aunque, ¡siempre inusitado de sus extrañezas!

Y así, llegó a pasar, severe este el derecho y estuvo
Gran Oso, Veintiuno metros de altura, en el Bosque de Piedras;
kindly orgulloso Y. El Principe ahora sabía over Desafío ¿estabaen peligro?
Su vida en contra de la vida, ¡cada uno al otro permitiendo el primer movimiento!
Fortunately or favor, más que ambos justos costumbre, ellos estuvieron quietos.
Lanza PLATEADA with Y, y pancarta brilliant Príncipe
enganche esto en el (y launches empuje with the United Nations) La columna del Oso, Subió
arriba a lo largo de su pelo y con altísima back Soga,
, Invasion colgándose-¡gritando mientras on Lanza perforaba perforaba Y!

Pensamientos Extrañosy conmovedores vinieron, él había matado a las
Adel bestias más de las que él había conocido alguna vez, y el más grand de todas las Sierras.

El Banquete
& La Maravilla

Cuando apenas había terminado el acontecimiento, the flesh of Oso
(a huge cantidad) Servida fue, entre los ancianos de pasada Huayllay,
Music bailes y costumbristas, risas y Canciones, and beverages;
por que había sido el mas poder asesinado; el PríncipeHasta la satisfecho saciedad.
Tan large fue el Banquete, los lados de la beast y sus extremidades llenaron Barrigas las de todas las tribus, y los ancianos a proclamaron maravilla Saenea one.

Ahora of Banque diré no más, seguramente porque éste is one obvio para todos y el Príncipe deseaba no más, y dado por el Banquete
El Rey su padre, para otros. Horrorizados porque todos los hombres estaban en su cara,
Y ahora el temor if mostrada en muchos, aunque a ligeroRubore de Saenea.

General El Corazon Negro

Él todo de negro Vestia, hombre y rope: a search ajustada piel y one
Su piel, pegado a el, a bata deslumbrante, recortada finely with
Flecos, a black woman on Capucha Cubri gruesa cabeza y amplia.
Largos mechon negros, grises ojos oscuros, amplios hombros,
(lujos, erguido-glistening with orgullo, sin zapatos el paseo)
Y todo el que lo vio vainly sabía que él era el rey of the stick
GeneralCorazón Negro, the hand of derecha viejo Soberano Rey
(Sin embargo, el verdadero rey Traïció to único y por su hijo del rey ...)
Y el seen el sello del día este rey (robado), de oro brilliant
lujos expuesto con-GEMAS y en su recamara
Conspiracy realizo on asesino, with the de su Blessing
verdadero hijo, y así, el Reino del destino estaba por cambiar;
manchado corruptas por la sangre de dos manos manchadas.


Presumptuous eraesta, Great pelea entre hermanos
y ambos brillaron with centellaron joyas preciosas, alistándose
para la Batalla del rey-realizada en el Bosque de Piedras, rígidos dos
Machos rígidos para pelear, Batalla en confrontada rápida, por el poder,
por el poder de Huayllay, a pelea a muerte ... muerte de piedra;
ambos estaban muy iguales pero Saenea, hambriento todavía, with y
Lanza-on PLATEADA apunto para matar a su hermano el arrogant
(y esto fue así, ¡el quemás fuerte triunfara ...!)

Great Rina B

"Haz como quieras", dijo Saenea, a star Herman on ... (provoke)
! Silenciosos tus dioses porque nunca te escucharán, ni te honrarán ...!
PONL-Y te digo esto en tu mente, te-tú todavía aconsejar Vives,
"Pero ten cuidado! El único Dios, el Verdadero, quiero limpiar lugar talvez on
"porque muchos que han batallado conmigo, van más allá de muerte: O
"hijo de un Gran Rey, aims abajo, Paredes hugeesperan, en el el ...
"bajo mundo donde be incesante Fury fatal en todo ello.
"Allí por ellos no tienen gusto comida, lo que tú really ansiarás talvez;
"porque ahora es sacrifice, sangre, ¡gemidos ahogados tú deseas! Pero
"You father envolve mi corazón, no un día up ¡muchos, muchos!
"Te Dejo alive, después de tu recuerda matanza hateful, y ve"

(El verdadero hijo, no escuchaba, tierra y sus ojos shooting)

¿Y esto fue lo que a los corazones losempuje a pelear fury ...?
Saenea, el hijo del viejo Adoptado Gran Rey, y el verdadero hijo.
Saenea, a coup asestó, como una plaga mortal las costillas hijo del verdadero,
else tries Movio para atacar, todos los golpes eran one Vacíos Saenea;
else tries Movio para atacar, the Ataco de lleno en la columna y back,
breaking them profundamente sus musculus, cortándolos, huesos rotos
heridas abiertas with sangre, él if Retiro, Bravo asaltos todavía. Vendrían
Puños y sus piernas eran como flechas fast, esto the Derrumbe,
abajo, fuera del suelo, fast, él miserable on Arranco
corazón de su chest, jump a sus pies, sustaining permanece de alto ...
"Escúchame ..." El Grito, luchadoras ahora sus manos libres "Escúchame"
en medio de la batalla of Cali yo está ahora a mi, tu lado Rece-Rey! "

Mato to verdadero hijo él, después con su lanza PLATEADA por su costado,
aplastar la tierracomo un toro, if Arrodillo él Dios of the Universe.


Los juicios Pendientes

Saenea Y ahora que era un hombre, también disfrutaba placeres;
Cortés él pudo ser, Poses él era: Justo y hard.
Bajo el Cielo, todos him Convertirse vieron en un rey fame
rey y muy orgulloso, seriously hard nombre,
Pero el rey was Guerrero, quien no tenía temor a nada.
Batalla en él no perdonaba Vidas, fuera esta beast or Guerrero --
digo a nadieBut only one, una mujer, quien en su esposa if will convert.
Cuando el volvía de las batallas, y fuertes Clamores llantos
anunciaban nuevamente on arribo (saludando manos y gritos)
damas riendo fuertemente, perdidos en un loco Gozo Alegre, mientras
Servida que era la alegría, y las maneras quitadas, y
preciosas las mujeres más allí, with miraban ojos de niebla.

6 and 7
Great Clarividente
Y el tallada
De las Piedras Grandes

Y justo cuando elRey gobernado Huayllay fue por este maravilloso,
valientes ancianos y hombres y mujeres y bien criados celebraron-!
Domain Y en este nuevo, más Maravillas despertarían
conocido que en otra edad desde los viejos tiempos, aunque
de todos aquellos aquí en el Bosque de Piedras, a fake del Rey --
SI hubo alguna vez, el Saenea honrado más, porque escuche,
decir a los hombres, - Escucha Pero, a ratito todavía más ...

Much clarividente, ahora he perecido,nació y un hijo del rey;
Este es un niño. "Yes" grito el rey "... ¡hijo
del rey! "Después El Grito at the sky, ya Dios
Unique in Verdadero - El Grito y mil Promethium
Estatuas de Piedras one sulfur Gloria. Y en la oscuridad de esta noche,
truenos sonaron, one Cántaros lluvia ... y la mujer a la que él
amabo greatly ...


Prolog or later (Note) to the story: This story takes place around 2946 BC, about 200 300 yearsAfter the great flood (3246-3146 BC). This is a fiction, but the author believes that he could be, like the large statues of the "Stone Forest" in the vicinity of Cerro de Pasco (called a zone Huayllay (created). The image (or design l 'is the author of a statue in the great forest of stone. And again, most likely for being the Lord of Huayllay. The author believes that the statue could be with the right amount of people in a hundred years or so from there, and engraved date,be precisely placed after the flood, the Bible to accommodate the story. Although there have been several floods in the last ten thousand years, could take place, but there are three accepted by the author, 1500 BC, 3246 BC and 9600 BC.

End Notes on the preparation of written history aside, the distance to my apartment in Huancayo, Peru, and on the platform a few miles between 9-22-2007 and 9-25-2007. Made originally in prose (the platform for the afternoon of9-22-2007).

The minor

I am not a political person, and want to engage with politics, but I know that Cerro de Pasco, a mining town (like the mines in northern Minnesota, where I am, and was the sweat from his brow, and work their muscles , made the city of Cerro de Pasco, what it is today. refuge from the houses of a hundred years ago, the sprawling city we see today, Cerro de Pasco has come a long way and I commend (Mayor Tito Valle), andMiners all their lives for the contribution. If the mines close, I daresay, what next for the city. I have done in other cities, where there are large industries that have closed because of the controversy, it also deletes all the jobs and the future for the growth of its population leave people not working again, as mines, which have much to say, without interest, for the bread and butter, which must be paid every family table. Perhaps the environment and industry can coexist, itis only a matter of learning to do.

Thanks To : Sharp Copiers Straight Razors

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Los Loros (parrots), De Los Andes (in English and Spanish)

Los Loros (parrots)

Los Andes

(De Peru: A Poética Fable)

During the harvest

Parrots (Loros) of the Sierras

Search high and low for food

As the hungry children of the devil

Badminton, hundreds of them

(Like a swarm of plague) in packs

From mountain passes

In the villages in search of maize

Wheat, corn, fruit, food!

Always in groups, never alone,

They echo their voice

Anointedof heaven

As a vision of a dark cloud.

Now, in view of fields of farmers',

In a lightning in his eyes, ate

Any trace of corn, wheat every bit

Each plant seeds of grain from farmers

End, only tears and pain ...!

And the youth of the country

(The morning wake up ...

And waiting, anticipating,

Want to save the harvest)

Grave Spin, rock and hand

Trying to kill the growingEnemy

In fields of wheat and corn.

But here, the strong and fast Loros,

They hide in trees and shrubs

Wait until fall to young people to sleep:

And with humor and yellow beak,

Green and red wings necklaces

They eat everything ...!

Note: No: 1423, (8-14-2006, while in the city of Huancayo, Peru, written in the Andes), inspired in part by the work of Jose Morales, Oregon.

Spanish Version

Los Loros
Los Andes

(En Peru: AFábula Poetics)

¡Durante el tiempo de cosecha

Sierra de los Loros

Alimentos Buscan arriba y abajo

Hambrientos como niños del Diablo

Ellos-vuelan cientos de ellos --

(Como un Enjambre de plagas, en Manadas)

Por Pasajes montañosos

Dentro de los Pueblos buscando maíz,

Trigo, granos, Frutas, comida-!

Grupos de siempre, nunca solos,

Ellos repite sus voces ruidosas

En lohigh sky,

Como ignorada a dark cloud.

¡Ahora, high pasando por los campos de los Agricultores,

En un abrir y cerrar de ojos, ellos han COMIDO

Rastro de cada wheat, cada MIGA de trigo

Cada semilla de grain plantado por los Agricultores

Only Dejando Lágrimas y dolor ...!

Y los jóvenes del pueblo

(Temprano en la mañana ellos se despiertan ...

Esperan Y, Previn,

Deseando save a cosecha)

Honda de Agarran JEBE, mano de piedra

Tratando de matar at enemigo que se lifts

En los campos de trigo Maizal Y.

Pero ellos, son los fuertes y rápidos Loros,

Árboles y en ellos se ocultan arbustos,

Duerman esperan que los jóvenes se:

¡Y con ingenio y Picos amarillos,

Oh Collares Verdes y Rojos

Ellos comen todo ...!

Note: Nro. 1423, 14-August-2006 (Escrito mientras estaba en la Ciudad de Huancayo,Perú, de los Andes), en part, inspirado por los trabajos en Oregon, Jose Morales.

My Links : Linux Thread Inspection Mirror Industrial Chain

Friday, January 15, 2010

Nubes de mar, consecuencias y evolución - Inversión térmica

Para leer más sobre Meteorología y Predicción del tiempo, visits: A cases it mar de nubes siempre algo lindo para ver si se holds oportunidad de (primero), verlo desde arriba, desde la montaña y or flying (segundo ) will dicho mar de nubes no estás contaminada formado sobre una ciudad. Los mares de nubes son consecuencia de la inversión térmica, que se fenómenos formarse to be a "wall temperature de altitud determinada a fría, impidiendo que el aire y todas lasPartículas ...

My Links : Telescoping Poles Port Hub Juice Machine

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

The Ledge (1957 - a Sketch ((now available in Spanish and English))

The Ledge

[1957] E 'was during this time when I would come visit to reaffirm to Mike, especially in summer, but throughout the year for the most part (I was ten years old at the time, Mike was nine years old). Sometimes it was early morning and had stones thrown at his window to wake him, but Mike would never wake up so easily. Oh no, it was not easy, he slept like an old coat, much like an old man who falls asleep to sleep and it takes a blow on the head to wake him, or two orthree, all in all, Mike has never had a difficult time sleeping for sure. Had a bed near a window, and they had one bedroom apartment, which means that there are two beds on one side of the room, a cable division of parents of Mike, and used as a blanket, a partition. So Mike was sleeping next to the ceiling, and his parents, but a few feet away, beyond the ceiling, on the wall. It 'was a small kitchen, with a corner table, room for two people, one in each corner. AndMain room with an old sofa chair, an ashtray fast-food, and a television in black and white.

When I was about to say, but then I either have a hard time sleeping at that time, I believe, with all the energy we had, he and I, we slept well, if it was night, so, uh, yes, we trained our energy on our daily adventures, it was a miracle that we have all the forces in the first place.

Have in any case, I would have thrown the stone, I figure that maybe I should take anotherShe rocks, if I worried about launching another stone, but I've always been a ting, break windows in a row, I said: "Go to" Plan b'1-yes, and that's what I had done Most of the time. Then exit through the front door I was going to open up three flights of stairs, running through the corridors, some doors along the way, it would drive away the light from the darkness. (E 'was a pale smell of musk odor in the building, as if it were old books in a damp --Time-there, there for a hundred years or so, and if it had dried, had left something behind the smell bothers me, but somehow I have used, the type of, I say, I was nearly unconscious, the process of acclimatization How can you not know, maybe it means that everyone who can work in a slaughterhouse, is, as I did a few years later, not having a bad smell and the ability to get used to the maximum: it is credible. So I was openwindow at the end of the corridor of the third floor, next to Mike's apartment with panoramic views of the garbage. There's been a boon to his right, a thick, not fat, a large heavy type of Sims who were not disturbed, then I would be at hand, and on the side of his window, the window was Mike and Mike usually through the head in the window or under the blanket, and usually could not tell its shape, so if it was not in bed, he would be in the kitchen or bathroom in the hallway and Iwait until his return home.

After a while 'barrel on the window, said Mike usually wake up looking for one or two times when I was (who else) to be seen rubbing his eyes and looked surprised, and then open the window (not the number of times that the father or the mother said, "your friend on the damn window again, you can not use the port for the good of !''), ... and he was dressed, and we would go running away, and wildtype blue and have a Once there was really a place anywhere in the entireCity of St. Paul, Minnesota. And consequently, as has been: we were both eager and waiting for the young. And then, when we, well, that's another story.

Posted 8 2002/revised / 2005


Translated Nancy Penaloza

The Repisa

[1957] During Fue este tiempo cuando yo venia para visitar a repeat Miguel, sobre todo en los Veranos, pero todo el año primarily (aquel entonces yo tenía diez años, Miguel tenía nueve años). AWas temprano por las veces mañanas lanzaba Piedras y yo en su Ventana para despertar, pero nunca if Miguel despertaba tan fácil. Tan Ah no, it was simple, El Dormia vieja como una roca, similar to a Anciano que se queda dormido y necesita a puñetazo a la cabeza para despertar, or dos or tres, en general, Miguel nunca tenía un tiempo difícil para dormir seguro. Él tenía una cama de una ventana tries, y ellos tenían Apartamento de una habitación, es decir, dos habíacamas a un lado de la habitación, que divide a cuerda a Miguel de sus padres, y una manta Usada como a divider. Así, Miguel Dormia al lado derecho de la Manta, y sus padres unos pies más lejos, más allá de la Manta, contra la pared. Había una pequeña cocina separada, with a mesa de esquina, sentarse el espacio para dos personas, one en cada esquina. Y en la habitación principal había un viejo sofa, levantado Cenicero United Nations, Blanco y Negro y un televisor.

One Estuve ComoPunto de decir: Pero en aquel entonces yo tampoco tenía un tiempo para dormir Supongo dificultăţi, with toda la energía que nosotros teníamos él y yo, dormíamos bien cuando venia la noche, SI, ah, yes, ejercíamos nuestra energía de nuestras aventuras Daily , una maravilla donde todo esto en vigor was encontrábamos aquel primer lugar.

De cualquier modo - Y después de que podía haber Lanzado la piedra-Yo me imagino, yo quizás debería LANZAR otra piedra, you LANZARotra piedra, pero yo siempre estaba a little rashness, yo podría romper la ventana - en consecuencia, me dije: "Vaya" "Plan B 1" - si de verdad, y es lo que hice, la mayor parte de las veces. Y entonces yo iba a través de la puerta delante of the building, a las tres escaleras Subia Prisa, vestíbulos por los precipitándome, Abri unas puertas más en el camino, entonces la luz el camino perseguía-obscure. (A Había Pálido olor, olor como de humedad en el building, como situviese libros Mojados - en una época lejana - Dentro de Cien años y allí During así, y cuando ellos se habían secado, ellos habían olvidado algo, el olor me molesta, todavía, de algún me so I aclimatando a esto de alguna forma;, digo cases inconsciente me hice a este proceso de aclimatación - Como fue posible, no sé, quizás him or herself, es decir, que alguien puede trabajar en un matadero, como hice algunos años más tarde, y no el oler putrid de esto, if has aclimatadoal máximo: entonces it creíble. Entonces yo podía abrir la ventana al final of vestíbulo, en el tercer piso, apartamento tries to de Miguel, pasando por el Basurero high. Allí, allí a su derecha había a fuerte a repisa not fuerte, y una clase de pesada repisa widen, disturbing no demasiado, y entonces yo me trepaba sobre ello, donde estaba la ventana de Miguel, y la cabeza de Miguel estaba usually Por or sus Cubiertas bajo la ventana, y yo podía decir normally on formasí el no estuviera en la cama, él estaría en la cocina o el cuarto de baño en el y yo vestíbulo Esperaba hasta que el volviera the apartment.

¡Después de unos tropiezos sobre la ventana, Miguel despertaba normally daba a un par de veces encima mirada para ver si yo era (quién más) frota sus ojos, y la ventana mirab sorprendido ABRI (pocas las veces que él no lo hizo, on decían father or mother, "compinche tu maldita en la ventana otra vez, él no puede usarProvidencia por la puerta ... bien! ') Y el when clothed, y nosotros nos escapábamos hacia el "salvaje allá azul" Otra vez: que algún lugar really was, cualquier lugar en alguna parte de la ciudad de Saint Paul, Minnesota. Y en consecuencia esto es como era: impaciente ambos eramos tan, adolescentes y esperando ser. y luego cuando fuimos nosotros, bien, esto es otra historia.

2002/revisado Escrito 8 / 2005

Friends Link : Interior Plants

Friday, January 8, 2010

How to write a feature article

I would like to write. What? A feature article.

Something that is informative, useful, and Roman is the default feature articles.

In today's global community is the function of articles on the products of in-demand. The world community values leveling of the global priorities of literacy research in the world.

How do I write?

Get a theme you have experience or a theme, the keen interest.

Here are the facts. These facts / information should answer the 4 W's(what, when, where, whom) and 1 H (how) the answer is usually the first paragraph.

Take a quick survey, interview or research on the topic. The following paragraphs should develop the topic thoroughly with data collection and data that can confirm for you.

The last paragraph of the article should summarize what you wrote above. Note: These points represent a good beginning and the end of sentences, the reader will find the attention to this. You must get at least 250 wordsPublication and will be treated in accordance with the general rules of standard English.

The article must relate to the theme of organization with the depth is to explain in writing style. Good points are the essential structures of the letter with the unit, the focus and coherence. After writing teachers Edith Tiempo, that the texts, all processes of development as a narrative, description, presentation, persuasion, can be used, among other things.

Moreover, the structure must be in writingUnity, coherence and attention.

Be ', the best ideas you can share with readers? What skills can you share with the world, that others may learn and be kept? Write an article of functionality.

See Also : Olevia Remote Outback Locations

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Cantando para los novios

Aquí no importaba desafinabas yes or no, el tiempo total forecast was muy bueno, así que no podía ser peor ... Cantar no sé ... Pero nos echamos unas risas ...

Thanks To : Bullet Cameras Ink Cartridges For Printers Encryption Security

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Runtime Error 430 - Why and what can be done about it?

A 430-run time error is very complex in nature. These are files that reference other than those currently available in the Windows operating system. The proof of this fact is that the error message on screen, often advertised as "Runtime Error 430 - Class does not support Automation or does not support expected interface."

In a Windows operating system, there is a type of software, such as a library "file called". These are calledMACD, which stands for Microsoft Data Access Components. It runs an executable program, the MACD must interact with the appropriate files or DLL files dynamic link. If these two types of problems of interaction of the software, a runtime error will have 430 errors.

The point of interaction

With a 430-error, his message is only on screen, in certain circumstances. But an operating system that is not access to the DLL file correctlyvery often show symptoms of other, is sick. These symptoms are worsening performance, freeze-ups and slow start-up included. All of these symptoms to the corrupted registry. It is logical to conclude that a runtime error 430 is caused by a corrupted registry because it is transmitted to the registry, where control of a file type to another.

If you're a 430 error, this does not necessarily mean that the corrupted registry is behind, but I'm a good 95% of the time it's a safe bet. Theeasiest thing to do when a 430 error or an error in a computer that will scan your registry. If corruption exists and that this cleansing of corruption does the trick, which is the majority of cases the error and ended a long time would be saved.

Usually corrupted registry, but not always

Therefore, I have more computer errors caused by the adoption of a good cleaning of the registry approach to solve the problem. Then, if the problem is more involved, Iuninstall and reinstall the program, which was launched just before the error occurred.

Beyond this is the possibility of a virus or spyware can damage the registry when the registry cleaner to fix. Thus, in this case it is recommended that a spyware remover. Spyware is the ability to use its dll file in order to communicate with the operating system can run. In some cases, the operating system can interpret this activity more than 430 errors.

I knowYou probably have a virus scanner and is probably set to run automatically every day. I also have to realize your literature says that antivirus is getting all types of virus and spyware free. But this is not always the case. For most virus cleaner, is still run a spyware remover regularly to be sure, no spyware is present on the hard disk.

What does all this is, if you get rid of an error 430, which is difficult to have, or keeps coming back, you must useantivirus program and a spyware remover and a registry cleaner to bring the case. Note, this is the exception not the rule. However, I had to mention, because it can happen.

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