Tuesday, November 30, 2010

El Tiempo (Loquendo humor) "No hay que no pares the moment reír"

"No hay que pares no reír the Moment mal de Jose Antonio doblaje whence if the hare Picha Donado UN Lio paragraph predict El Tiempo UN fin de semana Cancion: Demolition - News. 10 años frame disco cd2 Track 14

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Sunday, November 28, 2010

Character of the Poet, and numerous poems [in English and Spanish]

"Here are several poems of international, Dennis Siluk, and some thoughts on how you hear a poet should be available to the public to watch and in his poetry and have a better idea of the poet himself, and his thoughts." Rosa Peñaloza

Write a poem or poet, one must allow others to know (how I feel), that is, the poet is not part of his life hiding in the corners for people to find, is in his poetry, or should be, as a painter ,musician. The poet does not need to read, some people try to aim, I think you should just come out automatically and, if necessary, smooth it out later. It is pity, as shouting, even cruelty in poetry, be it a style or 'emotion is shown in the mine, has horns and tail as well. I like to be clear on instincts and see the way you want with the frequency until the end. These poems of mine are usually just out of my pen. I thought you might like a pairthoughts to go along with them before I do poetry. Sincerely, Dennis


Grass Mala Hierba y

En la Fortaleza de sueños

Hombres Viejos aircraft maliciosos

Pusieron sus Nombres,


Incuestionable -

Atractiva en la Cubierta de Libros,

The imprimieron, para Bear


Hombres Viejos with largas Barbas,

Hombres Jóvenes tan with Pieles Claras

Las Sirenas the NuestrosTiempos

Crímenes culturales ...

El grass y la Mala Hierba

(Entonces, el saber Soñador Deber)

Todos Juntos ante slow CREC bark ...

(Y como este terminan Puma).

Grass and weeds [English version]

Parties of dreams

The old with the wicked schemes

They have their names,


Indisputable -

In the beautiful book binding,

Ink on paper,reverberant


Old men with long beards

Young men with skin so fair

The Sirens of our time

Cultural crimes ...

The grass and weeds

(Thus, the dreamer needs to know)

All things grow - rather slow ...

(And thus ends this poem.)

# 473 [04/02/2005]


El demon de Media Noche

The devil, not the encanta Hablar

and prefere el silencio caminar;

Mientras Extio Perdidos por y sus Manos

elfija sus ojos en la Presa.

Jump if Aleja, Alrededor de la Curva -

Nadie hence, has Estado nunca;

Alli, en el camp, El Cavara

A tumba para Nocturno on cerdo boarder.

Y el cava cava, idiot como UN

Mind cruel, Tacitus.

Entonces, escogido up and Grava,

el arranca el corazón a Traves de Sus Costillas.

"Tonto humano ..." el murmur Despacio

sacudir if y humano en su enemiga;

cuando en elField [Ahora] desolado dark y,

Sing a el los - macabros Vientos!

El Salto Adelante ago baila yy

The alma como esta Benefit

Oh! Cuan A debe ser inteligente,

Para evitar este devil media noche (?)

The Midnight Ghoul [English version]

The Ghoul, do not like to talk

prefer to hold a silent march;

and if you reach for stray dogs

He closes his eyes on the prize.

Way it jumps aroundcurve -

where no one else ever been;

there, digging in the area will be

a grave to bury his pig at midnight.

Dig and dig like a madman,

heartless, not to say.

Then, with gravel in his truck,

He captures the essence of his ribs.

"Silly man ..." murmured low

and launches his human enemy;

when in the area [now] dark and gloomy,

Sing - twenty Eldritch!

He jumps and dances back and forth,

how to makethis soul.

Oh! should be much wiser,

spirits to prevent ...[?] midnight

# 478 [02/10/2005] Inspired by George Sterling, the design of the Ghoul, was considered by many as the best in this booklet.


Spanish version

Aquí en el Cafe

Hoy para muchos amigos salud if detuvieron poor

Aquí en el café, y hoy, esta vida me later and

Tuvo Inca A dear sable.

Hoy todos morimos little United Nations,

Un dia menosen Nuestras vidas para vivir.

Cuántas tardes más tenemos para vivir?

A late Esta processions characters

Me pidieron UN Momento de mi tiempo.

- Mañana, Talvez Vendra Nadie;

Talvez ni Siquier me.

Here at the Cafe [English version]

Today a lot of friends together to greet me,

the coffee here, and today, my afternoon in this life

was a tireless face.

Today we are alldied a bit ',

one less day in our lives to live.

How many mornings do we have?

This afternoon a procession of people

asked for a moment of my time.

- Tomorrow, maybe no one will come;

maybe ... Not even me.

# 480 [02/12/2005] Inspired by Cesar Vallejo, written at the Library Cafe B & N, Roseville, Minnesota, Har Mar Mal. Select from the Café staff as the best of the four Mr. Siluk's poems are in a competition forstore in the month of February to April 2005.


El Pobre de Peru

A maldición Sólo hay peor

que ser pobre,

muerte y esta es ...

Llorando pobre cuando escuchas to

Search esta muerte,

Ninguna Cosa, CALMARO ESTO

Sólo el llena crater

Agua Fresca with

The enfriará, y lava aminorará Correr.

The arms of Peru [English version]

There's just a curse, worse


and that is death ...

when you hear the cry of arms

Death is behind us,

daggers will not turn off

Just fill in the crater


cool and slow the flow of lava.

# 482 [15/02/2005]


Spanish version

Nudillos Mordidos

Sweat, orines Lágrimas y

limpian the venenosos el cuerpo:

lastima, y pesar desesperación

Knuckle Biting [English version]

Sweat, urineand tears

cleanses the body of toxic substances:

shame, pain and despair.

# 497 [15/02/2005]


Lados Towns

Holds up Juventud edad

Orgullo y edad es;

Piensa que el sabe ONE

Pregunta por que el otro SE;

Juventud y edad Pero

With ataduras separadas -

Tienen partes Common:

Vida, muerte, y plane

A Y esperanza en el pecho

Que Nunca descanso

Common side [English version]


And I'm proud of age;

You think you know

The other thinks it;

But youth and age

With separate bands -

They have common sides:

Life, death and research

And a hope chest

Never rest.

Note: This poem was found 25 years after the author is out of place [not so new pen], written in May l981, and examined by Northern Poetry Review, Anchorage, Alaska, by Dale A. Stirling, editor / director l980-86, Northern Poetry Review, arecomments: "... very smooth and forward ...." feeling real author is unknown when released from a previous anthologies, but they feel this letter was not published, so the first time published in this series of poems. # 82


Kasbah de Tanger
[Viento Negro]

Camino y entre los entusiastas abandonados -; Arabes homosexuales y Españoles y Muchachos; Comerciantes y Extranjeros, esto fue Odisea A Broad with the United Nations Viento Negrocerniendose POR LO ALTO, Largo toque todo y encima de mi helado. Vientos Negros encima de mi cabeza - filtrándose and todos filtrándose Sitios, Inside the Kasbah Adentro: A Laberinto sin final, el Espíritu the locura por contenido -; adictos todos por Sitios Inconscientes -; Pocos UNOS -... Sólo UNOS corteses Pocos hombres, y aquí rien At a dose ... Este día fue UN incesable heat. Primero como to me, Torero United Nations;después, Como bull UN después, at the end of Dia, I second vacío como la Plaza de Toros ... después que he sido y Toro Sacada Matadi ... But this number Aventura!

English version

Tangier Kasbah ((Casaba))
[Black Wind]

I walked under the enthusiastic and overlooked - young, Arabic and Spanish and queer, and foreign merchants, has been a long odyssey, with a head floating black wind, cold and long fingers on me. Blackwind over my head - enter infiltrated everywhere, in the Kasbah: an endless maze, the spirit of madness - unconscious ... addicts throughout the world - a few ... Only a few nice men laugh here and there ... It 'was a hot day without ceasing. I felt at first, like a matador, then later, when the bull, and then at the end of the day, I felt empty as the arena after the bull is dragged out and murdered ... But what an adventure! !

Note: In l997, the authorvisited Tangiers, Morocco, and was a bit 'jam, found his way back to Spain to safety. [# 490 2/19/2005]

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Saturday, November 27, 2010

Naruto Manga 502 Spoilers (No Spoilers Confirmado) Prediccion

Prediccion Naruto Manga 502 (Spoiler No Confirmado) Prediccion: Madara venido not only has until the acompañaba tambien Derecha on Zetsy Mano y su nuevo subordinado Zetsu Pain Asumi llevar el papel de Asuntos the atone kushin Minato y desde hare mucho y Kyubi tiempo. Pain sin embargo, Tiene que leer para iniciarse Part final de la que no visible stones imformacion Por Alguna Razon the Rikudou, Madara no lugar de la Puede acceder the stones with no cuenta y el poder como necesariaenter para la Fuerza ¿Qué Hacer? Causar el chaos and recovering Konoha Por Alguna Razon y using the Kyuubi Madara not Puede acceder a stone the Mientras el barrio Lone Uchiha, Pain and direct the secretion of the Templo Sotano Nakano. Le molesta no poder ser Testigo of poder, 9 Coke, the ahi que en su pelea with the Fuerza Querer confesase Naruto Bijuu control of back pain Avisa que este terminado a Madara Pira y itself, que estaba contra Minato Minato Regresa a a las Cercanias the KonohaQal detener con el Kyubi Shiki Fuujin

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Friday, November 26, 2010

A fear and a Dream (in English and Spanish)

English version

A fear and a dream

A story of inspiration and perseverance

((Swimming champion regional) (in five parts))

A story based on real events, using real people as ...

Part One

The Post Office

(The winter of 2002)

(Winter 2002, St. Paul, Minnesota, USA) who are descended from his great U.S. Mail truck abandoned 4th Street, the center of the Mississippi River, on the cold morning of December 22saw a woman of small size (cm 1104 feet elevation), a bit 'stiff from the cold, with a poker face Peruvian and a pleasant smile that extends from every corner of his mouth, and nearly pure dark brown hair that seemed to more black and brown.

"A small number of drivers," said someone in the group outside the post office, eating their meal, smoking cigarettes. Had commented on his size and determination to drive a big truck that men usually just pushed themwas a carrier post office, just learned a year ago, riding at the ripe age of 43 years of age. Men who had never seen her earlier this month was his first guiding thought there was something inaccurate in their eyes because of so many people, men and women in the state of Minnesota, driving mail truck. So he saw his business go around with a snarl, his eyes tense, but purposeful, as she disappeared into the front seat of his big truck with alarge pillow behind her to support her shoulders, and pushed forward five feet, and another big pillow under her for her to adapt to the wheel chair and prepared for the short to reach the foot pedal gas. And then I went to do their job, and maybe some other thoughts, knowing that seeing her. And that was all.

And who has seen this little beauty in a post office one year after they drove these large trucks, saw her as one of the leading storytellers, awork required six years of work at the post office, not a plus, the net capacity in mathematics and social skills to deal with the public, a task that a person need to know two languages, but not required (because it was one of the few, very few full this requirement), and would move large bags of mail, you drag around, when not working as a storyteller, and in time a very short time, promoted, and received the answer, do not expect dazzling employees, but envy andjealousy, deep penetration, especially in the lazy, but those who complain that the masters and fierce converts to rest very quickly, put them in a second-class status, saying that his skills were far above them. This made everything had already won twice, for non-Americans in the breadbasket of America, which had a work permit, married to an American, had met its demands to be an American, and that (the year of 2004) inforty-five years, started a sport that would change his life (which would take fear and replace it with a dream), was secretly called by many these days, a late blooming! "

Part Two
A trip to Minnesota

(January 1998 to October 2009)

For several years Rosa Peñaloza (his middle name would be added that in 2000, making it the Rosa Peñaloza Siluk) had worked in Lima, Peru, Phone-to-fifteen yearsIn particular, an accountant and has been with all his free time, he was a devout Catholic, working for his church, free. He never married, taking care of five families ((sometimes the father and mother together with her sisters and brother-in-law and their children, plus a girl with two children, all living in her house, which live under his roof for several years when he was in constant service) (from a family of eight children)).

Her mother said she was approaching middle ageand unmarried, something to consider. The local priest who wanted a sister, think of something else. Apart from its activities and now the church, he made time for her and grandchildren (who were under the potential discomfort, and would be under more of a discomfort that had taken them under his wing)-had their day and a constant vibrant youth to one and all.

It is the little tag-like beat the end of his personal history, which seems to look back, hisJust release as I write this, leading up to the present, which will be the championship.

His thoughts, conversations, things can only remember, or had imagined, have never been fully told by her (as her husband), so I used clips to catch or her life to this day, fragments thrown in the air as if by the wind and then abruptly dropped somewhere, sometime.

Laughed heartily at her small successes in those years. Hadmarried in 2000, she met her husband in 1999 (it talked of taking a trip to America, Disneyland, her mother, so he could enjoy life before it was in his grave and given an English education, a birthday gift from his brother David, for whatever reason, never knew I had met (the husband to be) at the airport in Atlanta, and that in itself is a different story), during a trip to Peru. For this reason he left Peru to live with her future husband inMinnesota (before arriving in Guatemala to see the ancient ruins of Tikal called a week) and when they were married two weeks later, there was an element of sadness for his family, but also excitement for her. At the request of some of his friends: "How can such a chance and marry a foreign species?" she replied, "Because God gave me a bad person?" And that's it.

He walked the plane and walked on the cold ground in Minnesota in February of 2000, the futurelittle shaky, life was still talking to her fully, certainly in his mind, and for three of the six years he lived in Minnesota, he awkwardly tipping them.

In any case, half of his life had just begun. He would travel around the world eleven times, she gets her license, a license for a gun (one shot expert) to contribute. He leaned back toward the unknown, the husband brings business tenant of the apartment, helping with taxes, and did maintenance on the sixbuildings they own together and sent money to Lima to keep their home there and had a crew of five men to a woman who rebelled against his will to include a female boss. "Stop," the husband said: "I will speak with the workers (to his daughter and son-in-law contain)," and he approached them all, "he said sternly:" If you can not work for me wife, you can not work for me! "Well, that settled the question of equal rights.

Now hang on, and you now see whathappened.

The third part
Belly of the Camel

From time to time, the husband began to learn his wife was terrified Rose water (not bottled water, but swimming in particular, the ocean, lakes, rivers, ponds, wherever a person could drown.) Then 's had in Rio de Janeiro, the world's most famous beach, Copa Cabana, and he was in, what could be considered, perhaps in shallow water up to his wife elbows, she panicked and started screaming and tried out pullingwater, like a big wave was coming, do not see, but she saw. When the wave struck, the first husband, grabbed her right arm in a loop around his waist, his feet dug into the sand in karate-like stand firm and resist the attacks of the Gulf, had not picked her, and all his 110 pounds would go to sea.

He tried to laugh about the situation but could not very well, was a serious thing for her.

(Now I'mjoined my wife, maybe I'm not comfortable doing a portrait of her. Maybe I'm exaggerating, or that the notes of his life, but as I see it, and I saw, I was able to temper, or characterize it in his account, as I write this in secret and without his advice, as I often when I do my writing, so that all prejudices. For one thing, she can give her credit more cleaver than me, and I seem to be making it easier.

On many nights, Ispent with her, it was quiet, and perhaps a bit 'boring if I was a bit' boring, that she would soon fall asleep, and all the films we saw, say, 1000-l 'year we got married nine years, also 850 of them fell asleep, and I want to read and write, and for many hours that I did this, that's why she would walk awkwardly (if not sleeping, or knitting), and only by, to do something for break up the boredom (I, for twelve years her senior), he finally found the other thingsto do, sometimes, take a taxi to go shopping, etc.

My life has been very active, very active for me has always been her husband (my heart attack and stroke, in 1993-94, and the acquisition of my neurological disease MS, in 1996 ...) and a spell, the less active, and then as I improved, it became active again, but never as active as it was, if that makes sense, especially when in my youth, now in the years after Rosa was active only ... but nothing in the long termour life was boring, or inactive for a long time otherwise. I had discovered, perhaps he did not know, something they did a harness, a yoke around: he was locked in a bottle, and once opened, was in a large room, figuratively speaking, and it would be a desperate affair so far his arrest, it was really the summer of his life, the life dripping on the back, there was nothing he could do after his head! And what she did, she did well, andcomplete.)

We talked about swimming, we were not, and his fear, and the water in general? I thought about giving up the fight to tackle the fear of swimming that he would walk aimlessly through the land mass of the earth, and jump over the holes as aquatic life is gone. But apparently I was wrong, his spirit must seek to conquer the water to drown in all its forms. They swim in a pool, while a four-star hotel in Copan, Honduras, he was not looking, when shesaw a frog in water of all things, even strange that I have a point, I have criticized in the past and I rarely made fun of her, in any form, because there's nothing to criticize, and I for some party apologizes for the way I think. Perhaps in this one aspect of life, it was just stumbling in the dark seeds.

During the summer of 2004 he started swimming lessons from an Olympic champion, in St. Paul, Minnesota, $ 100 dollars an hour. And 'demonstrateddisastrous. Oh, she's learned a thing or two in those six months (the fear factor was slightly out of focus), and two thousand dollars later, but could not go in water deeper than his knees, or move in water or a swim or not much nothing, but take a bath (which itself was a small performance and God-given)-light swim, as long as she could see the bottom of the pool to the naked eye. diving was forbidden. If nothing else, it broke the straw on the firstcamels back, but the camel is not covered. The death of the camel, symbolically speaking, it would be several years.

After that, and in the autumn of 2006, she and her husband came to Peru, with a house in Lima and one in the Andes, Huancayo in the city. It 'been difficult trying to adjust to his new environment, he loved the city of St. Paul, Minnesota, and lost her disastrous swim lessons.

Until it was done to break the camel's knees,looked at her husband who was swimming in the equation the future if something important, but the problem was coming, but had saved a bit 'of money and they looked in a different location in Lima and swimming lessons (one last attempt by the her husband, who suggested they take an inch at a time, instead of one foot at a time, which I suppose is expected, so he wiped out all the expectations of her and told her to go and enjoy only), and the owner of the pool localhappened to an Olympic swimming champion. Why was lead to two Olympic champions, and now, has taken a new company, she would break the vessel, and would fall to his knees to his belly.

Part Four
The late-flowering

Over the next eight months, swimming became a sport very warm and comfortable and beautiful for Rosa. He would go swimming, although it was cold and rainy outside. It seemed at that moment, as if death had cameldrew her close with her again for fear of water. Perhaps both water and felt Rosa, Rosa perhaps using more aware of it that I liked at that time. And the time would come even to the point, you swim in the evening.

In Huancayo, raided two offices, swimming pools and one in the morning and evening (sometimes twice a day, sometimes, another day), and had conquered most of her fears: she could now board, Nicewell, and October 1, 2009, she does the flip turns under the water, very good, and swim 29 laps, laps Olympic swimming has had a lot of resistance. They could do like swimming techniques such as front crawl, back stroke, breaststroke and a bit 'of the butterfly, and then came the camel's broken back and all because there was a fear of deep water (but not prevented, it is was swimming underwater, swimming terrible), and his professors (or instructors),Together with his coach for the next contest, Edson Azana, both bathrooms said: "You go into the next regional championship in November," a distance of one month, it was time for fifty years, competing hard with young bone with agility and reflexes to match.

It 'was a miracle to me how this woman could continue to look forward, defeat all buried along the road to all intents and purposes, even if her anxiety was at its peak, with his voice, he never cried once defeated, saiditself, and he said: "I just can not, I can not stop ..." even when the devil was in the corner saying, "You can not do," he shouted again, apparently calm, "Watch and see!"

And now for the last part of this story, "The Championship" (continued) ...

Note .- I want to thank on behalf of my wife for instructors (and swimming) in the U.S., Beth Peterson, Olympic champion, the YWCA, in Lima, Peru: Cabana Willy by Luis Miguel and Juana Alarcos, Atilioand Reynaldo Ernesto Domenack (Olympic Champion) in Huancayo, Peru: Omar Chavez of the water park and pools Johnny Roca and Juan Bosco coach Edson Azana the water park for the education of my wife before the game.

10-14-2009/No written: 492

Spanish version

(Versión en Español)

A UN Sueño y Temor
A Historia de Inspiracion y determinación

A basado en HistoriaHechos Reales, using Verdadera el nombre de la person ...

Part One
La Oficina de Correos

(Invierno 2002)

(Invierno 2002, San Pablo, Minnesota, Estados Unidos Norte America) Aquellos que la vieron descender truck Del Grande de la Oficina de Correos, en la Calle 4 por el Río Mississippi, en el Centro de la ciudad en la mañana Fría 22 de diciembre, a vieron esta mujer A baja the Tura (1.50 m) of the United Nations Shortly por el agarrotadaFrio, dear A A bonita y que se estiraba Bronceado Sonrisa de lado a fall on boca, y cabellos dark Castaño, más bien que negro parecían, Ella era peruana.

"A pequeña chofer decidida" alguien, the parado Afuera grupo de la Oficina de Correos, dijo, almuerzos comiendo sus, smoking Cigarrillos. Esteban esta sobre ellos Tando come up Tura decision y su manejo a large truck ESE, lo que Generally manejaban Los Hombres, sheA era empleado de la Oficina de Correos, y habia aprendido a manejo Only año ante, a tres años y edad the Cuarenta the Madura. Los Hombres que nunca habían Given the antes, MES Siendo este primer trabajo de algo que habia pin aron sus ojos erróneo scam, debido a lot of people, hombres y mujeres también, en el Estado de los camiones Minnesota manejo de la Oficina de Correos. Así vieron the ELLOS, murmur, with ojosnerviosos, Aunque con atención, on the vieron ocuparse de trabajo, desaparecía Mientras en el asiento de Grande Truck, Detras lager with the United Nations on Espalda Ella y soporte para quince centímetros empujar Adelante, y otro en su asiento great lager para el Arla hacia levant Timon, habiendo arreglado el asiento para permitir que sus pies Pequeños pedales alcanzaran dissolved. If Y después ellos fueron a trabajar, y Talvez pin AronA Poquito Mas sobre ESTO, sabiendo que a Ella La verían Alrededor.

Y aquellos que vieron esta pequeña a Belleza en la Oficina de Correos, manejo ESOS camiones grandes año UN does vieron como de las principales A cajeras, UN trabajo que requerimento requirement años en la experiencia the Oficina de Correos no-one, Además, and the grandes habilidades y Matemáticas and entry habilidades con el Público, que trabajo UNrequerimento bilingual character of A, Aunque no UN TEST (she was a de las pocas, muy pocas que llenaban prerrequisitos necesarios ESOS). She mover Grandes paquetes the Correspondence, the jalándolos At aquí para no estaba trabajando Como cuanto cajero, y en tiempo muy Soon, ascendida fue, y recibiendo respuesta por Amarga La Mirada de Sus companions, Ella que no esperaba here, but the ENVID y los Celos, penetraban muy ProfundoMind especial en el indolent, but para aquellos que amargados miraban, with ENVID y los jefes Los muy quejándose-tranquilizaron rapidly, a ellos poniendolos A category and Segunda Clase, she diciendoles Eran las habilidades que muy superiores In reading ELLOS. ESTO hizo que las cosas bien estuvieran; if habia dos veces la victoria cumplido American, not esta en el Corazón de Norte América Quien estaba trabajando with the United Nationspermiso de trabajo, casada with United American, todos los requisitos cumplido with Ella habia para ser Ciudadana A U.S. Quien y (en el año 2004) a la edad Cuarenta y cinco años empezaría bill of exchange on the UN vida que Deporte (sacar y los que sus temores reemplazaría of the United Nations Sueño), Ella Seria por muchos LLAMADA and secretory, Durante aquellos Dias, "A florecer Tardio.

Part Dos
A Viaje aMinnesota

(Jan de Octubre 1998 a 2009)

Buenos por muchos años, Rosa Peñaloza (sensibly nombre cambiado en el año 2000, a Rosa Peñaloza the Siluk) habia trabajado en la Compañía de Telefonos and Lima, Peru, quince años, para ser más exactos she was a y-A Contadora Devote Católica que todo Su Tiempo Libre and trabajaba free on Iglesia para. Nunca habia if Casado,Cinco familias haciendose load cases ((ESE Madre en su tiempo, junto father up with sus Hermanas, y cuñadas cuñados, SOBRINOS, empleado dos Hijos A más, todos bajo el mismo techo Viviendo en su casa por muchos años, ya que she He was UN trabajo que tenia permanent) (y ocho de una familia Venia the Hijos)).

On habia dicho que mother if she estaba a aproximando A Soltera y edad, que algo Madura and think. ElPriest Iglesia de la Fuera Ella queria que algo más que Monja-and think. Fuera de su trabajo, and Iglesia, Hacia tiempo para ocuparse de Sus sobrinas SOBRINOS Ella y tiempos de Haciendo Sus-A has a fall animada para todos y infancia.

Como estas son pequeñas Etiquetas de su historia personal que parecerían, Mientras Miro ago estar Simplemente escriba goteando Mientras, el-THIS dirigiendose at Que SeraCampeonato. Sus propios pensamientos, conversaciones, que cosas she Sólo Puede Change, O imaginado Habers, nunca me fueron dichas por Ella Complete Mind (esposo Siendo yo up), ASI, USADA has frag mentos para Coger Traer on the THIS vida día, lanzados frag mentos en aire como el viento y por UN Lueg algún Lugar and arrojados abruptamente.

Ahora estaba she riendo up with Gusto por pequeño Exito, during aquellos años. If sheCasado habia en el año 2000, Future habia conocido en el Aeropuerto esposo on a 1999 and Atlanta, IBA Mientras el viaje a Perú and the United Nations. Razón por esta dejaría she Peru, on esposo para reunirse with Future and Minnesota, Estados Unidos, y ellos dos más Semanas casarían late though.

She bajo y en el Camino del Avion Suelo Frío Minnesota and Febrero 2000, the United Nations Poquito temblor yendo adelante, thevida no se habia para she manifestado Totally, y de los tres años que requirement and she Vivir and Minnesota, Serian difíciles para Ella.

AND IF todo para she, the acababa Empezar A segunda vida. She Alrededor del mundo veces viajaría time on obtendría licencia para conductivity, UN permiso para Armas Take (A Experta Tirador). She Saltara de Nuevo y de nuevo en the Desconocido, el negocio She administraba the arrendamiento 'spropiedades de su Esposito, with the ayudaba los Impuestos, if y mantenimiento de los encargaba the requirement Edificios que, Ahora, ELLOS tenían Juntos, a Lima también enviaba dinero para el mantenimiento de su casa alli, y Equipo UN Tenia the obligation of characters up a load, a compris la mayor hombres mujer Una, calla home who if she and counter the rebel por ser mujer A Jefa. "TU Espera", on the esposo dijo, "los Hablar with empleados, y el ifdirigir a todos ellos, dijo with A voz Severa, "It ¡ustedes no pueden trabajar para esposa me, entonces no pueden trabajar para mi!". Asi, el arregló the problem if the Derechos igualdad.

Ahora espera, y Veras lo que paso.

Part Tres
Barriga of Camello

El tiempo esposo empezó up with one, esposa Rosa Tenia que aprender agua on terror (not to agua and Botella, until Nadar en particular, the ocean, a looseLagos, Rios, Piscinas, cualquier lugar en el que podra ahogarse person A).

Habla acercarmelo Estuvimos the Nadar-¿cierto? Y el Temor an ESTO, and general y agua al. Pense que habia if she rendido Vencer Temor en la Lucha y para el que a Nadar she will run a Traves de la Dirección sin tierra, y sobre aquellos que Saltara Charcos agua de la vida Mientras continuaba. Mind, however, estaba equivocado clear up estaba Mindlucha por todas sus formas and conquer agua al. Trato She and Una Nadar pool Cuatro estrellas de un hotel, and Copan, Honduras, but she cuando violence a Fracaso en el agua de Rana A todas las cosas, esto me included harassing the point muchísimo que la Critique, the y nunca habia hecho antes, porque no hay nada que criticize, y en algún moment with me disculpe ESTO por Ella. And Talvez esta área estaba de la vida, Simplemente EllaTropez and half de la oscuridad.

During el verano 2004, Ella empezó a tomar clases A campeon natacion with Olympia, and San Pablo, Minnesota, Costab Cien dólares la hora. ESTO result desastre. ¡Ah! She opened algunas cosas ESOS requirement and months (el habia Temor itself a factor disipado ligera y mis dos dólares), but she no podiums enter más arriba en el agua que estuviera de Sus rodillas, Darse niclavados ni Vueltas, only Nadar, Nadar ligero, siempre y cuando el pudiera Ella far bottom of the pool in simple view. Nadar bajo el agua time impossible. habia algo Yes, it was Ella que habia roto la primera de la Paja Camello of Giba, but el Camello todavía no se habia Caido. La Muerte Habla figuratively-of-Camello tomar lugar algunos años más.

Lueg the Ello, en el otoño 2006, Ella y esposo on vinierona, A teniendo Perú y otra home and Lima and Los Andes, en la ciudad de Huancayo. Ella estaba nuevo acostumbrarse entry Duro on one of the Environment, the Ella Gustad habia mucho la ciudad de San Pablo, Minnesota, y sus clases extrañaba desastrosas the natacion.

Hasta cuando el mismo Moment ocurrió esto rodillas doble to a camel-a-time on the parécio esposo que estaba natacion Fuera de ecuación the future, and a lo que respectaba ALGOsignificant, but el theme Seguia surge, sin embargo, Ella habia dinero y algo ahorrado the UN busco lugar para Nadar Tomar clases y Lima (un Intento de su último Esposito, sugirió Quien lo que por pulgada Tomara pulgada, and the pie por vez cake, supongo que el habia the previously Hecho, el, ASI, todas las expectativas she Borro, y dijo que le y Fuera Simplemente disfrutara). Y que el de la Duen sucedióUN and Olympic pool was Campeon natacion. Por consiguiente, Ella habia Sido dirigida por dos olímpicos Campeones, y en el Futuro, Una nueva tomar responsabilidad Ella, Ella ahora break the camel's Giba, y en este on caer sobre sus rodillas Estômago not only.

Part Cuatro
A florecer Tardio

En los siguientes ocho months, if the natacion convirtió Calido A EN,Comfortable, bonito y Deporte para Rosa. Iria Nadar including one or SI Ella estaba Lloviendo Hacia Frío. En Tiempo ESE parecer, como la muerte SI acercado Camello of La Habra más look up with, A vez, at agua Temor. Talvez ambos, el agua y lo sentían Rosa, Rosa was the Talvez esto más a conscious ESTO complacía me. Y con el tiempo que included llegaría Al Punto de Iria, and she read a NadarTardes.

En Huancayo, Ella Piscinas busco dos, Un dia en la que Nadar IBA and read a mananase A y al día siguiente las tardes and la otra, y todos sus habia Cases temores conquistado-ella hacer ahora podiums clavados muy bien, y para el Primero Octubre de 2009, she podiums dock La Vuelta Olímpica bajo el agua, olímpicas Piscinas Nadar and 1929 Vueltas, Ella Tenia Resistencia a mounted ones. She podiums Nadar, estilolibre, Espalda, pecho y la Mariposa little United Nations, Lueger y, de nuevo El Camello is, with the Rota Espalda y todo porque todavía permanecía Temor el agua profunda to (but not the ESTO detuvo a she, she estaba bajo el agua nadando ) y sus pro instructores or concerns and Piscinas Ambas, junto up with para la Competencia entre Nador cercanía, Edson Azana, Le dijeron: "You vas a estar en la Competencia Proxima natacion and Regional noviembre, a UN MES, she AhoraTenia años cincuenta the edad, an IBA and compete with people Jóvenes más,

UN was far asombro Para Mi Cómo esta mujer continuaba Adelante, Enterra derrotas to the wide and todas las formas del Camino, including cuando estaba en su Temor on Maximo, Ella nunca derrota Grito, Ella dijo if one is Misma, y me dijo " dejarlo No puedo, no puedo rendirme ... " Cuando estaba including El Diablo and La Esquina diciendole: "Tu No Puedeshacerlo "She gritaba the Respond silencioso clear mind," Observa y Veras ".

(Continuará. ..)

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Thursday, November 25, 2010

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

"Deathless Wings" (the beauty in the hands of Martina) - in English and Spanish

The art of beauty that I found

In the hands of Martina - Peru
Artist: skin, flesh and beauty;

He gets a alien face -

Applicants for the dawn of ole

(A little 'beauty, lost somewhere -

somewhere - in the night).

I saw the beauty of Cusco -;

Found minds of Pachacamac,

In Lima, Peru ... But here's the beauty

... Ages Of Empires unknown -

(Unnumbered Tears) - all, all -

prayed for:seas immutable

Inside their bodies and souls

... As in the Nevados Cajatambo;

flaming beauty - beyond the old

Machu Picchu (ancient Andean ruins.)

There is no flame, no breath, nor life,

Most beautiful man, and

Artist in the hands of Martina - O night,

O night - that time has brought pain and

... He commands, and brings it back to humans -

Peace! ...

Note: Dedicated to Marta Gomez de Lima, Peru Oct. 31, 2005 (poem# 906), written about Martina Gomez Cosmiatra in Lima, Peru, pending the author's wife.

Spanish Version
Translated by Rosa Peñaloza

"Oh Inmortales"

(Las Manos de La Belleza and Martina)

El Arte de Belleza he encontrado

and Martina de las Manos - Peru;

El de artist: Piel, meat y Belleza;

Levanta she a dear Ajena -

Quien llama por el sol para Viejo elevarse

(A little beauty, and Perdida algúnSitio -

En algún sitio - por la noche).

He saw Belleza de Cuzco -;

Encontrado los Espíritus the Pachacamac

En Lima, Perú ... Pero aquí es la Belleza

La edad ... The Impe Rios indecibles -

(Countless Lagrimas) - todos, todos -

Han rezado para: Change Mares sin,

Dentro de sus Cuerpos y Almas

... Como and the Los Nevados Cajatambo;

Belleza Ardiente - más que Antigua

Machu Picchu (air milesRuinas Andinas).

No hay knife, Aliento ni, ni vida,

Que el hombre más hermoso, y el

Artist and Martina las manos - Oh noche

Oh noche - que dolor y traje Tiempo

... She Orden, devuelve hombre y -


Note: Dedicado Martina Gómez de Lima, Perú el 31 de octubre 2005 (Poem # 906)

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Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Monday, November 22, 2010

Misterios de 5 --- 3 of the Future

And look for the documentary itself este analizan the Hechos interesantes de la historia humana, y Puts the Manifiesto if the responder Necesidad stories cuestionamientos predecir Es posible el Futuro?, Rumbo Acasa Estamos Como cataclysms of the United Nations proporciones biblicas? Tenian vision airs Como personas or Nostradamus Michael de la Capacidad Juan Evangelista anticiparse on a tiempo? Or just a myth Meras son interpretaciones de las sociedades de Antiguas? Que es la tan cercetera Astrology? O ES UN InventoA falacia, porque Internacional de grandes personalidades Policy has a recurrido Ella? Este es que usted UN Document lose no debe documentary. Más información www.enigma and-tico.com

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Sunday, November 21, 2010

Calcinados 93 años de Historia de la Iglesia de Circasia

With impotence and Lágrimas por los ojos no poder evitar and the sucedido, los vieron circasianos consumption and media hora que la Iglesia Durante 93 años a la Comunidad Católica acogido habia que más diary-y-Los Domingos visitaban Busca El Lugar and espiritual Tranquilidad . Acuerdo de las Primeras versiones with the United Nations Short Circuit Ocasio Fire el que Aunque no Humanas Perdidas Dejo, a todo el pueblo consternado ante keeps the size de lo ocurrido. Estaba the DandoEucharist ESE y en un Momento extrusion escuchamos y cuando VIMOS Part V Amos a mirar que se take De Arriba de la estructura, por Fortuna alcanzamos a Salir a tiempo, el pastor Explica Duberney Tapazco. Eran las 07:25 cuando la Estación de Bomberos Llamada recibiendo el que les anunciaba the sucedido ya pesar de sus esfuerzos por el Templo SALVAR, tuvieron que la presencia Total Destruction mismo. Es Una Fire the MADEIRA muchos años y el muy spread if Ligero. Nosotrosactuamos lo que pudimos Rápido y mas cuando llegamos ya estaba muy Avanzado. Fue lo que hicimos por otro lado para evitar que la mayor Ataco Fuera catastrophe, afirma el Teniente Diney Mosquera García. Y eso que fue lo que precisely las viviendas y también impidió aledañas quemaran if Fuera desgraciar the mayor, pues estas son Construcciones the hare más Fácil bahareque propagación and up. Personal de Bomberos de los diferentes Towns tambien llegaron hasta el lugar y esoHecho posible que hoy a pesar de la ...

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Saturday, November 20, 2010

Senales of the Future - Trailer

1959: During the Colegio de inauguración nuevo a los Estudiantes Guardans and capsule A Tiempo Varios objetos. Lucinda, A de Las Ninas, UN Watch papel en el que extraños Escrito numeros. Cincuenta años después, the capsule Tiempo y es desenterrada Caleb, el hijo John Koestler (Nicolas Cage), Professor of Astronomy Viuda UN recibiendo note the Mysterious Lucinda. John descubrirá enseguida ESOS Escondite predicciones escalofriantes numeros que, algunas de las cuales yaMientras que aun no han sucedido otras. Just a LITTLE, a empezará cuenta que el descubrimiento the dock No Es que el papel y random familia y juegan UN Basic, los acontecimientos importantes que estan a point produces the ... Estreno: 08 de Abril de 2009

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Friday, November 19, 2010

The Days - A Tribute to Juan Parra's poetic Reig (in English and Spanish)

English version


(Ode to Juan Parra of Reig)


Over the years, knowing that you're dead,
I sat in two chairs hard-pillowed,
Discover the windows, a sad
With melancholy man, try restarting
Those days where you have lived your poetry
(In translation, editing, and selecting the best)
Now that his childhood like mine, the sun was
Brought ambition, from earth to heaven,
Ominous days, with the inspiration to share;
I livenow, but you feel dead.


Today, like every day, I think
If you knew, waited for death,
How do I do now. The sky is overcast,
(I heard the rain shaking splash
The cars have their engines in life) -
And the dashboard, like a river off course, now
This is my air time
Since most vibrant images,
It seems lifeless, no movement, now:
Land, river and sky, we merge the
Splash is gone. And so is mypain.
Everything is smothered by me, but you
(So I can write this poetic homage).
My memories are (were), I found
The day in which he lived, the key to your poetry;
The cabinet hidden secret that as a poet.


I think of all you did when you lived
(That is, everything you've written, and perhaps have written
And the fact of death can be undone ... desperation)
There has been very promising in youth
Years - they wanted to keep the color of autumn leaves
In yourFace, inspiring the wind, and forests
And the silence of sterile hummingbirds.

None of them had such a promise or not
Cesar Vallejo, Borges or Yeats,
Or Keats, Georg Trakl or Pablo Neruda.
Your rhythm and rhyme, charming scoundrel
Model and structure of sound, meter and verse,
Accents line-syllabic, all gave moving
If Windows in the rain, hard and soft ... with
Disarming grace, yeah, oh yeah, you were grease,
Like Homer, the construction of a woodhorse
To deceive and destroy Troy!
In the era of Symbolism and Modernism.

It 'was, it was unfortunate in his blood?
Not only because it was all passion
He was taken in the middle of the road? By Death!
Is reduced to nothing, but still
She wrote poems, an hour before he died!
She has lived outside of boredom sad regret.
You have not discourage all love, the rhythm of your heart,
Blanca Luz Brum was not luck cold ...

Your slowdeath, in the shape of your outlook on life
There was blood in it, but instead
But I made one that looks and written
Your poem in stone, in the end, only ...


Your poem has six survived, and one blind eye.
Your poem Parra, who has survived boot-rowed
Long ago, in Montevideo and
Living the painting that hung in the room
Where you sat by a table-THE LAST final hours
Before he died (and one with Blanca LuzAmigo) ...

I see the sadness on her face young, drunk
With the loss, looking for some unconscious level, and hid in
Desolation, despair, his mouth open in horror,
Eyes stand for hours in the haunted house next door, yearning
Face, full of shame ... for helpless!
She loves hard on his chair, legs crossed and a half
Breathing slowly, she will be soon, they have to endure.


Blanca and Juan Amigo, came to him now
Of his humiliation, but notagain
In the last hours of the night in a sad self-
Disgusting, Juan, nothing to hide,
Blanch He heard shouting: "I'm lost. But you're worse!"
Perhaps death is not in possession of their dominance.
But this night, the lights were lowered,
It was an hour later,
And when the lights went out,

then the dissipation of the night is over ...

Anyone worn out, utterly poverty
And the two hours he knew the world robbed!


I know, andhave heard read the bare fact
Of your death, the word stuck in my head -
The death chamber in that proud,
Lockdown of sky and clouds,
Only the quiet mind, cast off
Moment by moment, and then Illume
Those with loved ones by your side

The hours that you and I know now
Even if you've been dead for over eighty
Nor remove my poem, a tribute to you,
Neither forgiveness if my words offend ...
Like you, I saw thethe moonlight, gliding
, And the tide of the sea and the waves
Lost on the sandy shore, as it
Even if you succumb to the darkness has come;
I hope I'm strong like you (when my death comes)
Although I can not promise what I can give ...

and your reputation has exceeded O'dark!
You have become light!

Posted on 12/24/2008 (morning), Huancayo, Peru, No: 2533

Spanish Vrsion

Los Días
Por Dr. Dennis L. Siluk, Poet Ed.D (Laureado)

(Tribute to Juan Parra of Riego)


Todo el año, que estas sabiendo Muerto,
Sentado me a cojines with Sillon en dos,
Mirando por la Ventana, sad estandar
With Melancolía humana, the entry revivir
Aquellos días en que viviste between Poesias
(Traduciendolas, editándolas between seleccionar y mejores)
Días como cuando you my Juventud, el sol sintieron
Llevarambición, desde la tierra hasta el cielo,
Sinie deck días, para compartir with Inspiracion;
Ahora los alive, but Siento los tuyos en la muerte.


Hoy, es como otro día, supongo
A vez como Tú the supiste, esperada muerte,
Como yo him if Ahora. El cielo está nublado,
(Estremecedora Escucha la lluvia, las salpicaduras
Mientras Pasan los Carros, ruidosos sus motores)
Y en la Prisa, the UN Fuera como Ríocurso, Ahora
Es el Momento cuando el aire
Mind vida llena de imagenes main and estandar,
Aparece sin vida, sin Movimiento, Ahora:
Earth, sky y Río, nos amos fusion welding
Salpicaduras if han ido. Y también me tristeza.
Ahogado es todo en mi, but you no
(Por Eso puedo escriba Este poetic tribute)
Emergency Mis Memorias (ELLOS with), he encontrado
Los días que tú viviste, La Llave a Tus Poesias:
Elarmario Escondite secreto que como poet.


And Hiciste todo lo que pienso, cuando viviste
(Es decir, todo lo que escriba escriba y pudiste
Y hecho antes que la muerte llevara to ... desesperación)
Hubo Mucha promesa en tus años
reserva enthusiastic Jóvenes-tu, el color de las hojas otoño the
en tu dear, inhaling the viento, y Bosques
Silencio and pica desnudo y los Flores.

Ninguno entonces Tuvo many promesa, noAun
Cesar Vallejo, Borges O, aun no Yeats,
Kyats O, George Trakl, and Pablo Neruda.
Tu Ritmo y Rima, Smart Encanto,
Sonido of modelo y estructura, medida y to,
acentuadas Silábicas Líneas, todo Daban Movimiento
Cristales como en la Lluvia, y fuerza cayendo with sweet ... with
Desarmada Gracia, yeah, yeah, or audaz fuiste tú,
Como Homero, construyendo on Caballo de madera
¡Para destruir a y Lueg EnganTroya!
Y en la Edad symbolism of Modernism.

ESTO estaba en tu sangre desafortunada ¿cierto?
Porque sólo esa Falla wine Toda Pasión
Estaba Siendo quitada a Mitad del recorrido ¡Por la muerte!
For a redujiste tú nada, but aun
Poetry Escribano you, you ¡A hora antes de muerte!
Viviste tú Mas Alla Sombrio aburrimiento of the Pesaro.
Tu No one afligiste NingunAmor, los Latidos Tu Corazon,
Blanca Luz Brum Fueron more ...
Slow Tu muerte, you moldeó mirada sobre la vida
Inside the Sangre habia esa Mirada Ciega,
Pero hizo ESTO A, escriba too hizo mirar y
You Piedra poetry and, at the end, alone ...


You sobrevivido poetry ha, ya esa Mirada Ciega.
You Poetry, Parra, has sobrevivido aquel que-Bote remaste
Mucho Tiempo ago, and y Montevideoesta
Sobrevivirá a la pintura en la colgada than you Cuarto
For sentaste whence a mesa cerca de las Últimas hours ago
Antes de muerte you (with a amigo y Blanca Luz) ...

Veo el dolor en su dear Joven, embriagada
With Perdida, buscando algún Lugar tranquilo, para esconderse
En desolación, abatida, Como boquiabierta SI and horror,
Mirando ojos, porque está la hora atribulada search,
desgarradora Cara, llena the desgraciar ...¡Por ser helpless!
If she Agarre Fuerte de su Silla, sus piernas medias cruzadas,
Breathing slowly, ready Ella sabe, lo que debe Sufre the.


Blanca y el amigo de Juan estuvieron cerca de El La Hora
The degradación up Aunque el no se hacia ellos volteó
Últimas hours ago and read de la noche, ellos a sad and
Auto aversion, Juan, sin nada que oculta,
El Oyo grita a Blanca, "Estoy Perdida, butTú estas peor "
Talvez el poseía not a Moribund domínios expensive
Pero esta noche, las Luces Esteban Bajas,
It was La Ultima Hora
Y las Luces apagaron if Lueger,

disipación entonces la Noche de la paso ....

Todos rendidos and complete lack
Los Dos supieron Y ahora, el mundo ¡if private!


Oido Sabiendo y habiendo, Leído sobre la verdad desnuda
Tu Muerte, La Palabra en mi persistsCabeza-
Muerte ESE and tormenting Cuarto,
Cerrado fuertemente, Nubes y desde el cielo,
pensamientos Sólo silenciosos, the echados
Momento a Momento, para más late Iluminar
You lado por aquellos seres with AMADOS

Las que tú y yo conocemos hours ago Ahora,
A pesar Que Tu estas muerto mas de ochenta años,
Puma termination ni mi, United Nations Tribute Para Ti,
Forgive ni, mis palabras, SI ofenden ellas ...
ComoYou, Seen him la luz de la luna, deslizarse
Encima, y sobre la Marea del mar, y Las Olas
Perdidas Orillas arenosas and read, if Mientras ellas retiran
Nunca para ellos aun cuando sucumbir has llegado a la oscuridad;
Espero que yo sea Fuerte Como Tu (I muerte cuando llegue)
Aunque no lo que no puedo puedo eater give prom ...

Y Ahora a TU superada Fame, oscuridad ¡oh!

¡Tú must transformado and Luz!

Escrito en el-1924-2008 to Decembermañana, and Huancayo, Peru. NRO. 2533

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Thursday, November 18, 2010

The Great Panic humanity Incognita 2012 or de la Esperanza

Nuestro Planeta Sufre Cambios esta ... El Universo entero self transformation ..... Muchas civilizaciones Hechos estos if a anticiparon. Hoy la Ciencia y las predicciones convergence is only a point .... The Mayan culture, señal A fecha exacta ... 21 de diciembre 2012. Día que Ocurrirá carried? ... He llegado el final de los Tiempos? ... Condenados Estamos? Hoy Tienen estas Preguntas y muchas más respuesta. El Dr. Carlos McDonald El más reconocido ... scholarly theme of the 2012 en la Comunidad Angelina,if enfrente a las concerns of reconocido Gratas and Enrique y el que no que Periodista Investigador insaciable QuED dejará Preguntas sin respuesta. The Great El Tiempo de la incognita humanity does not hold itself, Estamos cumple cycle of the United Nations, Han querido mantener a muchos Verdad Oculta, but Tiene usted hoy the oporunidad the saberlo. Dominating the La Luz esta oscuridad. La Verdad sobre la Mentira prevalecerá. Carlos Enrique y en viaje Gratas Mcdonald UN LO llevarán a Traves del Tiempo; develMisterios, encontrar respuestas a esta .... Great unknown de la humanity .... 2012 ..... Esperanza or panic? Is a participatory Informes Preparece Decidase Dar el primer paso de este y Haga Party Event Para mayor información llama sin précédentes, tel. (323) 263-9003 E-mail es: Lagranincognita2012@yahoo.com Encuentranos and Facebook.com: www.facebook.com La Esperanza Gan Panic and Encuentranos Twitter.com Incognita: twitter.com Great incognita de la humanity ... 0,2,012 thousand ..... Panico OEsperanza ...

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Wednesday, November 17, 2010

[Elegy] "Adios Don Cipriano: Lima's Monkey Man" (in English and Spanish)



"Adios Mr. Don Cipriano: Lima's Monkey Man"

Thurs Benites Cipriano, his surname is not needed, everyone knows that in Lima, I think maybe outside Lima, where he died a few days ago, a really sad day. I wrote a book called "The mumbler," and he was one of his characters. I gave the book one day and he was so happy. I also sat and talked with him for an hour, to know his life was innewspapers in New York once told me, and a few other newspapers, was also proud. However, I was going to say, I wrote an article and put it on the Internet EzineArticles.com Magazine, found that as well. But I think if you are from Lima, Peru, you're saying, that the devil is the ape man. Ah, let me explain, was the last of its kind. When I was a kid in St. Paul, Minnesota, 1953, as well, and there have been men and apes chimes, and you'd give a penny ordime, and the monkey would dance. Well, Don Cipriano, was on the stock. He died on 76 years old, of 59 years worked in the park Miraflores, Lima, Peru, every day, including Sundays, when the fun Monkey Man I have nine trips to Peru, and every time I stop to talk to him Monkey Man ( he was always there, I say, because I stopped the other day, and 12-hours before, had died), as I passed him, my wife calls him Thurs Cipriano, by his first name. He has morea smile a smile, or have ever had. It was a small man, small bones, small eyes and a white hat, usually a suite blue jacket and shoes a bit 'shiny. He had three or four monkeys in the past 59 years. He got his first monkey free, he said. He worked in the park for about five years as a goalkeeper, and when the first ape-man retired, he gave his ape, then bought a few years later, a chime, white and red. He never retire to my understanding, but increasedallowed two weeks' rest each year. Unlike in the park 2:00 to 9:00 pm.

It was the last of its kind in Lima, is just like him in the Mantaro Valley region, in the small town late, and only a few. I expect that will soon disappear. But for Lima, his place music box, danced to the monkey, and those who sat near Victor Anchayhua the cameraman with his camera 1820 or '40, which already number one in the park and stopped over 45 yearsfifty feet of Don Cipriano is a difficult time with this, the sadness, yes, I will miss him so much, I think. He is currently working to answer all the questions: "Where is the money man?" Everyone wants to know, so I guess he can say (The Monkey Man, where ever it is): I certainly had a lot of friends!

Spanish version

Versión en Español

23 de Noviembre 2006
"El Adiós Thurs CiprianoOrganillero de Lima "

Thurs Benites Cyprian, on Aunque no es necesaria apellido, porque todos conocen and the Lima, Quizás Aunque pienso Mas Alla de Lima, El Murio hare UNOS Dias, Dia A La Verdad sad. Paper Escriba UN LLAMADA "The mumbler", y el de los personajes fue a and Este. A book of el Dia Yo, y el estaba tan feliz. Included with me Sente y el HableA hora Durante, on pregunta sobre vida, el estuvo en a de los periódicos de Nueva York a vez, el me dijo, y en otros periódicos, tambien estaba el Orgullo ESO.

De todos modos, estaba por decir, que escriba UN Artículo Además y lo publique and LLAMADA A Ezinearticles.com Revista de Internet, lo que también el to the taste. Pero supongo que si no eres de Lima, Perutú Estaràs diciendo: Quien es Organillero carried. Ah, explicarte Dejame, El Ultimo de clase El was on. Cuando yo era niño, San Pablo, Minnesota, 1953, entonces, que habían hombres tenían monos y Cajas Musicales, y SI Dabas A Moneda de centavos or one cent Telecinco, El Mono bailaría. Bien, Don Cipriano, was de Clase Aquella. Murio El A los años setenta y the requirement edad, 59 años por elTrabajo en el Parque Kennedy de Miraflores, Lima, Peru, todos los días, including Los Domingos, como el que Organillero up with mono entretenimento to the public. He viajado Nueve veces a Peru, y me parabolic fall vez y hablaba con el Organillero (El Siempre Alli estaba, estaba Digo, porque el otro día que pase por ahi, el no estaba, porque antes el habia Muerto 12 hours ago), Como me refiero a el, IThurs Cipriano esposa the llamaba, por nombre de Pila up.

El Tiene A Sonrisa Abierta, or tapeworm. El hombre bajo era of the United Nations, the Pequeños Huesos, Ojos de mirar estrechos, Tenia UN sombrero blanco siempre por Puesto the United Nations General azul Terno, Zapatos y lustrados. Tres or cuatro el Tuvo and monos estos pasados 59 años. Obtuvo el primer single-Free, A vez me dijo el. At comienza el trabajo como en el JardineroParque During cinco años y cuando el primer aproximadamente organillero if Jubilo God to mono Cipriano, UNOS años más adelante el entonces buy a Caja music, color Rojo y Blanco. Jubilo Según el nunca if Tengo entendido, but fall if tomaba año dos Semanas de Descanso. Separate the Los Otros tiempos el Este estaba en el Parque desde las 02:00 hasta las 9:00 de la late de la Noche.

El was elpequeñas on último de clase and Lima, algunos como tú Puedes encontrar en el Valle del Mantaro region and las Ciudades, y cuantos Sólo UNOS. Ready pienso que ellos también whether Iran. Pero para Lima, en el que aquel point on Thurs caja musical Cipriano Lapland whence bailaba El Mono, aquel lugar en el que el if one tries sentaba Victor Anchayhua Fotógrafo eStara el vacío. Víctor up withAntigua Cámara de los años 1820 or 1840, Quien está también en el parque y UNOS has estado 45 años aproximadamente 1 March subways Distancia Don Cipriano, Tiene tiempo UN hard with ESTO, apenado The verdad sí, mucho menos de lo echará El, yo Creo.

Víctor, ocupado está ahora, a las Preguntas contenders Tando todo el mundo "¿Dónde está el y su Organillero Mono? Quiere saber todos, ysupongo que entonces el Puede decir: ¡el que este Organillero dondequiera, Estoy Seguro que Tiene muchos amigos!

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Tuesday, November 16, 2010

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Monday, November 15, 2010

Las Mentiras del Loro (learn acercarmelo DE ESTE VIDEO)

El Gobernador River Plate (Parece que ahora es Uruguayo half, vio que nos vamos para arriba with UN Este proyecto y ya Serio País if the Anoto) of the insula, with the cantarola está de "Soledad" of President Tabare Vazquez. Como muestra the Senador declaraiones Larrañaga, bitter enemiga presidente.Pero of policy .... Estamos Todos Juntos Pero esta Parada. If you have and Impacto Ambiental varias Hecho evaluaciones estos años, fue la primera que la empresa y the present a dynamicFUE analizada, Lueger las siguieron the SHC, Pacific Consulting International, Malcolm-Pirna, Senes, y para todas Procesys audit Hatfield, para finalizar if the pidió evaluación y el Dr. Neil McCubbin Dr Dwernychuk if Además cuenta las Tome and apreciaciones de la Asociación de Ingenieros del Uruguay, El Proyecto PEDECIBA, the Facultad de Química y Facultad de Ciencias de la UDEL, IF A solicitous evaluación de los expertos Douglas Pryke, Dr Adrian Heiningen que es elProfessor de Ingeniería Química en la Universidad de Maine, el Dr. Celso Foelkel de Ingeniería Agrícola y Forestal de la Universidad de Sao Paulo, El Jefe Dr. Kelly Munkittrich Investigador de la Universidad de New Brunswick, el Lic Meter Gleadow, el Dr. Jean Brault y el Dr. Paul Stuart personalidades prestigiosas muy Países en sus respectivos. If you implement UN Sistema de monitoreo y modelo realization if the United Nations Rio hidrodinámico por el Ing Ismael Piedra-Cueva que permite predecirAun excepcionales situaciones, el ...

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Sunday, November 14, 2010

2012 El Dia Del Juicio Final [ENG] [Castellano] 5 / 5

profecías Examinaremos las y los todo el mundo the oráculos, Parece que 21 de diciembre 2012 apuntar como el Dia del Juicio Final. Esta vez y otra fecha aparece A, en el Antiguo Mayan calendar, más que el nuestro predicciones Medievales Accurate and read the Merlin olvidadas Siglos Durante, así como en el Antiguo Chino book "I Ching", the probable el texto que más Antiguo adivinación existe. A Como nueva Tecnología conocida "The Web-Bot Project", an Internet RastreaA Gran Escala como el Futuro form the predecir Resultados y sus también han llegado a la fecha fateful Misma. Sin embargo, los escepticos señalan Larga historia días's Juicio Final y que no han sido las stories examinan inconsistencias lógicas predecir El Al Futuro. Aseguran otros que muchas de la historia de predicciones accuracy perturbadora son. SI hay razones para creer Comprobaremos a los fatalistas, Mientras hacia el Tiempo agreed parar el año since 2012 ...

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Saturday, November 13, 2010

Ya son mas de los Muertos en el 700 de Chile Earthquake ... Noticias IK5 (28/02/2010)

Information on IK5 presentado por Mario López y José Marcos Nieto informed of the main Mind Mando a sad increase from the figure mas de 700 en el ocurrido Ayer Muertos earthquake and Chile también incluye información y la otra Actualidad predicción the Meteorological para el Lunes. Más información en: www.ik5tv.tk

Tags : Interior Plants

Friday, November 12, 2010

Calor, Toma Medidas, Protege, sigue los Consejos

Consejos contra el calor. Protege, combate el calor, Toma Medidas. Campana y Política Social del Ministerio de Sanidad

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Thursday, November 11, 2010

It gets better: Google employees

A video input for the project that you better by Google employees. Resources: www.thetrevorproject.org www.pflag.org/

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Tuesday, November 9, 2010

new variables for Technical Writing Project Manager: Larry Kunz at the STC Summit in Dallas

In this video, I interview Larry Kunz to meet technical requirements and project manager in writing. Larry speaks specifically about how agile and social media are changing the way technical writers manage projects. We recorded this video at the STC Summit in Dallas. The next day, Larry was awarded the President of the STC Summit for his work with strategic planning. (I do not know at this time we have the video, or I would have asked.) Blog of Larry Kunz To view, go toFor more videos www.sdicorp.com more, see my blog idratherbewriting.com

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Monday, November 8, 2010

Apariciones las de la Virgen María and Fatima (Portugal), 8 / 10

13 de Octubre en 1917, where the Nuestra Senora apareció a los tres niños, habían Alrededor Reunidos 70.000 personas fueron home who's phenomenological Testigos del sol increible. Nuestra Señora though with manifest el Título de Nuestra Señora del Rosario. "El 17 de Octubre, O Dia, reports the UN Periódico de Lisboa siguiente: A A De La Tarde, half día por el sol, la lluvia on simultaneously. El Cielo, with the United Nations aperlado gray, Vasto iluminaba A luz el paisaje extraño with arid. El SolTenia UN Delgado transparent veil, if ASI que los ojos en el Podiani fijar Easily. El Tono gris As a mother of pearl and if I go back Plata Sabana de la cual break if Las Nubes y cuando el sol if abrieron de Plata, en la Misma rodeado transparent Luz de gris, veering violence if y en el Circulo de las Nubes Voltear abiertas . A Grito Salio boca y fall the people rodillas en el Suelo the marshy Cayo. La Luz Azul itself volvo UN hermoso Como hubiera venido a Traves Vidrios the ahumados' sVentanas y las manos sobre esparció if people with home who abiertas arrodillados Catedral Esteban. El Azul y entonces la Luz itself desvaneció despacho sev pasar a Traves de un Vidrio Amarillo. Amarillas cayeron Manchas sobre los blancos y sobre las pañuelos Faldas oscuras de las Mujeres. También vieron los arboles, and if, and Las Rocas y en la Sierra. Lloraba people with rezaba y Las Cabezas descubiertas Presencia del Milagro en la que ellos habían esperado. Journalismde Grande Instance de Lisboa, O Século, an editor on Mando ...

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Sunday, November 7, 2010

The insight of Catalina Wanka [in English and Spanish]

The shrewdness of Catalina Wanka

[Dedicated to the people of San Jeronimo, and their mayor]

Pre: I do not want the story of the long and weary campaign of the Spaniards against the recount Inca Empire, but the swift and shrewdness of Catalina Wanka, summarized in the following lines in this sketch that is, if you act, I call it, because the reader will know the power of Pizarro in Peru, this time in the 16th century,Catalina persuaded to give his gold, despite being the head of the Inca king.

Through the mountains around San Jeronimo, Peru [from Huancayo], in the Mantaro Valley, Catalina Wanka had stopped his caravan of llamas, bringing its contribution to the king the golden Inca, in Cajamarca, the amount has been immense. It would have been used to the freedom of Atahualpa, the Inca king of Peru, who had promised his captors a room full of gold to buy. The caravan was on hold.

Hernando de Soto,and Riquelme, playing chess in the early afternoon in Cajamarca, in a room is used to lock the Inca king (as was held for ransom). Over the shoulder of Soto, Atahualpa was, said in a whisper "No. .. the tower!" He had studied the game of chess very accurate over the past months, while in captivity, and the few who was surprised to see the game, and surprisingly, even the players. As history has recorded, Soto took the Inca king and advicewon the race.

When it came time to vote for the king to live or run the Riquelme was the decisive voice, that the king at his death. So, my poem of the suite the occasion:

Atahualpa's Game

Sometimes it is not wise

Share your wisdom

- How, Atahualpa

(The Inca King) in

Chess, then,

E 'was sentenced to death.

- "Oh," said Catalina Wanka in pain, still in the Mantaro Valley, beyond the Andes,I just heard the execution of the king. Thus, the oppressed and bewildered, walked up and down in the village of San Jeronimo, and carefully whispered. "Do I hide my gold, why should not be given to the Spanish" Oh, no, oh no, you suspect, this is not can happen. You could say at this point of the game because he could not wait until the Spaniards came the gold, then kill the king, but as you can see, pride comes before destruction, and therefore theSpanish government of the day has lost its golden apple.

In any case, it was in the dark of night, Catalina with a lantern, found a place on his property to his golden hide among the ingredients of an ancient cave was discovered, it was rotten, here, planted his gold in its roots - it is hidden deep in the vaults, and quickly opened before dawn. These tunnels were still many times the connection - that is, through South America2,000 miles from where they put the gold on the coast of Brazil, the Sun Gate at Tiwanaku, all the way back to Macho Picchu, and the mountains of the Andes.

The Treasure of Catalina Wanka

Since the stock of high mountain

Hidden under the ground Huancayo

In Tunan San Jeronimo -

Catalina is the treasure of gold!

Then the Spaniards killed

Atahualpa, the Inca king -;

Then, turning to CatalinaSearch

And his new gimmick, sacred land! ...

And a saturated steam swept

This small adobe church

Called from San Sebastian

In the high mountains of Huancayo! ...

Then a church built on Adobe's site, now called San Sebastian. The ruins that is the best in its colors adobe brick brown shadow mixed into the hills of victory lies outside its walls in this small village called San Jeronimo, which isinside.

Spanish version:

Translated by Nancy Peñaloza

The Habilidad the Catalina Wanka

[Dedicado a la Gente de San Jerónimo, Alcalde y]

Avance: No es mi intención relatio La Historia de La Campana de los Españoles Cansada contra el Imperio Inca y Larga, but resumir para la habilidad quickly Catalina Wanka, and Líneas las siguientes, es decir en el este bosquejo you and Chance, puedo llama asi que elaveriguará lector, el poder sobre el Perú este Pizarro During the Period of the Siglo XVI, no consiguió El Oro Catalina sin embargo este consiguiò the Cabeza del Rey Inca.

Por que las Montañas Rodean San Jeronimo, Peru [por Huancayo], en el Valle del Mantaro, Catalina Wanka habia parado on Caravana de contribución gold blade on a llevar Cajamarca, was the immensely cantidad. ESTO para comprar a serious USADALibertad the Atahualpa, the Inca Peru El Rey, Quien habia prometido a costly United Nations llena captores Cuarto de Oro. Esperando La Caravana permanecio.

Hernando de Soto y Riquelme, ajedrez jugaban to La Hora de la Tarde and Cajamarca, en un cuarto espacio para Siendo the Inca rey encarcelar to USADA (Siendo como estaba el detenido para el Rescate). ¡A Traves del Hombre de Soto, parado Atahualpa, the dijo en a whisper "No. .. el tower!" El habiaestudiado el juego ajedrez The CASI and look ESTOS pasados varios months cautiverio Mientras estaba, y que a los habia sorprendido Pocos apoyaron Mirando el Juego de ajedrez, así como a los Jugadores surprise de la Misma Manera. Como La Historia has Registrado, Soto Tomo los Consejos del Rey inca, y el juego Gano.

Cuando El Tiempo para votar wine, or you dejar vivir ejecutar to rey, Riquelme Quien fue el que decide vote TuvoAl Rey y muerte a traje up.
Asi, I am Puma, que Deber the suite, Occasion:

El Juego de Atahualpa

A veces, no es Sabio

Compartir on sabiduría

- Como hizo, Atahualpa

(Inca El Rey) en el

Juego de ajedrez, A partir de entonces,

El fue a la muerte condenado.

- ¡"Ah", dijo la Pena and Catalina Wanka, todavía en el Mantaro Valley, the Andes Mas, que Hubo enseguidaOido de la ejecución del Rey. Asi, desconcertada, oprimida y hacia adelante y hacia She anduvo el pueblo pequeño y ago and Minucius masculló St. Jerome, "I oculta Gold debo, ya que ello no sera los Españoles a nut. Ah, no, oh no, she conjeturó , no podiums Pasar ESTO. podra decir este juego One Point e: los Españoles por que no podrían haber esperado hasta que el goldllegara, Matar Al Rey que, como usted Puede however distant, is antes el Orgullo de la Destruction, y asi, el Gobierno español día losses on the Manzana de Oro.

En cualquier case, was en la oscuridad de la noche, Catalina llevar linterna A, A ubicación up Encontro sobre propiedad para oculta on gold, Dentro de las loves Descubierta Cave que fue Antigua, where the descomponía cual, entonces aquí, Su She plantoOro Entre Raices the deeply occult the Bovedas Dentro de Sus, the rapid opening cubrió y antes of Amanecer. Túneles ESTOS sostuvieron Bovedas que muchas, es decir que fueron conectadas, ellos Dos Mil Millas across South America, hence the Ella puso El Oro, Costa de Brasil, a la Puerta del Sol, and Tiahuanaco, todo el regreso Camino a Machu Picchu, y Bajo las Montañas Andes.

El Tesoro CatalinaWanka

Alli, por la Exposición the Altas Montañas

Ocultado bajo la tierra por Huancayo

And the San Jerónimo-Tunan

¡Esta El Tesoro de Oro Catalina!

Por cual lo, a los Españoles Mataron

Atahualpa, Inca El Rey;

The AHI, Catalina para buscar Giró

¡Y encontrar - to Tierra Nueva, Sagrada! ...

Y UN barrio saciado steam

Esta pequeña Iglesia de adobe

LLAMADASan Sebastian - desde entonces

E ¡por las Montañas Altas Huancayo! ...

A partir de entonces, fue A Iglesia de aquel point against Adobe and Truida, Llamada Ahora, San Sebastian. Las Ruinas que son las más hermosas, y en sus colores ladrillo Adobe surtidos parduzcos protegidos contra del sol que sientan Las Colinas victoriosas Sus Mas Alla de este pequeño pueblo Paredes and San Jeronimo Llamada que estan recostadasInside.

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Saturday, November 6, 2010

AÑO 2012 PART 1.mp4

VERDADEROS ACONTECIMIENTOS OF AÑO 2012 A predicción Basándose and Maya, que supuestamente Afirma Tendra lugar que el fin del mundo en el 2012, el Hollywood director, Roland Emmerich, el que produjo A narrative Pelicula Apocalipsis, Acción y llena Fantasia. Solstice El invierno en el 2012, and A marcado piedra en la ciudad Maya Coba, en the Yucatan Peninsula in Mexico, Han interpretado como el anuncio of fin del mundo, que desde hare desatado tiempo has the United Nationsperegrinaje curiosos the area to look for del mar Caribe, entre ellos, el Director de Cine Alemán Roland Emmerich. El Mito, supuestamente, por las respaldado profecías Nostradamus y de la Biblia, has provocado A Avalancha de libros, y documentales que se ocupan Páginas Internet theme.

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Friday, November 5, 2010

A Drunken Night and Day [prose poem: Now in Spanish and English] reprinted

This is all that matters, drunk, so I do not have the appearance and behavior, the behavior of many treaties, the eyebrows, the eyebrows shit. A bit 'of beer, some poetry, and looking at the pictures on the wall: I can go in those photos to no end, they become part of them dies within them, outside the area and when I woke up, I had a hundred of your putt cigarettes My ashes, ashtray damn ... who said, "I say," ... I, I, my mind says, repeating my half-self: oil paintingspainting old, has lived in Alaska, wounded, because he's drunk, Harvey the bartender tells me that every night is what makes the painting away, he learned in Alaska: scenes of snow and sea, great art, but I was hurt by a bear, torn, like a sea lion for the bear to eat, and when the bear as human flesh, he stopped, hesitated, and he and I want to see it, not because he is a survivor , he told me: "Twenty year old punk, f * ck off, let me get drunk, get your assfrom my face "is what he would say;! lives in a hole above the bar, drunk old fool, is what I say, like me, in your dark room damped

I do it every night. I did not hear the bells are too drunk, can not see the stars, I never look so high: Vigil of drunkenness is a real fall, you see the shadow, sigh, pulls here and there (I slept on a sofa in a dojo, the block area of Castro), and I swear your heart beat from the wall socket - flip flop,plan, and probably rolled down the stairs cursed in Collins Street. The wind in your head turns, he's drunk, the way I am now. Never pause to rest, you heart beating in your chest to hear! This is the time to write poems, or fainting. This is what is fun to drink, do not care, I do not know, and loneliness.

Yes, loneliness. Is it good or bad, he says, is what I've read: he says, she says. Ghosts I think it is good, the priests believe it is good, and theyNot enough of them both. The dead have no choice, so I suppose its part of the life cycle, so it's good. It is a sort of murder in the mind: the solitude, or wake it up: what you need. The solitude mixed with the drunkenness is a journey, drowned in the fumes of fermenting decay: decay enthusiastic. A drunk is not true ill: it is funny or fainting, a lot of work, time, and mirrors in your mind, palmate poetic spirit, drunkenness will encourage the richimagination, harass, make it pure, make the dream world more breathing sensations, creating an atmosphere of maximum.

Let me live and die in the deep perfume of my drink on, I do all my life fell apart, like drinking from a puddle thirsty pig, hovering spirit, shaking a bottle of beer impenetrable infinite bubbly: Drinking with foam and poetry.

It is not at all to take a shower in the pleasures of ghosts. Rocked by demon life. Oh no, he faces thedevil, limiting him before Sobers Up: time orgy, I find him a prostitute, that a weak soul, a good one, he says, no - bring him to me, luckily the people who get to eat in this world, poisoned drunkenness .

Finally! I say it's time to go home, the UN-descript my behavior. First, my crank, turn over, look, every historic site, which gives a shit, you see: my balance, and get back on your feet, can I increase my attention on the door instead of the damn wall. TerribleI say life. But I do today, tomorrow again. The TV goes off the wall. A few handshakes, some say: "Three minutes to go, it's the law!" The fuck I want to go home with his friend and get screwed. stupidest thing I've ever heard, "Three minutes, are the law." I wonder how the old coot is above doing, perhaps suicide. I am not the lowest of men, pardon, that reads this. [May 8, 1968, San Francisco: note]


Translated by Nancy Peñaloza

Spanish version

Translated by Nancy Peñaloza

Edited by Rosa Peñaloza the Siluk

Noche y día a Borracho
(En San Francisco)) Mayo, 1968))

Eso es todo lo que Import emborrachárse, Manera ESA not Aguante las necesito Miradas y las maneras, the muchos comportamiento, the frente, las Cejas, las tonterias. With just a cerveza, poetry Alguna, Mirando las fotos y en la puedo comparison jump and ETANingun hacia final images, and convertirme Parte de ellas, ellas inside the die, y cuando apagada despierto area, the colillas the Cigarrillos Tengo cientos en mi Cenicero, Cenicero Maldito ... "Quien son" Digo, "My, My, Mind me nuts, I repite Conciencia: Las Pinturas Oleo Anciano que El Pinto El Vivio and Alaska, where lastima, ahora está encima el borracho alli, me dice que el camarero Harvey falls Nocheeso es lo que está el Haciendo, Lejos pint, and opening Alaska esto y este es Nieve escenas the Great Ocean Art, fue por Herido maltratado UN OSO, como el SI Fuera UN León Marino comiera para que el oso, y cuando El Oso Noto was humana que flesh if detuvo, Vacilando, y lo quiero ir Dejo El lost one, Porque Estoy Seguro, es el UN sobreviviente; I Diria el "¡Veinte Años de edadgrosero, jódete, emborracharme Dejame, Saca Vista you trasero de mi "eso es lo que el Diria;! arriba en el living a sobre el bar Agujero; dismal emborrachandose Viejo Tonto, eso es que yo the Digo, Justo como yo, en su Cuarto APAGADO.

Lo Hago Cada Noche. No los Relojes oigo, Demasiado también Estoy borracho, no puedo las Estrellas far, Miro para arriba nunca tan top: a despertar de Chera eg Borra UN Verdadera deteriorates, el Oyes You gemido theLas Sombras, the Ruedas y aquí (y en a sofa Duermo en la Academia de Artes marciales, arriba de la Cuadra, Castro en el Area) y juro que Tu Corazon is an on-the coup Fuera Fosa aquí para jump to, and El Piso, y debajo probable ETA escaleras malditas Rodar sobre la calle Collins. Inside TU cabeza el Viento: desplaza itself, tambien esta borracho, shape, ahora que Estoy consiguiendo. Interrupt nunca para descanso, youOirase latir Inside pecho Tu Tu corazon! Ese es el tiempo que EN escribes Poesias, desmayas o. Eso es lo que es Divertido and emborracharse, No Te Import, No Sabes, y Soledad.

Yes, Soledad. Esto es bueno or malo el dice: eso es lo que leo siempre: el dice, dice Ella. Los Fantasmas piensan que es bueno, es bueno que piensan los sacerdotes, Hacen ellos y suficiente the ambos. La Muerte No tiene que Ninguna Opción Así es que supongo Part ofCiclo de la vida: entonces eso es bueno. Es algo así como el Espíritu asesina: Soledad, or the despertar esto: lo que necesites. Mezclado soledad es como UN embriaguez viaje con, and ahogado humos los de la de la Decadencia conmoción: Decadencia enthusiastic. A Verdadera borracho not achieve enfermarse: o es desmayarse placer, trabajo mucho, mucho tiempo, y en tu Espejos Mind, Mind enmarañada poetic embriaguez estimulará RicaImaginación, acóselo, Hágalo pure Haga más el mundo ideal breathing Sensaciones; Create a grim atmosphere.

Dejame vivir y die and resolve olores profundos de mi bebida: En el hundir el conjunto de mi vida, como cerdo sediento bebiendo UN UN Charco mud; Flota Mind, temblando Dentro de una cerveza espumoso jarra infinite: Poetry with bebida y espuma.

ESTO Dado no esta a tomar en cualquiera the A duchaLos del Espiritu Placeres; acunado por el devil viviente. Oh no, if enfrente el demon restrínjalo antes de que pase de La Borra if Cher tiempo Orgy prostitute encuentrale a, a alma que UN debit notes Tenga, Bueno, dice el, no - tráigamelo, que es Feliz people Food consigue en este mundo, with embriaguez envenenada

¡Al fin! Digo que es hora de ir a house, I comportamiento es inexplicable. Primero que nada, meParo de mi banquillo, I volteo, Miro, Miro viejo cualquier Lugar, a Quien Imports, only Mira: Balance CounciI mi, y Otra Vez Tour Alrededor, I increase the Atencion hacia vez de la Puerta and Maldita respect. Awful vida Digo. Change, however, yo este día, mañana. Televisor sobre esta el apagada the respect. Algunos apretones pressure, alguien dice, "Tres Minutos para Salir, esta es la ley El pendejo quiere ir a su casa y el conseguir with compinche HacerAmor. La Cosa Mas que Jamas he estúpida Oido, "Tres Minutos, esta es la ley". Me Pregunto eStara Haciendo que el Anciano excentrico Arriba, Talvez comet suicide. No soy el hombre mas esta less concedeme Gracia, cualquiera que lea ESTO.

[Mayo 8, 1968, San Francisco de las Notas] # 1166/modificado: March 2, 2006 (en la Casa de Cafe and Minnesota)

Thanks To : Fireproof Safes

Thursday, November 4, 2010

ATLANTIS travel CROP CIRCLE UFO adjacent relative abundance in 2012 (similar 1-10 completed)

Size A A Viaje a la luz nueva atlantis the Archangel Metatron Orbesen la Luz cosmos of 2012, music mp3 Proyecto de divulgación del Cambio canción más IMPORTANT depuración Madre Tierra Galactica 2012, the Federación de los Desastres climáticos luz tierra polo Fecha Round Nuevo Mundo Hopi nueva profecía Apocalipsis 21/12/2012de of the diciembre todos los que December 2012 Kornkreise fines if Relacionados Korn Kreis mundo asteroids Nostradamus Rapto Tiempo NativosAmericanos calentamiento final fin del mundo del mundo como conocemos the end of the paradigm Sinfonía remix de la Ciencia que Estamos todos conectados color boost the Cantar canción John Boswell Nuevo Amanecer Glorioso paradigm change Extremo Patron climáticos Maya DIA DE FIN DEL MUNDO condena NEW AGE evolución Change Round candle Terence McKenna Timewave avistamientos 2012 Omega Exchange dimensional Nostradamus Mayan Calendar Apocalipsis Pinchbeck profecías Ching dedroidifyprofecía exóticas Illuminati UFO radiación solar Convergencia Harmonic Gran Cambio de calentamiento cosmic cycle Cinturón Pleyades singularidad El Gran fotones Viraj La Ola del amor color rojo peliculas Alces Galactica solstice Quetzalcoatl Federación Mundial Pleyades orion Pahana revelaciones cuántico Espiritualidad Vision Quest Apocalipsis Fin del Tiempo of Armagedon Apocalypto rapto Ken Thornton thunder be Velocidad de la Luz The UFO Galaxia de TecnologíaViaje viajes alienígena after 2012 emergencia ...

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